Study finds Covid vaccines damage ALL hearts --
Radiology tests detect myocardial damage in Covid-vaccinated persons A new scientific study by Nakahara et al. tested Covid-vaccinated people to see if they have "silent" changes in heart muscle function that standard radiology tests could...
I think it BROKE everyone,s heart because we all KNOW someone close to us who took it.
Children that were swept up in the propaganda.
Absolutely, thankfully 4 of our children didn,t but 1 did as did 2 of their spouses. 2 of their friends developed Myocarditis 2 years ago and more people we know are coming down with strange complaints. Too SAD
It’s terribly sad, we all know somebody that submitted. And with such a vast majority of people that drank the cool aid I doubt these types of studies will be brought to light. Makes the short persecution of us unvaccinated seem minuscule…if it’s over…
Good post and sentiment but I have to take exception to one characterization; miniscule.
The ability to feed your family and place a roof over their heads is not minuscule, by any metric whatsoever. It may have been a small footprint (the coercion) where you are located but some people in the world are still losing their jobs (today) for unmandated vaccines as if that makes any sense whatsoever.
I personally am so jaded by the experience that my faith in humanity is destroyed permanently. If you got away with minuscule impact, hats off to you.
Minuscule when looking at the bigger picture (vaids, strokes, heart problems, clots etc) Not at all easy, but a smaller price to pay than “suddenly”.
I take your point but still disagree with the use of this adjective.
My girlfriend's father being dead from interminable lock-downs and three suicides in her extended family are not minuscule. The knock on effects for people who refused the jabs are not and never will be minuscule.
I am sorry to focus on this one word as I agree with your point.
One death affects many people. We never know how many, but it's like a domino effect.
I agree with you.
Losing your job for not getting a vaccine has the chance to be temporary.
Dying from the vaccine means you can never again feed your family or put a roof over their head.
Neither option is easy. Life isn't easy. But one of the two options is still the wrong option.
I would say this for myself, too, that COVID and the general public's reaction was the final nail in their coffin.
One vaxxed branch of our families disowned us permanently for not getting tested. The other vaxxed branch of the family did not. It varies, but many relationships were destroyed by Fauci/Gates bs.
I can’t even begin to tell you how many people I know that said “I didn’t want it but…”
I couldn’t imagine going against my own intuition like that but so many did. Freedom is not free and we will not last if we remain cowardly
Same here. I feel terrible for those "I didn't want it but..." types, including members of my own family and several in my social circle. Several of them are teachers and schools and other places of employment threatening that you take the jab or lose your job is BEYOND criminal. Maddening.
And then there are those who thought it wasn't a problem to get the shots, but regret it now that they are vaxxed.
I've assumed as much for a long time -- that heart (and probably other) damage is universal among those who took actual (not saline) COVID "vax" injections -- but this is the first time I've seen a study that makes a strong case for exactly that.
On principle you should be skeptical of what the government/media tells you to do. Reflexively doing the opposite makes you vulnerable to reverse psychology.
Anyone involved in the conspiracy from scientists to doctors and nurses to school board members need to lose EVERYTHING and spend at least ten years in prison.
The only thing I can think of now is it gets exposed, Trump rolls out them Med-Beds, fixes everyone still left, gets all the praise. We can't let Coronaville and this Vax shit get memory holed like Las Vegas. We need answers and Justice.
They can't get memory holed due to the world wide lasting effects.
Read the comments. Very interesting. Those who got the vaccine and contracted Covid were damaged.
I was watching a Dr Drew episode the other day, the reason given for all the a-fib is the sequela of myocarditis. I have been wondering why all these patients, I code their charts, are coming in with new-onset paroxysmal atrial fib. I knew it was related to the jab but didn't know the mechanism. It's due to heart damage from the jab. So I believe this headline. I mean there was afib before the jabs but the amount has exploded since the jabs started.
Makes total sense. If you're inflamming the heart in this shotgun-style approach by exposing all of its cells to a pro-inflammatory spike protein, it stands to reason it's going to mess with electrical conductivity in the atria and ventricles that allow the chambers to contract in a coordinated fashion. Once they desynchronize because the cells are damaged and not conducting signals appropriately, we'd expect to fibrillation.
On the plus side, mild a-fib can often be minimally symptomatic and not much of an impairment, but if you're 20 and now have to deal with that as a core limitation on your physical activity for the rest of your life, it's still a worry that'll always be there in the back of your mind that should not be, even in the "best case" scenario.
I guess I'll have to dig and see if I can find the original research that shows this. Dr. Pinskey has enough integrity to medical practice to back up what he says with data, so there has to be a study, even though I haven't seen it, or he would not have made the claim and brought the wrath of Pfizer on himself.
My Mother-in-law believes that it was COVID that caused the heart problems in her husband, not the vaccine. Even though all of the deaths we've witnessed (about 9 neighbors alone) occurred between December 2021 and December 2022 - long after COVID existed.
That doesn't sound very Safe&Effective™
Good study. It's still a small study, but many of these small studies are having the same conclusion it seems.
What's interesting is that those imaged after 180 days from dose 2 appear to have no indication of heart damage.
Also interesting, though again a small sample size:
From Dr. Bluemke (Editor Emeritus of the journal Radiology)
It's not "small." 700 people were in the experimental group. n=1,000. That's well more than enough to produce highly statistically significant results. Even the subgroup analysis of 372 cancer patients you noted is more than sufficient to produce a statistically significant result. You note that yourself with the discussion of the p-value.
By calling it "small," you minimize the impact of the work, as if it's not big enough to prove anything. That's false. The numbers are clear and the work stands on its merits. The mRNA vaccines cause heart inflammation even in health, asymptomatic patients and the effect persists even 6 months after introduction of the vaccine. You don't need 10,000 people to prove this.
And the UN mouthpieces are still pushing modRNA and going as far as forming "misinformation" task forces......
Does it sound like “symptom-free”?
Does Phizer have drugs to “cure” myocarditis?
At that point I wouldn’t be surprised if Phizer would “silently” sponsor similar articles. Not much harm regarding vaccine compensation requests but it helps to “build the market” (fear) for their new drugs.
All hearts, except those of the unvaccinated, of course. 😉
:( the desire for revenge increases.
I'm patient, I can wait for revenge.
Nothing can stop what's coming.