A lot of what you say resonates with me but I’m curious why God can use the obstinate Hebrews for His purpose and the murderer Saul of Tarsus for His purpose but not evil Rothschild for His purpose of creating a Hebrew nation in a day?
Secondly, anything taken to the extreme becomes flawed and dangerous. The same applies to dispensationalism. However dispensationalism cannot be negated. It is an evident truth and it’s my understanding it was around long before Darby. You proved it yourself by acknowledging the purpose of the Hebrews and the purpose of the apostle Paul. These are representative of separate dispensations. The former brought the law the latter spread the gospel of grace.
Thinking a Hebrew nation was created is the problem. They called it Israel, used the Star of David, and Christians fell for it. They should have called it Rothistan, but then Christians wouldn't have bent themselves into a religious pretzel defending Rothistan.
Christians often use the verse in the Bible about God blessing those that bless Israel. Well, tell me, have you seen God's blessing bestowed on the United States since 1948? Constant wars. Constant moral decay. Most of which has been caused by banks, and the entertainment industry. No doubt you know who runs those. So, either God is not blessing those who bless Israel, or this isn't the Israel we were told to believe it is.
If someone tried to sell me a Rolls Royce, and I realized it was fake, I wouldn't buy it. Christians never bothered asking anything about this Israel. They didn't look under the hood. They just jumped up and down, clapping like trained seals because Israel was a country again. They even excused away the fact that Israel had an intelligence agency working inside the US, because "Muh God's chosen people." It's not the same Israel. It's just not. It's a scam, and has been a scam for decades.
for His purpose of creating a Hebrew nation in a day?
For a general, providential purpose, sure. As in: the Lord causes nations to rise and fall throughout history, according to his preordained plans.
But for a special, biblically significant purpose? No. This would be based on the fallacy that God is a real estate agent. That physical land was NEVER an end unto itself. It was a temporal theocratic setting, set aside for holy use starting at the giving of the Law on Mt Sinai until the coming of Christ. It was in a sense heaven come down on earth in an imperfect picture form, but only in specific boundaries of time and space. The whole point of the nation of Israel was a demonstration that blessing and righteousness must go together, so that not just Jews but all of humanity could look and see what it means to dwell with a holy and just God. Heaven is not just given away for free, it must be earned by perfect and perpetual obedience. (Israel agreed at Sinai to Follow all the commandments given to them so that they would dwell peacefully in the land). But the problematic condition of sin prevented that situation from enduring. So as Israel turned away from their covenant God and followed their own desires and other gods, they were judged, conquered, exiled, scattered, etc.
When Jesus the true and faithful Israel personified came, he inaugurated the kingdom of heaven, and the NT prophets and apostles were clear that this kingdom from above supersedes and fulfills what the earthly kingdom of Israel was pointing to all along.
Think of the land of Israel as the small scale model of a city plan on display behind glass, so everyone can get a sense of what the real thing will be like. Jesus' kingdom ("My kingdom is not of this world") is the real thing described by that model, but his kingdom comes in two stages (first in humility, then at the end in glory). That little toy model no longer has value once the real thing was inaugurated. All that is left is the fullness of that kingdom of glory consummating the heavens and the earth. A strip of land along the eastern Mediterranean has no special place in this unfolding of redemptive history.
Honestly this sounds like a bunch of gobbly goop opinion. Salvation doesn’t come from works. If it was possible to earn your way to heaven Christ would not have had to sacrifice himself for us. Read Paul’s letters. They are very clear on this. Jesus’ sacrifice was necessary 1. Because only perfection can fulfill the perfect law. The law cannot save us, imperfect beings. The law is merely a mirror that shows us our sin when we look into it. Because God loves us and because He is just he had to fulfill the law as a man. Think of the idea of a family redeemer such as Boaz. God became a man, Jesus, to save mankind. It’s one of the reasons evil forces are trying to corrupt DNA. Beside being one of the last Godly people on earth Noah and his family still had pure DNA. Noah’s line had not been corrupted by the sons of heaven mixing with the daughters of Adam, the result was the Nephilim. So God chose to clean the slate and have Noah start over but I digress. It’s happening all over again with poisonous food full of chemicals and mRNA vax. Evil forces are again trying to corrupt God’s creation. I’m not saying if you got vaxxed you’re irredeemable but there will be a point at which which you will be irredeemable. Protect your DNA! The line in the sand will most likely be the mark. That will prolly be the final mail in the DNA coffin that separates you from God. I say all this to drive home the point that Jesus had to sacrifice himself for our salvation because we cannot do it. As Paul teaches we are saved by our faith through God’s grace. The message of works was “dispensed” to the Hebrews. They had to sacrifice animals, they had to keep the laws, they had to “work” for their salvation until Jesus showed up and saved everyone who passed before and all who believe now. I adddressed this first because it was the most wrong according to your obedience statement. All who truly believe will have no choice but to try to be obedient because of their love of Christ and the guidance of His Spirit. It is not you who gets credit for the “works”.
