The math is not mathing for the fires in Maui - 2 of 2
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People know when things don't add up...the real question is what can be done about this highly suspicious activity...and even if it were proven...what is to be done? We are fighting an evil beyond what can even be imagined...
I believe the Canadian "wild fires" were not so wild either. If I have the time, I want to get the satellite lightning strike records for the time the fires were supposedly started by lightning. It just seems too suspicious that there would be lightning caused fires SO FAR NORTH!
Satellite imagery showed the fires all started at the same time.
The earthquake guy Dutchsince on youtube makes some speculations: DEW, magma. Here's a link to his 6/14/23 podcast -
I am in Alaska and lightening does start fires here, usually far away from most of large cities, but we have had a few that have come close to taking out small towns. We have been so cold and wet this year though no lightening and as far as I know no major fires.
Lightning strikes are common ways for fires to start but keep in mind that it requires a lot of unique conditions.
But is that near the coast? I wonder about lightning starting fires WELL inland (100s of miles from any coast, and well north of Canada-US border)
Why would lightening be so unusual so far north?
Do you know how many lightning strikes take place per day... And how few of them produce fires?
80% of lightning is cloud to cloud
Lightning is associated with thunderstorms, and thunderstorms are caused by moist air being heated, causing it to rise and form the clouds that build into thunderstorms. That's why thunderstorms are so common in the tropics.
The reports are that the Canada wildfires started in late April. I checked lightning strike maps at
I looked at all April days, and early May. Although there were some strikes recorded in eastern Canada on a couple days, they CERTAINLY can't account for most of the fires. I think the deep state feels they can do anything and that it doesn't matter if they are obvious, because their "fires caused by lightning strikes" is EASILY disproven!
I wonder if Space Force could have caught something. There was a picture of Trump and Gov Brown visiting the scene of the Paradise fire in CA. Brown looked kinda like the Pope did standing next to Trump. I hope the White Hats are on to the arsonists and weather manipulators.
*Gov Gavin Newsom - and yeah, he looked like a deer in the headlights in the press conference with Trump.
I'm sure they are...WH's have it all.
I do agree.