Unraveling the Implications - World Plummets into False-Religious Frenzy
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My commentary here – They failed in implementing their worldwide lock-downs from a fraudulent pandemic and failed in obtaining universal mandatory jabs. Next, they failed to usher in WWIII using Ukraine as a proxy before it turning it into a hot war between the United States plus the Anglo-sphere against Russia. Now, it is Israel that is leading the charge to ignite WWIII.
Independent journalist Lee Fang has trailblazed coverage of this aspect during the current crisis. In fact, Fang points out how:
“Israel’s UN ambassador Gilad Erdan and other Israeli diplomats flew to Texas to hold a Christian right prayer rally w/ Pastor John Hagee, [who] cites the prophet Isaiah — a dog whistle for End Times — & calls on evangelicals to help lobby the US gov to back Israel as a religious war.”
My commentary here – is that these are the Scofield Bible believing Zionist-Christians who teach Jewish heresy and worship modern day Israel over Calvary. A good video on this was posted by u/Tellstruth. It was the Rothschilds that funded the Scofield bible and their publishing house Oxford University Publishing Company printed the texts for American consumption. The history of Cyrus Scofield is very troubling. His wife had divorced him. He was an alcoholic. The courts saw a lot of him--and not just because he was a lawyer. He was answering charges against himself. He had even been forced to resign as district attorney in Kansas because of accusations of political corruption Scofield training was in law and not in theology, but he became a minister after preparing this funded study Bible. Cyrus I. Scofield single-handedly popularized Dispensational and Premillennialism and it continues to have a major influence today. This is where we are today. In the commentary, u/2EyesOpen posted some very good information regarding Scofield and the story on modern Dispensationalism. Also, found at:
u/HakeemDeAndreSmith posted the following called, Two great podcasts on how the banking cartels funded the psyop of Dispensationalism through Scofield onto US Evangelicalism (then with the Left Behind series) to try and trick them into supporting the beast system, which is a good source to understand the cunning mastery of leading so many Christians astray.
It’s plain to see that a large portion of America’s political elite and intelligentsia do envision Israel as being central to the long awaited, culminating ‘Rapture’ event.
This has the the real threat of a world war and a clash between Islam and Christianity. President Erdogan picked up on these dimensions in his latest speech, emphasizing the global eschatological rift between the people of the Cross and those of the Crescent while invoking the Crusades. This goal echoes the Israeli 'Oded Yinon' Plan, which calls for fomenting the "clash of civilizations" between the Muslims and Christianity. In essence, it is the Zionist strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority in the Middle East. It stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the Balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states. This, of course, dovetails into the overall 'Greater Israel Project. Through the Neocons, that is Israel’s 5th column in the U.S. (which include AIPAC and other Zionist organizations), the U.S. has been pushed into having ‘boots on the ground’ in Syria and Iraq. But one of the most important pieces on this topic comes this week from Alastair Crooke. Fully grasping the dimensions of the brewing conflict, Crooke writes: Rather, “Israel under the Netanyahu government has been moving closer and closer to an eschatological founding of Israel on the (Biblical) ‘Land of Israel’ – a move that expunges Palestine totally.” In fact, more and more the above continues to be proven true. For instance, I recently posted a new leak of internal Israeli documents claims to show a government plan explicitly calling for the total relocation—i.e. ethnic cleansing—of Palestinians to the Sinai.
Other Israeli politicians likewise have invoked Biblical scripture to support their stance on totally cleansing Palestine. For instance, here’s Moshe Feiglin, one of the most powerful members of the Likud Party, outright calling for a Biblical punishment unto Gaza in the form of total Dresden-like destruction of all Palestinians, and to turn all of Gaza “to ash”.
And shattering any delusions that this is all some coincidence, Biden himself seemed to imply understanding of the eschatological proportions to this conflict when he openly declared:
“We are in an inflection point…in the world, which occurs every 3 or 4 generations.”
Biden goes on to ominously recount that “60 million people died between 1900 and 1946” in establishing a ‘Liberal World Order’ which he appears to believe has led to a sort of golden age, which others would characterize as the unipolar world model. But now, he states, things are shifting again towards a ‘new world order’. To see this video, click here and scroll down the page.
To read the complete article, go Here.
