On November 12, 2018, this disturbing commercial was aired on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, it depicts men with pyramid masks physically abusing newborn babies
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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That's pretty sick.
They are hellish fiends
Don't forget this gem.
This is what Mr JellyBean would've done to Morty
Man that is totally sick
I only have this information on the creators.
Don't forget Dan Harmon's live action "skit" of him breaking & entering a home to rape an infant.
Wtf. That is a sick fucking cartoon.
When a society is breaking down and all the guardrails have been removed, this is the kind of "entertainment" you get. During the Wiemar Republic of Germany, between WWI and WWII, Germany descended into moral and financial collapse and all manner of dysfunctions were rampant... until the rise of Nazism and the war in Europe. I think America is having its Wiemar Republic moment right now, another indicator to me that something big and dreadful is coming.
Welcome to Wiemerica.
Yep. We need to purge this evil from the earth. Whatever it takes.
When doe's hunting season begin?
Not soon enough
Adult Swim promos are full of demonic imagery. They are constantly putting forward new programming designed to mainstream demonic cults.
What the hell did I just watch?
Adult Swim is nothing but the satanic pedo network of satyr called Normalization.
ex 1: Seth Green's Robot Chicken (See Isaac Kappy on Seth Green)
In the intro.....the Chicken is being forced to watch Adult Swim like the character in Clockwork Orange. MK shit. For fun and giggles.
Ex 2: "Archer."................check him out. Now isn't that an interesting name?
It’s for adults who like to watch cartoons. They know their audience pretty well. These are the same “adults” who get swept up to ‘To Catch a Predator’.
It's starting to feel like CERN really did open the pit of hell
What the fuck.
They will not be able to walk down the street...
... and for good reason
And, WoodChipper
Every once and a while I get the thought to maybe not be so attentive and weaken my resolve and perhaps even lighten up on what a just punishment might be... and then there's this video... and I am like hang them while soaked in kerosene lit on fire while stoning them and lowering them into a wood chipper while blasting Maria Carry's all i want for Christmas...