Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
FWIW, I remember when ACDC (akadakka in the local parlance) were a local band making good in other cities. Then I left my birth nation for close to two decades, then came home to find that they were a global megaband. What the....??!??!!?
Tru faks. All tru faks.
I was scrolling across Fakebook keeping up with the family, when as usual these suggested pages pop up. This particular one is about the Confederate Flag, I'm like ok. I remember living in SC when the putrid Nikki Hailey had them removed from the Capitol and State buildings because she is an awful, abhorrent person.
You know about the flag being so controversial, racist, white supremacy , etc... it was just a battle flag for Lee. I cant help anything after that... we are the south, we are gonna rise again!
How come that gay pride flag that offends so many can be flown? It's Not a part of Any Heritage, Any War fought, any Battle field where men or women died? Fighting for beliefs, freedom or anything , but that gay flag it to hurt our children, to be pedophile, and sick and harm. The Confederate flag was not meant to be that. And it got taken down. And we can't stop even the White House from putting it up!?
Yes, I get , movie, bh ,wh. etc.. just wondering. Like I said. Saw that made me think. Lol.
Are Instant Message posters IMPOSTERS?
Has Rochelle Walensky stepped down as the CDC director? There were a bunch of articles back in May saying that she was resigning on June 30. But I haven't seen any follow up articles on if she's actually gone and who is following up.
No news could be good news. Hopefully she is paying or has paid for her crimes against humanity.
Heard she was executed at GTMO
high quality rant
Well said tendie! And I appreciate and thank you! There is nothing more infuriating than clicking to go read and finding that all of the blood has been sucked to the wrong head.
Some of the smartest most intelligent minds are in this forum that I've seen. And yet.... thanks again fren. 🙂
Omg! Ty ty ty! That is AWESOME! I appreciate You so much! 😃👏👏👏💢💯💥
I wanna apologize on behalf of all the men here sis. Your right we should do better. You are correct there is no excuse for that. Thank you for bringing this up. I pray the boys here can grow up and begin acting like men. Love you sis
Yes I don't either. I rarely if ever see anybpdy point it out when it does happen though so it was on behalf of those that do that boy like stuff and for not being more aware of when it does happen. I see RTT as a sister in Christ and take it very seriously when she points out stuff like that. You are free to take it how ever u want though.
I do realize it is only a small group that does that crap but that means us as a group should be able to call it out much easier. Probably could have worded my comment a little better
Not in an effort to contradict you, PS, but to offer a few reflections.
We are, always, whether we wish to own it or not, both individuals and part of a greater collective aka more than an individual. For us men, we are both men as individuals, but also part of the larger collective of manhood.
All indigenous and sustainable societies and communities in the past have accepted the importance and significance of the collective as a part of their identity. That collective being rooted in the family and an extension of the family, in most cases. Hence, in virtually all traditional cultures, young men go through an initiation process or phase whereby they leave the state of childhood and become part of the collective of men, the natural community of which they are a part, with privileges and responsibilities.
Part of the work of atheistic Marxism, both classic (sic) and cultural, has been to destroy the natural bonds that bind a society together, the linchpin which of course is the natural family, and attempt to replace all of that with the State. As an instrument of the Cabal, this ideological force has advanced and promoted rampant and toxic individualism - not healthy and true, aka God-centered individualism - but individualism separated from the whole, separated from the natural moorings of family and community, separated from any allegiance except to the State.
"Whatever serves me is what is right and good!" This approach leads to hedonism and further destruction of the human spirit.
It seems to me that in your response to Slech, you are defending your honor and your virtue, which is quite right and correct, where it doesn't need any defense, individually speaking.
But I put it to you that Slech is not impugning your honor or my honor or the honor of any men here who don't indulge in the aforementioned behaviour and mentality (that raised by u/rooftoptendie).
Rather, where Slech is actually coming from, to my mind, is based simply on a recognition that he and in fact all of us men here are part of a collective (again, one that we may feel loyalty to or not, one that we may feel a modicum of responsibility for or not, even one we may feel a part of or not). However we feel, it behooves us to recognize the existence of this dimension of our community here. Such dimensions are important, and they are prime examples of the aspects of community life that the Cabal seeks to undermine and destroy.
I get that for some folks, their honor is really important, and so if there is even a whiff of that being slighted, it's an issue. And, I think I get that.