Just a tip when things get religious frenzy-like:
Look to Christ
0 killing
0 stealing
0 hating
0 judging
0 discriminating
0 dividing
Remember the teachings of love, forgiveness, and unity that Christ preached, and do every last thing you can possibly do to hold to that. That's how you're going to get strongest in these times.
some of this is not true. he flipped tables and hit people in public.
he routinely insulted people...you will strain a gnat but swallow a camel
In those cases he was dealing with deceitful people, and saw through them.. or desecrating a house of worship as a den of thieves.
Pretty much righteous/justified anger, or the hard truth (he didn't mince words). If one of them so much as asked for forgiveness, they would have been known forever as a lesson in humbleness and humility.
We can be like that - I know i am. A lot of people get upset when i level the hard truth saying "you should be a nicer christian". i simply tell them they should follow Christ if they don't want to face anger like His.
Didn't The Bible say that when He comes again it will be with a flaming sword?
The sword is the Word, the Word is the Son. The Word is what Jesus came to teach, and it is the divider of the wheat from the chaff. There are those that choose to ignore or selectively follow what he taught, and there are those that do their best every day to walk as he walked.
If people somehow find the Bible confusing and need to see exactly what Jesus taught then there are red letter bibles that highlight his exact words in red lettering to eliminate any confusion. I would seriously recommend everyone that thinks somehow Jesus was advocating for violence in any way actually do their best to read exactly what he was teaching.
This website is a red letter KJV and I'm linking John 1 but you could start with any of Gospels and still figure it out. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/John-Chapter-1/
Yes, on the last day, God's day of judgment, where God takes vengeance and evil is wiped out forever, and the root torn up and burnt so it never comes back.
The Table Flippian denomination somehow thinks this one act is the single greatest that Jesus ever performed, and that it somehow justifies insane levels of bloodthirst on their part.
It’s really strange.
Table Flippians...LOL, my new go-to.
first of all, table flippian is hilarious. that doesnt make me bloodthirsty tho. it does show me that against evil people, force may be necessary...
Yeah I agree that in certain circumstances force is necessary.
I just see people online take that way too far too often, and I worry for them. Taking it to that extreme level in their mind and then speaking it into the world isn't healthy for them or anyone really.
Biden understanding of the eschatological proportions to this conflict declaring:
“We are in an inflection point…in the world, which occurs every 3 or 4 generations.”
This in Masonic Satanism is called the "Harvest". Is there any question, to who Biden has sworn his allegiance to? The wolf has gotten into the sheep pen.
The world has always been in a false religious frenzy.
Very true...... The real church begins within oneself. The body is the temple of the Lord..... From there, learning is being the 'salt of the world', observing and interpreting God's organic creation and His Divine Order through which the Laws of Nature are manifest. What are the Laws of Nature? It's a relevant question simply because it governs all life without exception, including mankind. I'll tell you this, these Laws are the foundation to the decalogue and relates throughout the Bible. Our success to our survival depends on recognizing this.
Both sides are controlled by the deep state. There is a lot of fog of war in this area.
While Controversial, this Anon has put forth very coherent arguments.
Definitely needs debating here.
The feudal lords in the West always fall for this - this is just the 4th Crusade to the Holy Land.
It seems the emphasis is always on the Crusadeswhen in fact, the many, many wars Islam has waged is greatly suppressed. Why do I say ths?
A sample taken for a 25-year period (1975 to 2000) found there has been 225 books written on the Christian Crusades compared to only one book written on the Islamic conquest.
The Crusades were a failure compared to the vast Islamic conquest of the lands extending from Spain to India. All lands except Spain and India have been retained by Islam. The Islamic conquest was quick and brutal. We know in an expanse of only 60-years, Islam spread from the lands extending from Spain to India.
The Islamic conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population, in which the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. “Hindu slaughter.”, or Here.
Europe suffered a similar fate with so many battles, in which entire villages perished with survivors taken away, many castrated, and sold as slaves. The real cause of Europe's Dark Ages was the abrupt stoppage of European trade on the high seas, especially the Mediterranean Sea as a result of the constant brutal Islamic raids and pirating.
Finally, the Dark Ages makes sense!
How does a civilization such as the Roman Empire turn into a dark era where all the marvels of Roman engineering and technology seem to abruptly halt and forgotten? Look at all the incredible engineering feats the Romans implemented with massive building projects, perfecting the arch, building massive aqueducts, dams, sanitation, and road systems, which still exist today 2000 years later. A forgotten technology of cement of which is far more superior than today’s technology.
