There is a man made lake that sits higher than the ocean. On each side of the lake is a 3 channel lock system that lowers and raises the boats to get up to the lake or lowered into ocean.
When lake gets low, they lose the ability to fill the locks to lower and raise the boats.
geeze they make like the ships can't carry ballast water.
and where does the water go that they pump out of the locks? it should really be a zero sum equation excepting a bit of make-up water to account for leakage and evaporation....
No the Panama channel has big lake in the middle. This lake supplies water for the locks . If no rain the lake goes down and Panama stops . HAArp can do High Pressure bubble who's no rain this make the lake low . Where the haaRp comes this is who to blame
How could it be our fault? We don’t manage it anymore.
Better Question is HOW is OCEAN WATER becoming ""SCARCE""???
Someone is just FA in order to FO....
This has Got to be a Freaking Joke....
Right? There is an ocean full of water right there!
But but but climate change!
There is a man made lake that sits higher than the ocean. On each side of the lake is a 3 channel lock system that lowers and raises the boats to get up to the lake or lowered into ocean.
When lake gets low, they lose the ability to fill the locks to lower and raise the boats.
Oh, right, Humans have not learned HOW to pump water from the Ocean into that Lake, it's become a lost tech....
Like I said, someone is FA-ing to FO....
But didn't Clinton Gift China the Panama Canal???
Maybe it's a ploy to get it back....
Well it’s our fault for giving it away and allowing China to take over
Jimmy Carter's fault.
geeze they make like the ships can't carry ballast water.
and where does the water go that they pump out of the locks? it should really be a zero sum equation excepting a bit of make-up water to account for leakage and evaporation....
IIRC there is no pump --- it's all river flow.
Maybe that's the point. Causing the US to lose the panama canal is one of the “The Naked Communist” 45 goals to destroy the United States of America:
Maybe this is how we get it back: turn it into a disaster, make them not want it anymore, make them want us to manage it, and get it back.
China is stealing the water.
Another Evergreen ship? Could this be comms?
I was stationed in the Canal Zone before Cartgave it away to the Panamanians. We never had that problem when Americans were in charge.
maybe the problem is thw new canal that the Chinese built....
What year were you there TNBanjoMan? Was it Howard or Clayton?
Rodman Navy base, Marine Barracks...1968 to 72.
It was located across from Balboa, across the Thatcher Ferry Bridge.
There is 2 oceans, one on each end. ???
There's a lake in the middle. My impression is that's where the water shortage is located.
Still don't understand why we are at fault. Because we were stupid enough to give it to Panama??
I don't either. Its tropical rainforest FFS, humid and hot
Yeah, I know how it works with the lake. But I agree it is not the USA's problem. Peace friend.
Our problem? Didn't China buy it?
given to them
Who would be most hurt by this? China.
Evergreen in the shot. Containers. Human trafficking. Stops the flow. Comms?
Chandler's Wobble. It's getting much worse, and is moving water into places where it is usually not found, and removing it from others.
That would force us to bring manufacturing back home. "Jobs, jobs, jobs" again.
This is because global warming is raising sea levels.
Seal levels are too high? Bring out the clubs and we can fix this problem inside of a month.
Did they contact their local water administrator?
But but the water is rising! We will all be under water soon!!
No the Panama channel has big lake in the middle. This lake supplies water for the locks . If no rain the lake goes down and Panama stops . HAArp can do High Pressure bubble who's no rain this make the lake low . Where the haaRp comes this is who to blame
According to this How the Water Locks of Panama Canal Work? "... each chamber needs to be filled with 26,700,000 US gallons of water."
You see, the clue is right there: "US gallons." Clearly the US is to blame!
More global warming to melt the ice caps!
I thought we were watching the water in Lahaina?
Water is everywhere
As are things we should be watching