Now, God specifically told Abraham, what mountain to go up and what directions to look and used landmarks to describe what land he and the nation made from his offspring would inherit. Aside from you can go count how many times God Himself speaks of the LAND. It is not a metaphor. It is the Holy Land. It does belong to the Hebrews. God will establish His 1000 year Kingdom on Earth in the Holy Land before the final destruction of Satan and recreation of the new heavens and new earth.
These ideas your getting. You’re reading too much into it and applying your own notions. Stop. This is where dispensationalism will help you. You must only take from the scriptures what is said keeping into account when it was said, who it was said to, the grammar used, and the words used. Stop listening the kooky scholars and weird anons that add to what God’s word says.
If their are flaws from men in the Bible it is not with the original writing or the way men wrote it or the true meaning of it but rather some interpretation of it. Thankfully God is so wise that He spoke to us in a way where everything can be verified by comparison to other scriptures. This is called rightly dividing. Separating truth from truth because it is all true. It proves itself. It does not contradict itself. The application of your understanding is what contradicts. The contradiction is only in your own mind.
A nation was built in a day and it was fulfilled prophecy no matter who on earth it was that facilitated it. He tells us the end from the beginning so that we have comfort and assurance He is the one and only living God.
The word "dispensationalism" could be applied to what you are saying, but your argument is merely semantics and isn't how dispensationalist teaching is literally "woven into" the narrative of the Bible erroneously. Darbyists love to ignore all time stamps given in scripture to clarify when events prophesied would happen. Instead they ignore the time stamps and tell their flocks that it's in the future in order to take away from the finished work of Jesus on the Cross and the end of the Old Covenant. Two examples...In Matthew 24 Jesus give His disciples a list of events and circumstances that will occur in the future. Without exception each one of the bullet points Jesus gives is used by Dispensationalist Evangelicals to explain what will signs going on in our lifetime or in the future in Israel. The problem is pastors, professors at most Christian Colleges and Seminaries, Prophecy charlatans, etc. refuse to deal with verse 34 where Jesus plainly says, "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Seriously, why would Jesus try to comfort an early Church that was going to be in the midst of severe persecution by telling them a bunch of data points that were going to happen thousands of years into the future?
If you read Josephus account of the sacking of Jerusalem in 70AD, you see that Jesus was 100% correct. Everything He said would happen prior to that generation's passing did indeed happen...exactly!
You're correct, God can indeed use the Rothschilds to create a new Hebrew nation...BUT, that's not what happened. A new Hebrew nation...bloodline...wasn't created. A very worldly, satanic, sick and highly corrupt nation was created and it's ambition is being fueled by the sick teachings of Zionism. God, using the Rothschilds to create a wicked state on the backs of slaughtered Palestinians is not at all something the God of Scripture would do!
I don't think the dangers of Dispensational teaching can be overstated. In fact, I think it's safe to say one of the main reasons we are losing our country and way of life is directly because of the teachings of Darby and the Scofield NWO bible. Most Evangelical 501c3 Tax Exempt NWO churches are teaching their flocks that Israel is the key to prophesy and that the Jews are still God's favored people. The Zionist feed off this belief and is the main reason they cling to their world domination ideology. To them all other people are just Goyim and Scofield Christians perpetuate this wicked racism.
Darby also taught that there would be world government but that Christians would be "Raptured" out before the really bad stuff of God's judgement of mankind began. With this frame of mind firmly established in the spirit of well meaning Christian men and women, is it any wonder most of them would choose to sit back and just wait to be raptured out of harms way? Why fight against something that apparently God has foreordained to occur? This is why there has been minimal push back from the Christians in America against the evil and wickedness that's overrun our nation! This sad state can be laid directly on the lap of the inept 501c3 Scofield Churches! If our Founding Fathers had been taught by Dispensationalist Pastors, we would all be under the rule of Britain and the greatest missionary nation in the history of the world never would have existed most likely.
Clearly world government is not in our future...it's like herding cats. Nationalism is stronger than ever and to think that God is going to allow this when He explicitly gave His Son the Keys to the Kingdom after His resurrection and destroyed the plans of the devil is just not Biblical and it goes completely against God's Sovereign character. Jesus will never relinquish His control and ownership ever again. Adam had it once and gave it to satan. Jesus received it back when he defeated satan once and forever on the Cross. Now it's just a matter of time (how long I don't know...could take another thousand, two thousand years or longer) for the beautiful, simple message of Christ's Gospel to win the world over in love. As Jesus told Peter, "And I say also unto thee, That thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Doesn't sound like world government was in Jesus' idea for the future either?