However, to my mind, it's important to think BOTH as an individual, AND also as a part of something greater. Both should be very real aspects of our identity, imo. At this point, it can be noted that while the collective under the Cabal, under Marxism, etc, is a false idol-centered collective (the State is the all-powerful deity) leading to collectivism, true collectives are extensions of the natural family unit, the center and core of which is God (not religion), and when God is in the center, individuality is precious and rooted in the divine itself, and not something to be ignored.
When I read Rooftops comment, I thought for a moment, Dang, you know, I could call that out when I see it, and make a comment when that stuff emerges. But why should I even bother with that? I'm not doing it. If I think about it, my rationale would be, I should bother because I am part of this community, and the community of men here is a subset of that community, whether one feels loyalty or connected to that or not.
For millennia, men have played THE key role in raising young men, young boys, and assisting them to grow and take their rightful place as natural leaders of their society. u/Slechta5614 is, in my opinion, merely stepping up in his own way to say, "snap. The (over) presence of this stuff is partly my responsibility, because I'm part of the collective community of men here".
Nothing more than that.
You don't need to agree with his approach. I mean, no pun intended - we're all individuals, but I don't think it's about you, and if you take it as such, you will likely miss the point.
I don't know that I agree with Slechs' approach. It wasn't my first thought (i.e. to apologize on behalf of the men on GAW). But I recognize his response as being driven by the same sense of collective responsibility that I felt when I considered what rooftop was writing. And, he's expressing that in his Christian, faithful way.
Anyway, hey, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying that the difference between what you wrote and what Slechta wrote to me is a reflection of certain different aspects of community and something worth thinking about.
Wow my fren this was beautifully said and 100% summed up my thoughts. I am not the best with long descriptive message so I was having a hard time expressing myself in a way that didn't come off wrong to pepesee. Each time I typed out something explaining myself more, it just didn't sound right and felt like I might be overstepping and being rude to pepesee when that is truly not what I wanted. So thank you for taking the time to explain that.
u/PepeSee what FractalizingIron said above is exactly what I was trying to say. I do wanna apologize if I came off as attacking your honor or you in ANY way. I in no way wanted to do that. I will also say Thank you for not being one of the men that RTT is pointing out. Keep leading the way of what a man truly is. I'm blessed to be here with you and love you very dearly. God bless. Together through Christ we have endless potential
U missed my point but it's all good. Have a blessed night
Well I'm glad you brought it up. Having a woman's view about it kinda makw me wanna be more aware of it. I must admit I often just look past that kinda stuff because I get focused on other battles but you are absolutely right about your thoughts. I hope some of them will read the general and have a change of heart.
Agreed. I have never understood the fascination with her. She is a garbage human being - that should be reason enough to be dis interested!
On that note - I have NEVER found 1 male politician attractive and/or been interested in anything sexual. At All! Eeewwwww!
At this juncture, I'd like to drop in that Just Human appears to have the opinion that AOC is in fact a judas goat, working in coordination with the good guys.
I'm doubtful about that, given her background, but I admit it's possible, and ultimately my takeaway is that we don't really know what we don't know, and that I don't need to adopt any hard and fast positions on people or actors in this show, in order to make decisions about how I act.
Just thought I'd mention that. I don't know AOC, so I cannot say if she's human garbage or not. So much of what we see is for show, literally.
Something to reflect on.
Meh 🫤
Playing Deus Ex and hearing the antagonists talk about the riots in Paris simply reminds me how much they had this game dialed in to how all this shit was going to play out.
But honestly, was it really a huge stretch of the imagination to foresee this coming?
Nope. For Deus Ex though, it's the confluence of all the things coming together that makes it so chilling.
The Camp of the Saints was published fifty years ago.
What am I looking at with the new graphic next to twitter posts?
A white poodle sitting on a red chair?
I also ask this question.
I keep having uncomfortable Santa Claus flashbacks with this graphic. What can be done?
With something going on in france, internet out, and twitter unavailable for anyone but those who are logged in, my opinion of musk is drifting to negative territory.
HAH i can't see that either
Here you go.
This is the first time I've clicked in and look at General Chat in oh, about 22 hours, and I'm really disappointed that there ALREADY eight different themes for potential discussion!
How am I supposed to keep up with all of this?
How am I supposed to keep my focus? Too many topics. Much too much. Did I mention that I'm really disappointed?
I love these comments… More than anything else here. I think I come here every day to see how disappointed people are.
