Yeah, they are still out there and some of my family are part of that crowd unfortunately. They think I'm the crazy one that is brainwashed. Can't wait till all the truth comes out and knocks them through a loop. I won't hold my breath waiting for them to say "you were right", would be nice to hear, but I will be just happy that they wake up & see the truth.
Some don't care, they are just whores. Coldvid money still incoming so states and local governments love it. They can't fathom that they are getting pennies while foreign governments and corrupt politicians are getting billions
When looking at the picture NOTICE the 2 idiots smiling INTO the camera
and the Xenlisky looking at the hag - eyeball-to-eyeball like "will be seeing you again."
We NEED to audit EVERY cONCRITTER that went to Ukraine...BOTH sides of the aisle...becha' we would find a ton of money squirreled away in some hidden accounts...OOOOPS!!!!
This war paradigm is so old and tired. Its day is DONE! I'm proclaiming this right now. We all know a new dawn is upon us. One which will glorify God in the human spirit and humanity will have it's golden age.
In all seriousness ADog, we do need an out for this nonsense, and we know that isn’t going to happen with this admin. Or any other than Trumps returning.
“As we’ve discussed previously, US empire managers have been talking about how much this war serves US interests ever since it began.”
US “Empire”? Shit, it is off the backs of all Americans through the billions of dollars we have spent just to “show “ us, the sheeple of America, we are standing up to Putin. What is really going on, we all know, but dang it, if we don’t turn more of the tide of information dissemination to the people still asleep, I am getting a little worried they won’t wake up.
Thanks for letting me bring a little levity to your post😳🥰. And ya, those white cowboy boots and her fury - she is a match for some young buck 😅
I can’t stop watching - why🤣🤷♀️. Is it the impressive drink handoff, or the last chick that has to pee so bad she chooses the porta potty right next to the cat fight? Idk, but I have a mad desire for white cowboy boots now 😳😍
When the global network of evil corruption being orchestrated from Ukraine gets exposed, all these people who have been waving flags for Ukraine will be exposed as well.
Prussiagate #1 #2 deep dive into history of military conflicts as profit motive via debt financing helps to understand what is probably going on with Ukraine.
Ukraine need to finance war effort. (Or be left to fend for itself)
The banksters come through with the cash.
The debt payment requires that Ukraine hand over control of key resources.
Same old story, different century.
All those deaths on Ukraine and the Russian sides are on Americans citizens and the politicians that we elected, we own those deaths like it or not, Karma won’t forget
Notable takeaway, the author will be using this quote from the Washington post about death toll to benefit, "...other than for the Ukrainians” aside — for the remainder of my writing career.
I never thought people would fall for the Ukraine bullshit especially after just getting scammed with Covid.
It really does seem like a white hat movie where the bad guys just keep doing more and more ridiculous shit so people will wake up.
It’s unbelievable to me that anyone is fooled by their bullshit anymore.
Yeah, they are still out there and some of my family are part of that crowd unfortunately. They think I'm the crazy one that is brainwashed. Can't wait till all the truth comes out and knocks them through a loop. I won't hold my breath waiting for them to say "you were right", would be nice to hear, but I will be just happy that they wake up & see the truth.
Some don't care, they are just whores. Coldvid money still incoming so states and local governments love it. They can't fathom that they are getting pennies while foreign governments and corrupt politicians are getting billions
"There's a sucker born every minute".
...attributed to P. T. Barnum...
Yeah, I bet they're smiling. Grifters.
Make it rain Ukraine Kek!! I couldn’t help it. 😂
When looking at the picture NOTICE the 2 idiots smiling INTO the camera and the Xenlisky looking at the hag - eyeball-to-eyeball like "will be seeing you again."
We NEED to audit EVERY cONCRITTER that went to Ukraine...BOTH sides of the aisle...becha' we would find a ton of money squirreled away in some hidden accounts...OOOOPS!!!!
It certainly feels like one big cash grab before running to the hills, doesn't it?
This war paradigm is so old and tired. Its day is DONE! I'm proclaiming this right now. We all know a new dawn is upon us. One which will glorify God in the human spirit and humanity will have it's golden age.
"War Is a Racket"
Smedley D. Butle
Well, here is how I think we should deal with it: get one good pissed off cowgirl with “boots made for walking”…
Sorry for YouTube link 🤷♀️
This! Release the hounds.
...consider this one released...
ill take it. Where can I pick it up.
...doggy winks...
In all seriousness ADog, we do need an out for this nonsense, and we know that isn’t going to happen with this admin. Or any other than Trumps returning.
“As we’ve discussed previously, US empire managers have been talking about how much this war serves US interests ever since it began.”
US “Empire”? Shit, it is off the backs of all Americans through the billions of dollars we have spent just to “show “ us, the sheeple of America, we are standing up to Putin. What is really going on, we all know, but dang it, if we don’t turn more of the tide of information dissemination to the people still asleep, I am getting a little worried they won’t wake up.
Thanks for letting me bring a little levity to your post😳🥰. And ya, those white cowboy boots and her fury - she is a match for some young buck 😅
...hell hath no fury like a filly in wihite cock roach killers...
...hold the line Patriot...
You are a good soul ADog - glad to share some moments with you here. Prayers for us all 🛐
...never forget Lassie...
,,,God is in control....
I can’t stop watching - why🤣🤷♀️. Is it the impressive drink handoff, or the last chick that has to pee so bad she chooses the porta potty right next to the cat fight? Idk, but I have a mad desire for white cowboy boots now 😳😍
I’m sorry - this should have been put in the daily by ADog - but it just seems to fit so well here :-)
When the global network of evil corruption being orchestrated from Ukraine gets exposed, all these people who have been waving flags for Ukraine will be exposed as well.
...I pray your observation proves prescient....
Prussiagate #1 #2 deep dive into history of military conflicts as profit motive via debt financing helps to understand what is probably going on with Ukraine.
Ukraine need to finance war effort. (Or be left to fend for itself) The banksters come through with the cash. The debt payment requires that Ukraine hand over control of key resources. Same old story, different century. have a firm grasp of history and the situational reality M.Duck...
All those deaths on Ukraine and the Russian sides are on Americans citizens and the politicians that we elected, we own those deaths like it or not, Karma won’t forget
...karma is a female canine....
US interests, not USA interests
...your attention to details makes it hard for Satan to find a hiding place...
...Gollum family portrait...
How! Pocahontas
...loves heap big warpath wampum...
You can’t make this stuff up
...sadly true...
Notable takeaway, the author will be using this quote from the Washington post about death toll to benefit, "...other than for the Ukrainians” aside — for the remainder of my writing career.
One dollar for you (Ukraine), one million dollars for a US politician, One dollar for you ( Ukraine), One million dollars for teachers union, One dollar for you (Ukraine), Millions and millions to President Zelenskyy, One dollar for you (Ukraine) Eight million for his family (Zelenskyy parents) house in Israel ect. Bidens, Pelosi,
...answer the phone... is the GAO calling to offer you a position....
When are we going to be free
...when Jesus returns to claim his throne...
The US it serves is the Deep State us, not the US United States.
...United States vs United States of America....
Exactly Corporate versus the Republic.
I wish our anyone in our gov loved us like they love Ukraine.
..."what's love got to do with it"...
...except of money of course....
Instead of Covid cheating the elections, you now have World war lll to do cheating instead.
...incoming flying saucers in 3...2...
Save Maui instead of Ukraine takes too much risk for a low return to launder money in the United States....