Pink-haired Portland surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction, in now-deleted video - Horrified viewers likened the 'evil' procedures to Nazi-era experiments
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
That demon needs to be dealt with in this realm and the next. The evil is just so unbelievable. I can see why most of the population wants to keep their head in the sand. God bless all you anons and frens. Things are getting crazy out there. It seems like Satan is going on an all-out bender in his death throes here.
Yea. They know. They know everything wrong about what they are doing, and they're doing it anyways.
History does indeed repeat itself when not looked through the lense of critical thinking. We are living in a recreation of Weimar Germany in the 1920's.
If I meet with a doctor and they had pink etc hair I'd walk out. Also a permanent catheter is just asking for serious infection.
This ☝️
How can people think of - let alone condone - this kind of child mutilation? My moral compass says this is pure evil. Some people must have lost their compass...
Yup, the same exact people that call MAGA, Nazi's. These "doctors" have replaced the Hippocratic Oath with the Hypocritical Oath.
I've been saying a long time transgender surgery is eugenics hidden by virtue signaling. It serves a dual function. Mtf who get the surgery usually become docile because they are spending most if the day dilating or recovering from it and if not they become terrorists or kill themselves. Ftm usually become radicalized terrorists terrorists or kill themselves regardless of the surgery but the surgery intensifies it for them. Their bodies and minds are wrecked by hormones and surgery and often get necrosis and infections.
This is so wrong on many levels. Disgusting…parents need prosecuted.
How much you want to bet one day this doctor will have a patient wake up and figure out this guy mutated them?
There are three kinds of people in the world. Those that make mistakes and continue to repeat them, those that make mistakes and learn from them and those that watch other people make mistakes and learn from them. Everyone gets to choose who they want to be. The gender transitioners are in for a world of long term mistakes. There is a theoretical fourth type that make fatal mistakes. It is hard to say if they were type 1 or type 2, but we will never know.
I fixed the title : a fucking crazy mentally ill rat is in charge of mutilating children.
Nobody’s home
My woodchipper needs sharpening, can anyone recommend a company that does this?
That's disgusting. He's a demon. We were at the water park yesterday and I saw two older teens or early 20's men dressed up as women frolicking like a bunch of '60's beach babes in the lazy river entrance. So I guess I also can say more power to him, he is taking these people out of existence so we aren't exposed to their idiocy for much longer.
This interview really has to be seen to be believed. Absolutely disgusting what he’s admitting to.
Genital mutilation and lifelong complications is a fitting punishment for these freaks.