Enjoy your Trump mugshot, libs...
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Seriously, when this is all said and done, Trump WILL be on Mount Rushmore, and well fucking finish the damn project to what it originally was supposed to be, before the funding ran dry thanks to WWII.
Ultimate troll...use the mugshot as the model for the Mt Rushmore bust
What was it supposed to be? This is the first I'm hearing of this.
Mt. Rushmore was sabotaged by cabal while it was in progress, so it took a long time. Rumor that 5th President in unfinished spot was to be Andrew Jackson. https://www.nps.gov/moru/learn/historyculture/why-these-four-presidents.htm
Note Trump’s Mt. Rushmore speech in July 2020 is epic: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mXD4zPY4Ai0&pp=ygUYVHJ1bXAgbXQgcnVzaG1vcmUgc3BlZWNo
It was to be much grander, not only their heads, but the rest of their bodies too, with a long stairway behind them to a carved out temple, that would store our most important documents.
If I might suggest, President Trump, and a cast of less than 10, deserve their own commemorative acknowledgement.
Maybe a geosynchronous asteroid parked over America.
GEOTUS took all the slings and arrows meant for us.
You mean almost like a 'Garden of Heroes'?
Who’s gonna get a Trump mug shot tee shirt…. This guy 🫵.
The thing is, any openly Trump supporting activity attracts the mentally ill (pretty much all Democrats) to inflict either property damage (think keying of your car, and the like), or personal attacks. You can be the best martial arts expert in the world, but if you are wearing a Trump shirt, you could be attacked from behind and all your training would amount to nothing. That's not being cowardly, that's just being aware of reality.
Good point. When I was still teaching - employed by a school district - Hubby and I talked about this and chose to have NO ‘bumper stickers’ of any type on my car. That said, I’ll put a mug shot pix on my fridge, so I can see it and smile multiple times a day!
Years ago I had my car keyed and it was probably because I had a Bush sticker on it. Now, I know, I should have never had that damn Bush sticker on my car, and the person that keyed my car had no idea that they were being used. The uniparty had us bickering over 2 people they controlled and we had no say.
I had a way around that. I had a "Veterans for Trump" magnet on my car and never had any problems. I did however pull it off whenever I had to visit a major blue city, but only cities outside of TX. I figured if I was in Dallas or Houston and my car had that magnet on it nobody would mess with me. Texas, veteran, Trump supporter - very likely (100%) to be carrying at least one gun.
You can already see the libs heads exploding 😂
They could all blow their fucking brains out in utter dismay and dooms daying for all I care. Just means less to reeducate in the end.
Fingers crossed
Start carving Trump on Mt. Rushmore now or find another mountain so he can stand alone, because in the end, he will. I know he’s not doing it alone but it couldn’t have been done without him. He sacrificed a lot for this country, and the world, for that matter.
I'm praying that since last nights 'SPIN ROOM' was denied to Don Jr. at the Fox Debate, that Don Jr. denies Fox the opportunity for their journalists to even picture President Trump going in or coming out of the courthouse arraignment today. Sounds fair to me.
I love this!
EVERYTHING they do backfires. Trumps mugshot on all items will sell like 'wildfire'. Increases support for him. And right before Christmas - hey pillow guy, set it up.
Jefferson, Jackson, JFK, and Trump are the only ones who belong up there.
You missed Washington.