How did this all come to an end?
The real cause was Islamic jihad causing massive interruption of trade. The onslaught of Islam created an era of widespread economic depression.
Why have we not been taught this in our schools? Dr. Bill Warner explains it in scintillating detail.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo&ytbChannel=Political%20Islam >> “No longer available” >> “… suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.”
Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo
The many, many wars Islam has waged is greatly suppressed.
Israel (the country in the mid east) is not Israel - the favoured house of Jacob was named Israel. Guess what? Europeans (and others) are descended from that house of Jacob, which is named Israel. WE ARE ISRAEL.
The entity in the middle east stole the name and is an abomination, it is (partly) peopled and (certainly) controlled by people who are NOT from that line, from the house of Israel, which is Jacobs sons.
Israel (the country in the mid east) is illegitimate, and an affront to believers, whether new or old testament, or even those following the Quran. Israel (the country in the mid east) is owed no loyalty from Americans, Euros or anyone else. The entity stole the name and serves a dark agenda, as can be plainly seen.
Sorry but this is the truth. Doesn't mean I hate anyone, except the satan worshipping scum who are tormenting humanity under a false name.
There's nothing to be "sorry" about for something you believe. If you want hard facts about who Israel is not, and who the Palestinians are, read in the comment section my response to the question poised by u/dumb_okie on who the Palestinians are posted Here. Let me know what you think because there's far more information.........
Yes very interesting indeed. Saving Israel for last, because THAT Israel is NOT Israel. We the lost tribes (now spread all over the world) of the house of Jacob are the real Israel, and we deserve our heritage back, our hope. I am calling it "The truth that would set you free"
Ooh, ooh! To your first commentary, the article mentions Jerusalem, Armageddon, and Gog/Magog, but what does the Scripture actually say? What is the context and meaning? But first, a quick quote to get anyone digging on your second commentary on dispensationalism (and tools like it):
Who wrote this? What group did he belong to? What are the rules for? How many are they and what do they say? What is "learning against learning"? Who coined that term? What group does he belong to?
Back to the first commentary!
First on earthly Jerusalem (and Judaism) destroyed in its entirety by Babylon:
This has already happened. This is a typology, and this is the type. Names were meant to have meaning, but modern naming is only that - a name.
So where or what is Jerusalem now?
Before the second coming of Christ, New Jerusalem, the Church of God where we are the 'living stones' rebuilding "on another", the Kingdom of those who seek God and seek salvation through the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ, is seen in heaven by John. With the second coming of Jesus Christ, with the glory of God from the east [Matthew 25:31], He brings the 'living stones' of new Jerusalem with Him, and after the millennia establishes His Kingdom on earth.
Why does He specifically come from the east, by the way? That's a whole other topic of great significance, but let's try to be brief! Wow, there's just so much!
Secondly on the typology of Armageddon:
The greek word for "place" used is "topos" which can also mean "a state of mind". We can see the actual battle, the type, in the valley of Har Megiddo, as a battle of decision, if we consider what Elijah said on mount Carmel:
The valley of Armageddon is a type of Jehoshaphat (hebrew meaning God has judged), and a type of Jerusalem:
Here is where God intervened and fought for His people.
Here is where God intervenes (again) and fights for His people. The decision to be made, this is the antitype, and this time again the battle is for your mind. But this time, He destroys the followers of Baal with the brightness of His second coming as Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:8).
Lastly on Gog and Magog:
Revelation is written as a chiasm with the historical arm reading forwards, then the climax, then the eschatological arm reading backwards. The events here are described in reverse to maintain the chiasmic structure: as in the historic arm, first is the second resurrection, then the judgement of God, then the destruction of Satan and his hosts. Gog and Magog is the typology of the destruction of Satan and his hosts that happens after the millennium and with fire from God out of heaven.
This appears to be a good read. I will look at this and respond shortly. I'll respond to your last sentence inquiring that, "It really feels like this time is getting closer and closer, doesn't it?"
It may appear to this way. Remember, "Only the Father knows" Matthew 24:36-38. Even "Jesus and the angels of heaven don't know when it will be", ibid.
Every generation appears to have said the same about the end times going back two thousand years. When Attila the Hun made his way through Europe many people believed that Lucifer himself was unleashed and the end was near. So fearful were the people of Italia of the coming hordes that an entire city was abandoned north of the Po River and headed into the marshes of the Adriatic sea. There they rebuilt hidden from the hordes and it became later to be known as Venice.
