If there truly are 40, they "should" have dirt on lots of people in Butdan's orbit including some DNC/DS players, Obummer and a good number of people in Obummer's administration since Buydan was Obummer's bagman/tool.
How do you afford to pay 40 people? I mean, that's a hell of an office size ............ He must have had other streams of income from somewhere - that's wild
Which means they're in on it.
...where ' retired ' agents go
Huh? How big is Bidens family, that 40 people can be incognito?
Family members, gardener, cook, housekeeper, wash-the-car guy, security, personal attorney, nanny for Joe, Jim, Hunter and…
40 is a lot.
Sounds like Don Corleone... :)
And for years.
How long has he been in politics? 40+years. 1-2 agents per year. Surprised they didn’t shoot more of his dogs.
If there truly are 40, they "should" have dirt on lots of people in Butdan's orbit including some DNC/DS players, Obummer and a good number of people in Obummer's administration since Buydan was Obummer's bagman/tool.
"17" tapes
And, like Sargent Schultz, "they saw nothing...."
Defund the FBI. Simple action to bring them to their knees. Kill their pension from now on. Easy Peasy.
So they got info and kickbacks to cover it up.
This is Yuge!
So they ALL get immunity to testify? Yep, that's how it will play out.
Jill rolled into a car shop to have the secret service vehicles maintenances and there were 16 of them, in Delaware not DC. That’s 32 agents alone.
This makes it easier to cover for the Biden family.
So when is this gang going to be dismantled? So much fuckery it is mindblowing.
I am beginning to think that everyone is enrolled into at least one intel agency and that they are all spying on themselves!
no wonder the dog is going crazy....they know
And covering for them obviously
I love Jesse. Im going to miss him when he is suicided
Comey and Wray
Hunter is FBI.
How do you afford to pay 40 people? I mean, that's a hell of an office size ............ He must have had other streams of income from somewhere - that's wild