As UN passes resolution to allow Kenya to invade Haiti, this amazing graphic shows complex web of connections between Comet Ping Pong, Haiti, Clintons and more

Nicely done! This was one of the more easy-to-follow-along infographics. Thank you for that.
On a side note, I always thought it was a bit odd how hard the lgbtqetcetc community was/is going after J.K. Rowling. This goes a long way to explaining why. Looks like she's been upsetting their apple cart for quite awhile and they don't like it.
Not my original work fren. From the chans where artists are always busy cookin' stuff.
Ah, those bakers on the chans. Always coming up with something tasty. Still, thank you for the share. :-)
What are the other letters in that lgbt nonsense?
No one really knows, as they change, add, rename shit every week to satisfy their psychotic tendencies.
LOL etcetera etcetera (etc). I didn't want to dignify that nonsense by spelling it out more than I already had and I certainly wasn't going to look it up.
Wow! I can't believe he missed the part where New Life Children's Refuge under purpose it says rescue from "collapsed orphanages"
Fantastic work and it's easy to follow along!
UN Security Council approves deployment of Kenyan forces to Haiti.
Russia and China abstained, but did not veto it. One of the rate resolutions after the Ukraine SMO started that has not been vetoed by someone or other.
More details about the situation from a slightly older article
From the looks of it, Haiti crisis looked like a color revolution by the Cabal and is it coming to an end?
Remember when Hillary’s brother got that gold mining permit in Haiti? That could raise the funds for a color revolution.
And when she said her brother was gone.... weird
I'm inclined to believe that the contraption in Antarctica was employed to create the Haitian Earthquake on purpose in order to create chaos and harvest all those kids. Then the Clintons stole all that money that was intended to go to the country.
wow! great work!
All I did was find it and post it! 😁
wouldn't be surprised if the EQ was artificial, too. all that setup & assets in place before the disaster?
One of my first real life digs was when I had just learned about HAARP and artificial earthquakes many years before Q. Then a Google search result featured earthquake information about a quake that had just happened in Haiti. I looked at the past few days of seismic activity on the site they linked to and there had been a string of smaller earthquakes each of the previous several days, all at the same depth, in even intervals, in a straight line, leading up to the last larger earthquake, which if I recall correctly, was the one that hit the palace. Not quite exactly how nature usually rolls…
Yeah, looking more and more like that, isnt it?
Important post, thanks for sharing it. We were given the heads up a couple of months ago that the UN were going to send in Kenyan troops to Haiti under the guise of help, I just wish I could remember more of the recent tip off. Too much going on to recall it all.
Opposite Comet on the other side of the road, in between the bars and restaurants was an unassuming door. That door used to lead to the office of a charity called Beyond Borders that was set up to help stop violence against women and girls in Haiti.
I believe Beyond Borders has relocated now.