Something Really Strange Happened 10 Minutes Before They Died - The Missing Titanic Submersible Has Run Out Of Oxygen One Of The...
Rescue teams are continuing their hunt Thursday for a missing submersible that had planned to visit the wrecked Titanic site.
I believe this entire event is one giant LARP >> 100% FAKE
Either as a distraction to Happenings or a deliberate and coordinated Death Hoax. Or both.
No video from the research vessel or interviews of the crew that launched the vehicle. No video of crew boarding and descending from research vessel, only archived footage.
News reports full of comm's which have been widely documented. Story crowded out Durham testimony on all cable networks, yesterday.
and Hunter getting a slap on the wrist for some crimes most people would serve several years in prison for.
I watched the "headquarters" video and failed in my efforts not to laugh.
Maybe the WEF people are faking their deaths because they know what's coming?
You would think they would come up with something more believable.
I'm somewhat in agreement with this being a LARP. Too many strange facts. What company would name itself [ANYTHING]-Gate?
Heaven's Gate
It's a CULT
Suicide Weekend
What if Suicide Weekend is Day Zero for all Cabal members to FAKE their deaths and disappear?
Something is definitely amiss, or this is a distraction. I can't quite pinpoint it yet but I'm sure we will figure it out in time 💥
This was probably a distraction from Durham and Schiff. There probably is no sub.
it just seems very strange. they knew where they were going and knew the direction couldnt have went too far....wasn't it tethered to the mother ship?? should have not got lost that easy.....just seems fishy to me.......
10 Min. mention so many times WHY? Strange how article was written..
This disclaimer is also really odd. Writing "Enjoy" when talking about missing, presumably dead, people?
(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)
This supports a suspicion I've had for a while. I think a lot of news is made up using fake people with fake social media accounts. The most notorious example would be Sandy Hook. But I think white hats learned to use this to their advantage too. I think the pilot Green who was supposedly killed over the Rothschild's estate was made up. One reason I think this is the interaction on 4Chan between Lynn de Rothschild and Q seemed scripted and fake. The purpose of faking it would be to prove to the world how many news stories are made up. A fake story about the Titan sub could be used to show people new facts about the Titanic.
You maybe on to something, these storys and other things are getting dumb and dumber my the day, sooner or later you have to say WTF. Maybe these are last ditch efforts to wake people up, even though we are FAR PAST THE POINT to wake up
I am hearing on newsmax the search area is twice the size of Conneticut ? Is that comms for the Durham investigation? 2 Durham's? Or 2 investigations ?
Are we sure it was not 17 minutes before?😳
No 16, I mean 17 bolts
On June 17 I ate 17 chicken McNuggets, then found 17 herpes chancres on my schlong....then 17 body crabs did a Saudi sword dance for 17 minutes on my scrotum, which has, incidentally, 17 folds....IT'S A SIGN!
I dont believe it is fake I believe that some of the elites tried to run but are caught.
Sounds like comms - Victor to the rescue?