The harvest is 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule, Senator Grassley? Roll that beautiful corn footage.
🍿 Fresh Popcorn! 🍿
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Let's bring in the CORN! I'm ready to see some ears roasting.
The Real Corn Pop
Some say hes a bad dude
Moon soon.....
lol everything is moon soon :D
Considering most of the midwest suffered a drought, of course harvest is a few weeks ahead of schedule.
Wouldn't a drought stunt growth and delay a harvest, though?
Does a drought make things grow quicker?
Less water makes corn plants start drying faster. Farmers have been combining corn in IL & IN for past two weeks.
Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the info.
I'm not a farmer but I would guess it would have to be harvested before it rots or is picked clean by birds. If they can't get enough corn for actual food they could maybe get enough for deer corn, or animal feed, or maybe ethanol (don't know what is required for that). If it isn't growing anymore due to the drought I assume it will go bad.
At that stage corn plants are very weak with the weight of the corn cob hanging from it. The biggest fear then is a wind storm flattening the field.
I helped my neighbors pick corn as a teen to make a little extra cash but never saw a drought. I grew up in MD about an hour NW of DC and they had big fields of Silver Queen. Man I miss that, and haven't found that particular type in years anywhere I've been. That said - I avoid the MD/DC/VA area like the plague.
His corn used to get taller than me (I was 6'4 at the time) and was pretty strong, but what you said makes complete sense when it dries out. Wasn't much use for us teens at that point.
He used to sell it for 13 ears/$1.00 in the early to mid '80s. Now you are lucky if you get 3 ears for a dollar at the store, and they are all likely sprayed and/or GMO.
That makes sense. Thank you.
makes it brown sooner so they need to get it out of the fields; strange because some fields are still green like soybeans surrounded by the crunchy looking corn. assuming the beans had more help/irrigation.
Sounds good to me. Looks like things are ramping up!
"two" u/#q4800 "or three weeks" u/#q4834 u/#q2274
there’s that obelisk! 23000 bricks, just like George Washington’s 23000 soldiers… our ancestors were tricky with their building skills. they obviously understood the enemy doesn’t perform manual labor/wouldn’t see the clues😉
Ninety year old shuckin' Chuck. This man has got some genes. And some denims too.
Remember the strange coin given to Vice President Pence* after the close of the joint session confirming Joe Biden as president? Right after Pence certified the fraudulent election, he received a mysterious coin in a handshake. How about the Pelosi and Pence elbow bump after Biden's victory confirmation*?
"Trust Grassley"...... Is this INTEL INFO that 'Q' is conveying or is it DISINFO that 'Q' also told us was necessary?At this point I don't know. Ivan Raiklin, who first Tweeted the Constitutional procedure outlined in Article 12 for a contested election, and was Re-Tweeted by President Trump, but then was picked up by the Mockingbird Media as a "plan" called "operation Pence Card", has a very interesting insight to the January 6th confirmation proceeding.
There's far more to this than most Americans know. It was attorney Ivan Raiklin, who educated me on this. Senator Grassley may not be a White Hat at all. Over time, I've heard both sides of the argument, but I believed 'Q' saying, "Trust Grassley", and I went along with this belief.
At 1:02 PM, Jan.6th, Mike Pence sends out a Tweet stating he does not have unilateral ability to allocate the electors. He then say, "its for the House (of Representatives) to decide". Three minutes later at 1:05 PM, after the in-session gaveling, Nancy Pelosi stated, "due to the advice of the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms and the Health Official, we're only allowing 11 members, Democrat and Republicans of the House, 11 members of the Senate to participate in the joint session". That's 22 in the House out of 435. And 22 members in the Senate out of 100. The only place that it talks about the joint session in the Constitution is the 12th Amendment. And in there, it talks about a quorum. For this particular instance, the 12th Amendment defines a quorum to be a representative (at least one) from each State. At least 34 representatives were required in the House and 25 members from the Senate. Anyway one looks at it, the 12th Amendment was violated by Nancy Pelosi. However, Pelosi is not the ultimate authority here. Mike Pence is the presiding officer being the president of Congress. Pence then initiated the joint session. This was captured by C-SPAN. Congressman Morgan Griffith from the 9th congressional district of Virginia stands up and says, "point of order!" and trying to get the attention of Nancy Pelosi after she does the eleventh. Ivan Raiklin surmises that Pelosi must of had an agreement with the leadership. She must have had agreement with McConnell, McCarthy, an Schumer. Congressman Morgan Griffith, who is a member of the Freedom Caucus, asks, "How are to participate in a joint session when we aren't even allowed on the floor and we are [currently] in the gallery? How are going to make a point of order or object. We have no mechanism." Pence responds by telling him no objections will be allowed. What Pence did was unilaterally deny over 90% of the House and Senate body in the collective to participate in the constitutionally required joint session. Pence violated the Constitution by, one, not allowing the legal slates on December 23, and two, by unlawfully not allow Congress to participate in the joint session.
As soon as this was done, Ray Epps, who was in charge of getting the crowds to the capital building, and was in charge of managing the outer breach. He worked in coordination with the scaffold commander, who had a megaphone enticing everyone to, "Come to the capital!" ”Come to the capital!" Ray Epps was stationed at the base of the capital building with the scaffold commander above him. The inner breach leader was John Sullivan. This was the BLM leader during the George Floyd riots in Minneapolis, and elsewhere. Previously he is spotted talking with Pelosi's son-in-law at a nearby hotel the day before. On January 5th, Ray Epps is photographed with John Sullivan standing next to him. Sullivan was stationed at the Senate side of the capital. As soon as enough people gathered in front of the capital building, Sullivan's team and his inner breach team, in coordination with perhaps Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law, being used as a cutout to facilitate the communication with the Senate Sergeant At Arms and later the House Sergeant At Arms, to allow the unlawful entry in to the US capital building. John Sullivan had a photographer with him recording the events so that the footage could be immediately sent to CNN and MSNBC to get paid tens of thousands of dollars for their footage of the insurrection. Once the protesters are inside the rotunda, Mike Pence then acts, according to Liz Cheney, by saying, "It wasn't Donald Trump that ordered the DHS, the DOJ, and the military to assist the capital police, it was Mike Pence". As Vice President, what authority does Mike Pence have to order the Executive branch? The Vice President does only under one circumstance. It is found under the 25th Amendment, section 4, that provides the ability to remove the President of the United States from office so that the Vice President can become the President of the United States.
Did that happen? Is it possible they did this for a few hours without people knowing?
Under Section 4, of the 25th Amendment the Vice President is to hold a cabinet vote for removal of the President. It is required that it is consummated in a memo sent to the Speaker of the House and the president pro tempore of the Senate, who was Senator Chuck Grassley at the time. So far there is no known evidence of this occurring. Did Senator Chuck Grassley receive the memorandum? No one has put Mr. Grassley under oath to have him answer this question. There was a coup d'état on January 6. Mike Pence committed treason, not once by refusing legal slates, not twice by excluding over 90% of the House and Senate from participating in the joint session, but perhaps usurping the authority of the President of the United States in a secret and unlawful vote for his removal.
Chuck “shucking” Grassley! 🌽🇺🇸
Saturday would be a good day.
Just in time for October 8th.
What happens on the 8th of every month? A happening?
Oct. 4th we have an EBS test?