For violating 'law'. But once you understand that much of statute law aka 'civil' law, aka maritime law (contract law) is actually in violation of common law aka the law of the land, you begin to see the really evil part of the system of systems.
Under common law, a crime can only exist when someone has suffered loss or damage. If no one suffers loss or damage, there is no crime.
But the 'legal' system has been infiltrated over decades and centuries, so that governments can 'legally' lay down rules that they then attempt to force citizens aka people to comply with. They can only do so via contract law, which denies common law.
It's via this method that they reverse the correct order of justice and creation, wherein the creator can never come below the created.
The natural order is God > living man, living woman > government > corporation (non-living entities). They reverse this: corporations > government > living men and woman > (x) God
They put corporations on top (NGOs like WEF are corporations), which then exert control over governments, which then exert control over living men and women, in an effort to exert control over God and push God out of the equation altogether.
In the modern era, governments are supposed to be created by living men and women to set rules for the interactions (aka 'contracts') between non-living entities like corporations, businesses, etc.
But our living rights come from God, not from a government. They are innate, and since the 1200's in England, law was developed on the premise that they MUST reflect God's law, aka innate natural law.
Much of statute law is now created by governments not based on common law aka innate law, but based on maritime law aka contractual law. So if you 'speed' in your car, they can fine you even is no one is even hurt. All victimless crimes are only crimes because governments (the state) say they are crimes, and living people don't know that the difference.
Part of this entire system runs and functions because at birth, governments 'require' people to 'register' their children whereupon the child is replicated as a legal entity, and its this 'legal entity' that is targeted and controlled via statute law our entire lives.
But whether a living man or woman is registered with a government or not, they still exist, they are still alive, and as such they still have inviolable innate rights.
This is the REAL crux of the Great Awakening. The legal system of government is the core mechanism of enslavement, with its ultimate utopia being the NWO, the ultra-government, controlled by the wealthy who do this via dead corporations.
There is a massive difference between 'legal' and 'lawful'.
It's also important to understand that the United States constitution is essentially a codification of all the common law that had been established up until that date. That's where the bill of rights come from. Common Law. And it was common law that was the basis for the entire premise of the American Revolution and the declaration of independence.
innate rights of living men and women VS. privileges endowed by dead corporate governments
That's how a governor can simply fine a school. It's unlawful, but 'legal'. Until it gets challenged.
Temecula is where I raised our adult sons. I'm grateful Gruesome Newsom wasn't the Governor then. There is a big MAGA population there standing up for the children. May God protect them
It's so all the normal people leave, then prices fall and they buy everything and turning onto a Cabal area where only Cabal members and their servants will be allowed to go.
Why? For the same reason they want kids glorifying Saint George Floyd, a serial criminal who sold fentanyl to kids, was arrested 7 times, and passed counterfeit money.
I've changed my opinion a little on Pelosi. She's just a sad old harridan drunk (literally) on power. I don't think she takes part in the child raping and eating orgies.
That's not to say there's anything nice about her. She's still a cunt. As a senior woman with grandchildren and so on she could have chosen to relinquish her 'authoritay' and focus on creating good times and memories with them instead. But she didn't. And she absolutely orchestrated Jan 6 from start to finish. One of the greatest crimes against humanity ever.
i never heard of Harvey Milk, but i Googled him and guess what? Milk forged an alliance with the Teamsters Union by supporting a boycott of Coors beer, and the union returned the favor by promising to hire more gay drivers.
so the queers who are bitching about the patriots boycotting Bud Light can fuck right off, as the queers have done it as well.
Harvey Milk was a very bad dude. If he had not been killed, he would not have been glorified and we would have been spared all this propaganda for the queer lifestyle.
in a special meeting WHERE THEY HAVE ON THE AGENDA TO "recommend substituted, age-appropriate curriculum that meets all state and federal standards, including the FAIR Act, but that is also consistent with this Board’s commitment TO EXCLUDE SEXUALIZED TOPICS OF INSTRUCTION FROM THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE LEVELS...............
How can a governor legally simply fine a school?
governor dumbfuck
For violating 'law'. But once you understand that much of statute law aka 'civil' law, aka maritime law (contract law) is actually in violation of common law aka the law of the land, you begin to see the really evil part of the system of systems.
Under common law, a crime can only exist when someone has suffered loss or damage. If no one suffers loss or damage, there is no crime.
But the 'legal' system has been infiltrated over decades and centuries, so that governments can 'legally' lay down rules that they then attempt to force citizens aka people to comply with. They can only do so via contract law, which denies common law.
It's via this method that they reverse the correct order of justice and creation, wherein the creator can never come below the created.
