COVID vaccine poll finds more than half of adults are likely to say 'no thanks' to the vax
Meanwhile, 70% of Democrats say they'll get the new vaccine, the survey found...Among U.S. adults, 52% will “probably" or “definitely" not get the new COVID-19 vaccine..
🧠 Awakened Are Not Stupid!
Interesting headline, in that it draws a distinction between "adults" and "Democrats." There's a lot of truth hidden in that comparison.
Based upon those rates and extrapolating, the NPC breeding program should be gone in 4-5 more plandemic cycles. { (70% of 50%) x (70 of (15%) x (70% of 4.5%) x (70% of 1.35%) } = problem solved
Well as Rush used to say, we should keep a few of them around... in comfortable cages, fed and housed, so sane people of the future can know just what kind of retards they were after they become nearly extinct.
Great thought Purkiss - always like your roll.!
Over a year ago the vaxx refusal rate was approaching 90%. This sounds like a skewed poll (surprise) to make it seem like others are still considering it.
Brought to you by Pfizer™
Pfizer forecasts 24% COVID vaccination rate in US this year
Yep. Faux News. Purkiss you are better then this.
For the record, I'm attacking the message - not the messenger (insert mRNA joke here)
70%,....That's great news.
It'll help in thinning out the herd...
Yep. Great thinking. Sure, those people have kids who are powerless to do anything about it, and they will get injected to, but you know....casualties of war!
This shits all to divide us with fear porn. Faux News, CNN, all of it.
Good news-lower Democrat voter base post another booster. Stupid enough to take the shot, then to stupid to vote. In truth, I don’t believe any of the polls, particularly one put out by FOX NEWS.
Exactly!!...didn't we learn quite a few years back that "polls" are horse shit.....at least some of us learned, but I still see lots and lots of people give credibility to them. Even some of our own.
And their kids. 👍
I thought a genocide might make the libs smarter. Wrong. They're dumber.
Only 52% ??? What rock are these ignoramuses living under?
That's what I thought. I hope they are lying.
Everyone waking up right on cue.
I mean if they're still democrat after the past 7+ years, then they're too far gone to be helped. They'll believe everything the MSM says
Ok Dems you know what to do. Take that clot shot.
Jab lovers = special kind of stupid
Even if only 10% of U.S. adults take the new version of depopulation "vax"... that's still about 25 Million people.
If only 1% of those injections is fatal, 5% severely injured, that's 250,000 people dead and 1.25 Million injured. The "vax" may be the deadliest drug in U.S. history.
How much further do we have to go with this before distributing or injecting the "vax" is a felony?
70% of Dems say they will get the vax. They may be killing themselves! Is that a good thing?
I'm not sure on if it's a good thing or not, but I'm pretty sure it's not a bad thing.
From the perspective of eliminating a DemonRat in the world, it's a plus. But creating three new voters is problematic.
That's good- the Democrats are eliminating themselves. Makes our job a lot easier.
This is the way.
That’s amazing I’m ok with thinning the dem herd
thanks for sharing! and that’s crazy, some people will Never get it🤦🏼♀️
also, sounds like the article was written by a WH; uses certain words like ‘concern’. and how it say Democrats are ‘negative’ when one of President Trump’s key character traits is positivity🐸
"Among the people who said they "definitely" or "probably" will get the new shot, most are Democrats and/or at least 65 years old, the poll found."
Sounds like the problem is sorting itself out.
This vax is the ultimate eugenic Darwin award. Idiots get the jab and their DNA is removed from the gene pool.
Unfortunately, for most, it results in an altered gene pool.
It is a somewhat encouraging sign that nearly one in three Democrats is opening xis/zer eyes
Natural selection
✔️ Oh hell no
This alone will decimate the Democrat party. Those that haven’t awaken will be destroyed by their own party through these injections.
I wonder if the libs just say there are getting the vax.
The ones I 'know' and that's not too many, brag about that shit...
Pretty sad that so many people would STILL get those lousy shots!
It had to be this way! If a bunch of people get injected, die, and haven't made their peace with God and so rot in hell for eternity...well, it had to be.
You completely and utterly beat me to it all liberals and all Democrats it is your duty to us all to get all vaccines and boosters. Remember it’s not just for you it’s for the rest of us to.
Tell Dems that they need to get their vaccines to protect the Republicans who refuse the vaccine.
Yours is great, I laughed out loud.