If Patriots were not in control this site would be gone by now
Just saw that Mayo deleted their hydroxy info page 2 days after the fact that it said it treats COVID 19 was posted ON THIS SITE. https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9fqYMCd/mayo-clinic-deletes-page-listing/
Coincidence? I don't think so. They watch us but can't stop us. If they could they obviously would. Coupled with this brilliant post stickied earlier today, I would say we are winning the information war.
could not agree more. we are winning, even when we can't see it.
I mean it could also be a honeypot which it probably is. Our IP's are probably being siphoned each time we visit this place. That is my assumption at least.
Honeypot of what though? The fact that we share truth with each other...and what do they gain from knowing that?
Probably trying to make sure we are all contained in one area of the internet so the info can’t get out to the sheeple
But that's not true - our mission is to share information far and wide. We find stuff unfiltered here, and then try to use discernment to disseminate something for normies to digest.
If you’re in here in their screen world where they see everything, you’re not out there in the real world where they see much less,
We must tell them about all the people being replaced.
I already decided years ago, FUCK IT.
God's the one who gave me the right to speak my mind, a country in which to do it, and the right to defend it with my weaponry. I'll thank him personally if they come to take me away for speaking the truth—because we're ALL dying that day. It won't be just me; deadfeds gonna pay.
Live Free or Die and Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death aren't just catchy slogans. They are literally words to live by—or die by.
On my way up, I'll wave bye-bye to them on their way down.
I don't know the stats, but I'm pretty sure that a good portion of feds who monitor boards like this eventually develop stockholm syndrome. They are constantly bombarded with truth and redpills that it becomes undeniable, and they begin to resent their own organizations.
It is inevitable Mr. Anderson.
Yep YouTube has problems with their censors getting "radicalized" and have to keep swapping them out.
Don't think this site is compromised. However, when a sub on reddit gets compromised by bad actors, they keep the sub going and control narratives. If they destroy the forum, a new one will replace it. They like to be in control and will change rules and censor things. See SuperStonk on reddit for example.
WallStreetSilver is an even more blatant example, the subreddit is completely disconnected now from their Twitter and everything else ever since it got taken over.
Some weird posts get stickied, other legit ones get called conspiracies and taken down. I know it's private and they get to do what they want but I often wonder who owns this, their agenda, and what they get out of it. Maybe placating the right as they expect results and changes in the future but standing idly by for now? Harvesting IP addresses? BlackRock owned? Who knows, many questions, no answers.
We all have the same questions after all these years. No doxxes, no DDOS, no SWATs, no scandals, very few clown world mentions… no idea who or what is behind or paying for this site.
Interesting that the media acts like we don't exist. Bannon is the only one I've ever heard mention GAW.
💯% Agree
Makes sense, this site is also manipulated by the mods based on what is and isn't something they wanted discussed. Most recent example was the Maui/DEW thing, the idea that DEW caused that was massively shunned.
In all fairness, this whole awakening process does require precision. Get too far ahead and the normies push back, don't push hard enough and the momentum dies out. It's still lame to see that type of selective censorship but understand it.
DEW became the new Flat Earth for a while, easily debunked and often irrelevant to the actual discussion but repeatedly injected into conversations until people got sick of it. It was pushed so hard that it glowed.
EAS test coming October 4th?
And Trump would not be alive. Both darn good points.
How many people come here daily?
Agreed. Patriots in control.
Well, I can say that this is where I get MY news every day. So, yeah, we are the news now.
Yes but how many people know about this website?
IDK, but people that have a broader audience apparently do. Mayo Clinic apparently got the memo to take down their hydroxy page.
A few thousand. That’s a lot!
They may be infiltrated, just like how the 3 letter agencies fund 'independent' journalists and scientists in exchange for them pushing narratives every once in a while to make it hard to tell what's legit and what isn't.
I mean if that's the case why did we get kicked off reddit, 4 chan, 8 chan, and voat?