Yes, it IS crazy 🙄 Obviously an assignment given by a teacher trying to jumpstart literal minds into thinking more abstractly. "Describe yourself if you were a Food..."
(The low-IQ would be totally stuck, "But I don't get it -- I'm not a food." 🤓)
The spectacle of this is that both she and Pizza are forever linked to nefarious sex acts. Quite the Home Run!
Does anyone else remember that when the whole Lewinsky thing was happening, there were questions as to why she was at the WH at such late hours. The claim was that she was "bringing pizza" to Clinton (who was working late) so the security guards let her through.
I did some reading and I found something referring to the staff having pizza during the day and Monica taking some in for BC. But that's not what I remember the media saying at the time. They were still in the excuse-making phase and it sounded plausible (I guess) that for some reason, she'd be the person selected to bring pizza in at night. Not like it could be ordered and security could deal with it...
Sounds a bit more sinister now, doesn't it? Especially when we consider the movie "Wag the Dog" where the scandal they were trying to cover up was about the President and an underage girl.
Do we actually believe this was even written by her? The public eye/television is all theatre to the elites. We need to take everything shown by them with a grain of salt.
Kids have wildest imaginations and can come up with craziest things, I'm just saying just because what we've learned or know, doesn't mean we should automatically jump too a that conclusion, unless there is evidence to support the claim. Just saying. I'm not down voting your postings, I've agreed and appreciate most of your post.
lol...I am...And I didn't think that u/antiworldorder2 was attacking me....Sometimes i can be very brash and it comes across as I'm trying to 'defend' myself....Dialogue is good...👌😁
Favorite food , Yes...But to describe yourself as pizza I find strange....even for a 9 yr old...I've never heard a kid describe themselves as a Food Group....
Wow. Just. Wow.
People are laughing. They have no idea.
She was advertising herself to pedophiles when she was nine years old.
So that's how she ended up in the WH.
Fuking crazy right?!?!
Yes, it IS crazy 🙄 Obviously an assignment given by a teacher trying to jumpstart literal minds into thinking more abstractly. "Describe yourself if you were a Food..."
(The low-IQ would be totally stuck, "But I don't get it -- I'm not a food." 🤓)
The spectacle of this is that both she and Pizza are forever linked to nefarious sex acts. Quite the Home Run!
I know 1 "family" that wasn't laughing and got the message. This is the way he got it out there, under the guise of a "comedy bit."
So what does it mean if JFK Jr is the messenger of that advertisement…?
Fair question.
IDK I think JFK Jr. was a good guy.
I also think Jay Leno is a good guy.
Interestingly JFK, JR knew what it meant I am sure just judging from his reaction to being asked to read it.
Did you see Seinfelds fake laugh. He knew what was up too.
It’s pretty obvious she was already being abused.
If there's a problem with the sound, watch here ...
Does anyone else remember that when the whole Lewinsky thing was happening, there were questions as to why she was at the WH at such late hours. The claim was that she was "bringing pizza" to Clinton (who was working late) so the security guards let her through.
I did some reading and I found something referring to the staff having pizza during the day and Monica taking some in for BC. But that's not what I remember the media saying at the time. They were still in the excuse-making phase and it sounded plausible (I guess) that for some reason, she'd be the person selected to bring pizza in at night. Not like it could be ordered and security could deal with it...
Sounds a bit more sinister now, doesn't it? Especially when we consider the movie "Wag the Dog" where the scandal they were trying to cover up was about the President and an underage girl.
That whole story was bullshit from jump … NO ONE, not even the first lady just “brings in some pizza” to POTUS. Maybe they ‘checked’ it first. Uh-huh.
She kneeded the dough.
"I never sausage a beautiful face. " ___ Slick Willie
Would you like crabs with your pizza?
If so, come on out to Monica's new pizza joint The Crust Station.
Sorry I just do not believe at 9 yrs old she even knew what she was saying IN regards too the pizza thing.
It suggests that some adult put it in her head that she was pizza, which is why this is so creepy.
Do we actually believe this was even written by her? The public eye/television is all theatre to the elites. We need to take everything shown by them with a grain of salt.
Absolutely...One thing I've 'learned' is one can NEVER have too much 'info'...
Great observation. 👍
OK, then why would you as a 9 yr old describe yourself as a 🍕.....there are literally 100's of other things you could describe....why pizza??
Kids have wildest imaginations and can come up with craziest things, I'm just saying just because what we've learned or know, doesn't mean we should automatically jump too a that conclusion, unless there is evidence to support the claim. Just saying. I'm not down voting your postings, I've agreed and appreciate most of your post.
Purkiss- you should be encouraging the dialogue and not be so thin skinned that any question of what you post is considered an attack.
lol...I am...And I didn't think that u/antiworldorder2 was attacking me....Sometimes i can be very brash and it comes across as I'm trying to 'defend' myself....Dialogue is good...👌😁
There's no problem here....Sometimes i come across as a brash person...please don't take it personally...😉😎
Yes, but that's not a 'food group'...😉
unless she was monarched. remember kim?
I think this is the most likely scenario, personally. The abuse and programming would have started long before she was 9
It is most 9 year olds favorite food, and I remember having to write a lot of terrible poetry through school. But adults distort and pervert things.
Favorite food , Yes...But to describe yourself as pizza I find strange....even for a 9 yr old...I've never heard a kid describe themselves as a Food Group....
The Kennedys are a good distraction, still not going to work.
How is this funny, even back then?
That's quite the salient synchronicity.
He oddly sounds, with a little tweaking of his voice like Dave from x22 to me. 🤔