UPDATE! Sound of Freedom….a whopping… 🐳
$85,498,581 🐳 🐳 🐳. 🤩 WOW!!!!!!
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And it cost $14.5 million to make.
So huge profits for the investors.
So what does that mean?
More films that feature goodness.
Hopefully it will fund child rescue and red pilling operations, just like narcotics and blackmail fund more child trafficking operations on the other side.
Probably in part, but remember this: If movies with good messages get good ratings and good profits, not only will more people make those movies, but the people who profit can turn around and make more.
You can spread a LOT of messaging and awareness when you have that kind of power and money; that Hollywood has done the opposite is why now, more than ever, we need these movies to keep being made, and keep being successful. They don't all have to be based on true stories either; they just need to be entertaining, with good messaging or sometimes even NO messaging where Hollywood inserts their negative messaging.
As a people, we need this positivity. This is a huge win for the spreading of awareness for trafficking, and a huge win for the counter attack against the war on our culture.
well said
Did you see Nefarious? This movie was great, and actually helped me a great deal. Even though I am a mature Christian, I had taken my focus off a few key concepts of how Satan operates to influence our lives. This movie made very clear the devils process to get control of out actions through a series of Yeses. And before we know it our lives are transformed, and we no longer feel chastised by our sins.
Yes, I will yield to my carnal desires
Yes I will seek fulfillment through fantasy
Yes I will access pornographic sites to stimulate that fantasy
Yes, yes, yes, and through a series of a 1000 or 10,000 yeses you have become a Ted Bundy.
I knew this about Satan before the movie, but I think maybe I had become desensitized to the devils methods. Like a person that has a pet monkey. At first, knowing the monkey could kill them, eat their face off at any moment, they take certain precautions, but after a while they begin to relax their precautions, forget that the monkey is a wild animal until it attacks and eats their face off, and then they remember.
Nefarious, in a stark way, reminded me how the devil operates, that the best way to escape his influence is by not giving that first YES.
I did not, but I'll add it to my list. Thanks for the suggestion!
Good point regarding child rescue, etc,…. It may be the catalyst.
Time to Pick a Side: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bivvmuWa/you-mission-should-you-choose-to/c/
Hopefully. Also, it puts a thorn in the “established Hollywood” control of movies. Hollywood spends $300 million on a movie plus $300 million on marketing and their movie doesn’t receive the views. Luv it.
That’s just the production budget. P&A cost are not included. People need to realize movies generally need to make double what production costs just to turn a profit. Then theaters normally take half.
So you think SoF was a money loser for the investors?
I did not say that. There was a $5 million investment garnered for P&A that will be paid out first. It’s still in theaters so let’s see what final numbers are.
That’s one thing right there that our Lord Jesus Christ gives us, hope. I have such huge hopes for all of this. I think it’s because, I know how this ends. Anyone who believes in God knows how this will end, and that gives me loads of hope. I doom a lot in my head, but then I remember His promise. I mean we could be in a line headed to the chopping block, but I still know. With Jesus as your savior, and what He did for us….we’ve won already. But until then we have to help those that need it, and that includes Gods children. We can’t do any of this without the help of Jesus. Thank you Lord for the wisdom you have bestowed upon many of us.
me and my wife went to see it yesterday also. The best movie I have seen in years.
Next stop $100 Million? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/sound-of-freedom-break-100-million-gross-receipts
I think it is basically already there with 7M+ tickets sold, and I don't think the full weekend is included yet. https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-freedom
7,000,000 tix @ $15.00 each
Thats $105 MILLION.
That DOES NOT include all the Pay It Forward Tix (I bought 4). How many of those have been funded and not used?
I included known Pay It Forward, but not sure how they get rolled into box office totals. They may not get counted until day of showing, thus the lag in box office compared to angel.com ticket count.
Scroll down and you will see it is up 50% above last weekend days. That is a huge trend that shows that word of mouth is working. I've been telling people every day that they need to go see it. They have also added more than 600 theaters since opening day.
Also the “non awake, aka the sheep” generally jump on the bandwagon. It will be interesting to see how the momentum will carry in the near future.
Seeing the success of this movie, just reminded me of that contemporary Christian song “God uses what the enemy made for evil, and He turns it for good, He turns it for gooood”.
Here we go https://youtu.be/YNd-PbVhnvA It’s an amazing song. Listen to it if you need some good hopium.
Impressive that they made a hugely successful PG 13 about human trafficking.
You listening, Hwood?
Oh wait, you're on strike
Remember to rate Sound of Freedom at IMDB. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7599146/
Enjoying a boost from the weekend numbers I assume. It's great to see this climbing the ranks.
Went and watched it with my wife, MIL, SIL, and a friend of my MIL for their birthday. To say that the movie was awesome, is an understatement. The theater was packed and I was able to redpill my MIL and wife on some of the things that we know about that goes on with those children trafficked to Hollywood and the elite. More people are awake than yesterday and more will be awakened than today, tomorrow. This movie and the special message after the credits, brought everything home for those that are not up to date with the fight anons have known about. Qanon conspiracy they say. I say if it’s against child sex trafficking, then I’m all about Qanon.
Sat in a sold out theatre yesterday at 1pm to watch it. Not one seat was empty! Nearly the entire theatre stayed for the special message after the credits and I saw people scanning the QR code to purchase tickets for those who can’t afford it. It was great.
Went and watched it today with my wife. Also learned a bunch of ladies in my family went and watched it yesterday as well. Very liberal women.
It is doing VERY well in Canada, too. So, add International to this, too, if these are only the US domestic numbers.
Yes only domestic US numbers.
For those that do not follow box office? These are huge weekend numbers for SOF.
They are showing staying power.
It is beyond impressive and they have not even opened to international, yet.
Guarantee you. South American numbers will be huge, because this is a subject that takes place there and it concerns them as well.
Something big happening.
I understand Hollywood is having a lot of problems. Those problems do not extend to TSOF.
Read that there will be a Part 2 dealing with trafficking in Haiti. If this is true, I hope everyone involved has protection. I'm praying for them.