The natural order is God > living man, living woman > government > corporation (non-living entities). They reverse this: corporations > government > living men and woman > (x) God
They put corporations on top (NGOs like WEF are corporations), which then exert control over governments, which then exert control over living men and women, in an effort to exert control over God and push God out of the equation altogether.
In the modern era, governments are supposed to be created by living men and women to set rules for the interactions (aka 'contracts') between non-living entities like corporations, businesses, etc.
But our living rights come from God, not from a government. They are innate, and since the 1200's in England, law was developed on the premise that they MUST reflect God's law, aka innate natural law.
Much of statute law is now created by governments not based on common law aka innate law, but based on maritime law aka contractual law. So if you 'speed' in your car, they can fine you even is no one is even hurt. All victimless crimes are only crimes because governments (the state) say they are crimes, and living people don't know that the difference.
Part of this entire system runs and functions because at birth, governments 'require' people to 'register' their children whereupon the child is replicated as a legal entity, and its this 'legal entity' that is targeted and controlled via statute law our entire lives.
But whether a living man or woman is registered with a government or not, they still exist, they are still alive, and as such they still have inviolable innate rights.
This is the REAL crux of the Great Awakening. The legal system of government is the core mechanism of enslavement, with its ultimate utopia being the NWO, the ultra-government, controlled by the wealthy who do this via dead corporations.
There is a massive difference between 'legal' and 'lawful'.
It's also important to understand that the United States constitution is essentially a codification of all the common law that had been established up until that date. That's where the bill of rights come from. Common Law. And it was common law that was the basis for the entire premise of the American Revolution and the declaration of independence.
innate rights of living men and women VS. privileges endowed by dead corporate governments
That's how a governor can simply fine a school. It's unlawful, but 'legal'. Until it gets challenged.
No victim, no crime!!
Dude is a total ponzi lizard
Friendly reminder: Hollyweird made a film about this creep & was he was portrayed by Sean Peen.
Lol. That’s so funny. SP is such an idiot!
Temecula is where I raised our adult sons. I'm grateful Gruesome Newsom wasn't the Governor then. There is a big MAGA population there standing up for the children. May God protect them
Because Gavin Newsom is a pedophile and a pyromaniac.
Underrated comment right there. Had my homeowners insurance cancelled twice in four years cause of this prick.
Reminds me of Edward Longshanks in Braveheart: "If we can't tax the conservatives out of the rural areas, we'll burn them out"
I have a theory they are messing up San Francisco so real estate prices will fall, and the NWO, CCP or someone else will buy up the land.
It's so all the normal people leave, then prices fall and they buy everything and turning onto a Cabal area where only Cabal members and their servants will be allowed to go.
Why? For the same reason they want kids glorifying Saint George Floyd, a serial criminal who sold fentanyl to kids, was arrested 7 times, and passed counterfeit money.
Newsom photoshopped a pedo symbol on his twitter icon:
He is a groomer who is using his position to coerce schools into showing porn to middle school kids (paid for by taxpayers, profits go in his wife's pocket):
Edit to add: Newsom's wife accused Harvey Weinstein of raping her when she was a young actress. The jury found her not credible. What kind of pond scum are you when a jury finds you less credible than Harvey Weinstein??????:
I've changed my opinion a little on Pelosi. She's just a sad old harridan drunk (literally) on power. I don't think she takes part in the child raping and eating orgies.
That's not to say there's anything nice about her. She's still a cunt. As a senior woman with grandchildren and so on she could have chosen to relinquish her 'authoritay' and focus on creating good times and memories with them instead. But she didn't. And she absolutely orchestrated Jan 6 from start to finish. One of the greatest crimes against humanity ever.
i never heard of Harvey Milk, but i Googled him and guess what? Milk forged an alliance with the Teamsters Union by supporting a boycott of Coors beer, and the union returned the favor by promising to hire more gay drivers.
so the queers who are bitching about the patriots boycotting Bud Light can fuck right off, as the queers have done it as well.
Boycotts have traditionally been a weapon of the Left.
They're just angry that one of their main weapons has been used against them.
Harvey Milk was a very bad dude. If he had not been killed, he would not have been glorified and we would have been spared all this propaganda for the queer lifestyle.
in a special meeting WHERE THEY HAVE ON THE AGENDA TO "recommend substituted, age-appropriate curriculum that meets all state and federal standards, including the FAIR Act, but that is also consistent with this Board’s commitment TO EXCLUDE SEXUALIZED TOPICS OF INSTRUCTION FROM THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE LEVELS...............
he may have pedo tendencies.
Because he’s pure evil!
...and what's the name of the San Francisco airport? (SFO) ??? 🤔
Perhaps "installed" as President.