Tommy and the team of CPP are getting really good at this. When they first started, a lot of the cops and district attorney's gave them a hard time. Now they frequently watch the CPP live streams and treat them like fellow cops when they show up.
is this patrol group this guy is apart of a real thing, or civilian-based/vigilante? i would love to be apart of bringing people like this scum pos to justice.
A bit roguish if you watch the chit chats, but they are heroes catching these sleezebags. There are several other channels, but these folks have it down. I'm going to donate to Colorado Ped Patrol. We need this type of thing everywhere.
Tommy and the team of CPP are getting really good at this. When they first started, a lot of the cops and district attorney's gave them a hard time. Now they frequently watch the CPP live streams and treat them like fellow cops when they show up.
At this point Iām more surprised Quiznos is still in business.
Me as well.
I hope they do call his "girlfriend" and she keeps that two year old far away from this sick pervert.
Dude straight sound like he is posting on Reddit.
I feel sick to my stomach watching this.
But gay poleass governor and his minions will go light on the pedo...gotta keep the shithole calirado crime rate climbing
NO, there is NO treatment or cure for pedophiles. they must be locked away forever.
Castration for males, that's a start... chemical is fine
You can tell by the video he's got some serious brain issues.
it's because he's lying his ass off!
If this pedo's dad is a green beret he's obviously been fatherless since birth.
is this patrol group this guy is apart of a real thing, or civilian-based/vigilante? i would love to be apart of bringing people like this scum pos to justice.
perfect candidate for chemical castration.
I heard the Home Depot down the street from Quiznos was having a big sale on millstones.
Nice! I just realized I was subscribed to them but haven't seen a video come up in ages. Did they get banned from YouTube?
A bit roguish if you watch the chit chats, but they are heroes catching these sleezebags. There are several other channels, but these folks have it down. I'm going to donate to Colorado Ped Patrol. We need this type of thing everywhere.
Wow! this guy needs to be in prison general population.
See sidebar. Violent language. Please do better, frog!
LMAO. But it's true
See sidebar. Violent language. Please do better, frog!
Thanks fren!
See sidebar. Violent language. Please do better, frog!