Trump is the only President that makes me laugh out loud because of his humor. His humor keeps him sane and able to take on the "slings and arrows", and his faith also does this. I love him, and will always follow his lead.
Kudos for being engaged and curious enough to ask a question.
Initially my response was to kek thinking of the many times my dad was asked "when are we going to get there?" and remembering his standard reply "when we get there".
However, in this case there are event bench marks that can be tracked. Before SCOTUS gets involved, typically a case moves through the appeals process although sometimes lawyers have successfully asked for an expedited ruling by the SCOTUS.
As Q+/PDJT often says, " let's see what happens" while staying busy helping him Save America rather than waiting around for the SCOTUS "pot to boil".
But only if you mention hunters laptop... or weiners... or Hilda beasts emails and the burnt server. Vince foster or white water anyone? Oh... orange man bad.
That 30% is what the dems should be worried about. They are voting Trump but don't want to tell that to the pollsters
Exactly what I was thinking
I'm tired of these fake polls. Biden is not above 25%
I had the same gut reaction: Why are the polls no longer "fake"??
He's not even Biden, let alone the President.
Maybe it's nothing, but whenever DJT mentions numbers, my antennae go up.
678...something about to happen re Schumer and/or Pelosi?
Kek “oh no”. I love that man. 😂😂😂
Trump is the only President that makes me laugh out loud because of his humor. His humor keeps him sane and able to take on the "slings and arrows", and his faith also does this. I love him, and will always follow his lead.
Yeah right 32% freeloaders
Arizona indictment, here we come!
It cracks me up that anyone really thinks Biden has 32% support. He didnt have that support in 2020 why would he now?
At what point is the SCOTUS going to step in and drop the ban hammer on the demon-lawfare?
"At what point is the SCOTUS going to step in?"
Kudos for being engaged and curious enough to ask a question.
Initially my response was to kek thinking of the many times my dad was asked "when are we going to get there?" and remembering his standard reply "when we get there".
However, in this case there are event bench marks that can be tracked. Before SCOTUS gets involved, typically a case moves through the appeals process although sometimes lawyers have successfully asked for an expedited ruling by the SCOTUS.
As Q+/PDJT often says, " let's see what happens" while staying busy helping him Save America rather than waiting around for the SCOTUS "pot to boil".
But only if you mention hunters laptop... or weiners... or Hilda beasts emails and the burnt server. Vince foster or white water anyone? Oh... orange man bad.