Some people did digs on this before. I think the ownership went from the Astors, to the Rockefellers, and then to Trump. He then proceeded to have a lot of "art" destroyed that was questionable in nature despite everyone clamoring to buy it so it could be preserved.
There's also the speculation that Trump is an Astor by birth.
Either way, his getting the building was a big middle finger to the deep state as well as what he did when he got it.
Ley lines are straight lines (alignments) that run through (connect) many significant historical structures. For instance the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, Stonehenge in England, Serpent Mounds in Ohio, etc. Some believe the intersection of these lines hold a kind of earth energy that was recognized by ancient societies.
yes^ amazing how precise they were and it's everywhere in the midwest; mounds, cities & monuments at certain latitudes, angles. also interesting that our First President was a master surveryor & freemason; started his career at age seventeen;
"Washington's career as a professional surveyor began in 1749. He received a commission from the College of William and Mary to become surveyor for the newly formed Culpeper County. Washington immediately traveled to Culpeper, the county seat, to be sworn in. Washington completed his first survey within two days, measuring a tract of 400 acres. At seventeen years of age, he was well on his way to a lucrative career."
It’s just an interesting question. Considering the news is all Trump’s properties devalued and McCarthy ousted, what’s the significance? Just asking this makes it make more sense in context with the news. If ley lines convey or conduct energy, Trump’s uncle had Tesla papers, Tesla said all is energy and vibration - what is another reason DS would want to take the property? Another commenter noted just having the property is an FU. Maybe even more of an FU than we realize. I remember reading or seeing another bldg in NYC was possibly related to Tesla, his tech in plain sight.
I remember Kushner owning 666 but not sure on more there.
Although, now that you mention it, I remember some connections with art/sculpture that I started to research. Some Isamu Noguchi work was removed from 666 and a Noguchi work was added at the WH rose garden. No idea of related, but Noguchi has work in Detroit and there’s certainly more to learn about the Stargate part of Hart Plaza.
I'm just waking up. I love this! I am all in! But I'm without info here in South Carolina. I've researched to see if there are ley lines close by but cannot find any definitive answers... is there anyone that can point me in the right direction (no pun intended, lol) or is South Carolina just without? :-(
Some people did digs on this before. I think the ownership went from the Astors, to the Rockefellers, and then to Trump. He then proceeded to have a lot of "art" destroyed that was questionable in nature despite everyone clamoring to buy it so it could be preserved.
There's also the speculation that Trump is an Astor by birth.
Either way, his getting the building was a big middle finger to the deep state as well as what he did when he got it.
Here's a random, relevant link. I know I've previously read more "cabal / occult oriented" pieces on the subject, but it's been awhile.
Good for him. Rauchenberg, Warhol, Jasper Johns? Horrible.
This is bigger than we realize.
What's the mean, exactly?
Ley lines are straight lines (alignments) that run through (connect) many significant historical structures. For instance the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, Stonehenge in England, Serpent Mounds in Ohio, etc. Some believe the intersection of these lines hold a kind of earth energy that was recognized by ancient societies.
....yeah I saw these explained in the Ghostbusters movie
yes^ amazing how precise they were and it's everywhere in the midwest; mounds, cities & monuments at certain latitudes, angles. also interesting that our First President was a master surveryor & freemason; started his career at age seventeen;
"Washington's career as a professional surveyor began in 1749. He received a commission from the College of William and Mary to become surveyor for the newly formed Culpeper County. Washington immediately traveled to Culpeper, the county seat, to be sworn in. Washington completed his first survey within two days, measuring a tract of 400 acres. At seventeen years of age, he was well on his way to a lucrative career."
I believe Coral Castle in FL is another point.
This may be of interest to this thread. Amenti Grids.
I have been interested in this for a while for a particular personal endeavor
"Q Shaman" speaks about lay lines as well.
It's spiritual power, doncha' kno'.🤔🙆😊
Yeah, what is he talking about?
Oh dear, now what? Trump is the Grandmaster of Stonehenge or something?
C'mon OP. This is obviously of some interest to you, could you thrown in a synopsis or something?
It’s just an interesting question. Considering the news is all Trump’s properties devalued and McCarthy ousted, what’s the significance? Just asking this makes it make more sense in context with the news. If ley lines convey or conduct energy, Trump’s uncle had Tesla papers, Tesla said all is energy and vibration - what is another reason DS would want to take the property? Another commenter noted just having the property is an FU. Maybe even more of an FU than we realize. I remember reading or seeing another bldg in NYC was possibly related to Tesla, his tech in plain sight.
Thanks for the explanation
Needs Clarity
We also didn't know what his tarot cards and astrological signs were the morning he chose where he chose
Free energy? Schumann Resonance?
I'm trying to remember... the connection/grid of buildings Trump and family own in NYC ... Including 666 Park avenue.
Wasn't there a huge deal made about kushner owning it? And it being about more than just a building?
I remember Kushner owning 666 but not sure on more there.
Although, now that you mention it, I remember some connections with art/sculpture that I started to research. Some Isamu Noguchi work was removed from 666 and a Noguchi work was added at the WH rose garden. No idea of related, but Noguchi has work in Detroit and there’s certainly more to learn about the Stargate part of Hart Plaza.
I'm just waking up. I love this! I am all in! But I'm without info here in South Carolina. I've researched to see if there are ley lines close by but cannot find any definitive answers... is there anyone that can point me in the right direction (no pun intended, lol) or is South Carolina just without? :-(