Okay feedback accepted. General Chat locked.
There’s a theory I have which is growing on me: It’s about that project of creating a screen of particles to block the sun light.
We’ve seen many examples of people using a swarm of drones to perform elaborated alternatives to fireworks.
Imagine if any of these particles is a solar- or high atmosphere static electricity- powered nanodrone equiped with a led.
Then what if that screen were an actual screen aimed at displaying some fancy « alien attack » which, from the ground would be hyper realistic so the engineered panick would get us enslaved for good?
This sounds like scifi, but so does that stupid Covid panick movie.
Bill Gates, is that you?
It’s not the country, it’s a few districts outside of bigger towns. It won’t ignite the whole country but it sure looks bad for the poor sods living in this zones when they wake up and find their cars burnt on the parking.
I saw a video on t.me where a guy was firing an AK47 in the district I grew in. I have to say I only met one other kid from that area in the University. These are idiots doing idiotic things because some of them played dare with people stressed enough.
Well, didn’t they burn down some kind of a library with a bunch of ancient books in it? That is a bit serious.
Any good 4th of July songs?
Kid Rock
Ummmm, how about an original 4th of July so cool original from You? I don't request often, you know I think you rock! Pleaaeeeeeeeeee 👏👏👍🐈⬛🎱🎭♟️🕶🎤🎧🎹🎶🎶🎶🎶 your beats I love. I thrru in some begging emojis. 🤞🤞🤞🤞
Oh, I meant one of your originals ya know like you do, weird al style.
I'm starting to regret blocking NewbishBewbish. The irony of being called a "loser" by someone who apparently has nothing to do with his rotten, gay-ass life than to park his ass on GAW and troll people via DMs is rather amusing.
You win Genchat today, Steve.
Unblock that u/NewbishBewbish retard then we should crowdsource here anything he posts until we correlate enough info to get him to flee lest he’d be doxed.
Note that even calling us « dopes » is a clue… very few people use such words.
He also and his comments with cheers - this would imply that he is from England, and not even from America so his vitriol regarding democracy. It’s ridiculous. Besides the fact that I had to remind him that were a constitutional republic.
He’d delete his account, spend the rest of his vacation as a recluse, then would realise we can help him become a better person and come back clean under a new account and maybe someday tell us the truth and make durable peace… or he’d remain the same clueless brat he was last time he messaged me and call us « dopes » and pretend we’re the ones who must improve. Would be that guy’s favourite loser anytime if it means being on your side.🤗💐
It certainly would.🤓💐
I think that’s a guy overlooked by his alt-left acquaintances who’s trying to prove himself worthy by running after us.
Might be obsessing over Q-anon narrative, whatever that is and dreams of himself as a great judge and holier than thou jury and executioner.
He may indulge in some substances and is perceived as annoyingly worthless by his mentors.
Imagine him coming live: « I am about to dox a Swiss/French guy praying God and searching the Bible quotes for ancient Q-Drops equivalents… he said the guys who burn private cars and attacked a mayor’s home (by ramming a car in his house, hurting his wife and one of his younger boys) are assholes, that’s hate speech. »
He should read Charles Duhigg’s « The Power of Habits » and look forward to improve himself not to be a pathetic twat anymore.
Just wanted to wish y'all a good night! Hope y'all have a great week!
Saw this on TDW, got a loud kek from me - do you know what they call a quarter pounder in Paris, updated:
Gorgeous supermoon in Capricorn. I'm going to make a wish on it tonight. Just one wish, guaranteed to come true. I bet many others looking up at the sky tonight are or have already made the exact same wish.
Ha. We got a nice roundy full moon here, with a really atmospheric winter mistiness making the moon look like the beacon in an old 1970's dracula flick.
I made one, but I can't see Twitter to read "my fellow Americans" and the internet is still up...
I'm sad to confess, I never got purged from Twitter. I'm a diplomatic kinda person, so I just sort of kept my head down and spread info under the radar. Consequently, I'm still on, now with Twitter #2.
If the internet goes down, and we get the "My Fellow Americans" tweet, I'll DM you. :D
God bless the undercover pedes, kek
Where the hell is Liberty Prime when you need a giant freaking robot to defeat communism
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Yeah, I can’t believe that we aren’t getting this conversation. Going 30 seconds after this is posted. We are all really slacking off, I need to get it together. KEK!