There's time to turn this around. We must act...as we have been instructed to do so. It is by spreading the truth and the true gospel that this knowledge will cause bankruptcy to their diabolical scheme. We must expose the false Christian preachers that commit pharmakeia and advocate false doctrine through the great heresy of Dispensationalism and Premillennialism.
Evil begets evil. The Zionists have infiltrated the church. Growing up, I sat through many a sermon where the thesis was the support of Israel, regardless of justification. The "chosen people" demagoguery seems to fly in the face of Christ like behavior. As long as America hitches her grocer's wagon to a team of Zionist war horses, Israel will continue to act with impunity towards her neighbors. What is Israel's motivation to stop acting as the playground bully when the corn fed muscle is at her beck and call? I'm not advocating leaving Israel to twist in the wind, but come on. What other protectorate would be allowed to do what Israel has done? Your average American evangelical sees terrorism as an Islamist tool but has never heard of the King David Hotel.
Indeed, it is the great heresy for those pastors spewing pharmakeia and setting false Israel above Christ on Calvary (Golgotha). They genuflect before the 'chosen ones' over focusing their belief on Jesus. It's heresy and there's no other way of avoiding this conclusion. If you ever wondered about the TV evangelists and the riches of the mega-churches, they didn't achieve this by happenstance. It is contrary to the teaching of Jesus. Nothing in this world is a coincidence. These wealthy preachers are all open advocates of the Scofield dispensational and premillennialism false doctrine, to which the Masonic-Zionists have prescribed for their own benefit in achieving their dreams of a Satanic one world government and its capital being Jerusalem. Jerusalem is envisioned as being the Masonic “Temple of all Religions”. Look at Israel and all the 'All-Seeing Eye' edifices there. It's obvious that the Rothschilds who, in their own words, admit creating Israel, are honored and revered in Israel, as they fund the many governmental aspects in Israel. The Rothschild-supported Hebrew University in Israel has erected an Egyptian obelisk, symbol of Freemasonry, in its courtyard, and inside the new Israeli Supreme Court building is a law library architecturally designed in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid. The *Bnai B'rith Lodge of New York is affiliated with Israel's lodges* and so is the hate-mongering ADL and ACLU, not to mention almost every top investment magnate on Wall Street in New York. The Illuminati symbolism in Israel is a direct reflection of the Rothschilds participation in Masonic practices.
Truly, the Holy Bible is proven true in its prophecy of great "merchants" who, in the last days, deceive the world through their commercial trade and their sorcery (pharmakeia). It is through Rothschild fiat funding, that permits TV ministers like Joe Osteen and John Hagee, et al. to spread the poison of welcoming... and even wishing for the end times to come and for Armageddon to occur. This is contrary to Biblical scripture that tells us, "Only the Father knows" the time -- Matthew 24:36 . It is not for us to make the time for the world to come.... This is strictly the domain of God and is otherwise blasphemous to Him. The rapture and fomenting Armageddon is a form of Aggressive mimicry, which predators, parasites or parasitoids share similar signals with a harmless model, allowing them to avoid being correctly identified by their prey or host.’” In the Talmud, it is a form of 'Tikkun Olam' and the Talmud teaches that Israel cannot be fully redeemed until Christianity as Jesus established it is destroyed. Is this not the Great Whore of Revelation 17 & 18 identified. And Jerusalem sits on seven mountains. The Beast and Antichrist, find their fulfillment here, where the “head” (mountain; Mount Moriah), had a wound by a sword (70AD), and yet did live (1948).
60 million you say...
Isn't that the number of INNOCENT WHITE CHRISTIANS were murdered by the bolshevists jews?
Also just 10 million shy of the number of innocent babies slaughtered in the womb in the past century
This is Biden saying this. He uses the dates of 1900 to 1946, which would cover both world wars. Many historians estimated that 60 million deaths occurred as a result of WWII alone though.
What Biden is referring to is a public call for what the Luciferian Cabal refer to as the "Harvest".
Holy Shit, this is insane!
Don't have near enough ammo for this kind of stupidity!
Wrong answer fren. You dont win an debate by refusing to make arguments. This needs to be debated, and your counter-arguments better be as well researched as the ops!