First off, I want to make it clear I am not a "dispensationalist" like you are describing. Other than knowing his name I haven't clue who Darby is. I think you should open your mind up a bit and realize, as I stated before extremes are always dangerous but not all who agree that there a clear dispensations in the bible, some even called dispensations by the authors themselves (Paul), are "dispensationalists" associated with Darby or his teachings.
For instance, you are completely right about about Matthew 24 and how verse 34 is overlooked. What you don't realize is that all four gospels were dispensed to the Hebrews. Jesus even told them Himself that his gospel was for the Hebrews and not to spread it to the gentiles. I learned that from a dispensationalist. It in no way means the wisdom or the knowledge in Jesus' gospel is not for us to learn from as well it just wasn't directed to us gentiles. Assuming I'm speaking to one. The problem is not differentiating between prophecy and mystery. Jesus' gospel was born out of prophecy. His coming and suffering was long foretold. However, the mystery of Paul's gospel was mystery until Jesus revealed to Paul from heaven in the desert. The mystery of salvation by faith through grace. That bit of info was held close to God's chest until the time he determined was right to release it. If you read Paul's letters you will come across 8 mysteries in total. The rapture is one of them.
Matthew24 is not used to argue for a Pre-Trib rapture. It can't be because it is delivered to the Hebrews specifically. It is Jerusalem specific. Not to mention the fact that Paul speaks of the rapture as a mystery. Is Paul a liar? He would have to be to call it a mystery knowing that Jesus spoke of end times to the others. Paul is not speaking of the same events. This is just one instance of how you agree with dispensationalism. From the flow of our conversation you agree a lot more than you think. My sister was the same way until I held her hand through a few topics until the light came on. You have to ignore Darby and his supporters but recognize while they are wrong the tool they use is not evil or a detriment but quite the opposite.
So we agree on that. I want to encourage you to not throw the baby out with the bath water. Just like OJ gives a bad name to defense lawyers so does this Darby character to dispensationalism, an excellent tool used to rightly divide when wielded properly.
You lost me on your world gov opinions. Revelation is all prophecy. It will come to pass. It is nearly all Hebrew centric. Jacob's trouble, the great tribulation, and the 144,000. It is a time where the Hebrews along with all other non-believers up to that point. I say up to that point because Jacob's Trouble will be a public event for all the world to see. All will see the second advent of Christ. It has to be public because the only way Hebrews will wake up is through signs and wonders. It's funny because Jesus showed up with all the signs and wonders but because they were expecting a warrior to overthrow Rome they completely disregarded Him. He was all about faith, love and spirit. Hebrews were who were all about the law and the physical world could not comprehend.
This is another reason why the Pre-Trib rapture is a mystery as Paul says. It is a private event. Only Christians who believe will be raptured. Jesus will only appear in the clouds and gather the members of His body (The Church is the Body of Christ, another mystery). The world will not see this even other than a lot of the population disappearing or dying. Another mystery Paul speaks of is the transformation of our bodies. The dead will rise first and be renewed in their resurrections and the living believers will be transformed as well. Its not clear what condition our earthly bodies will be left in.
This is is all spoken of very clearly by Paul. No mixing words or their meanings. No spells in the spelling. 1600 KJV. Its all there. I wouldn't trust other translations for details. They will still guide you to Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life but other translations will get fuzzy in detailed studies.
BTW, thanks for the Josephus reference. I am looking forward to checking that out. I always knew Matt24 had nothing to do with PreTrib but I hadn't heard how it correlates to the sacking of Jerusalem.
I'll leave you with a couple videos from the Pastors that opened my eyes to the usefulness of Dispensationalism and rightly dividing God's word. They are not "Hyper Dispensationalists". They are not "Darbyists". They use the tool of dispensationalism only to rightly divide God's word. Separating truth from truth to better understand the literal meaning of God's word.
Others have commented on the Rothschild aka Khazarian/Ashkenazi connection in relation to Israel, but there is another aspect of this which is extremely relevant today. Much of modern Israel is in fact Edom, which is the descendants of Esau.
In very short though, Esau had a legitimate claim to the rights of the firstborn which was stolen by Jacob at the suggestion of his mother, and made possible because Isaac was blind.
According to Biblical law the only way to disinherit the firstborn is if they screw up (ie Reuben dishonored his father's bed). Esau had not done so as yet, so he had a valid legal claim still.
Fast forward to modern times and you have Esau/Edom taking the birthright/name of Israel/Jacob and taking the land back by deception, empowered by the blinded prophets of the church. They've been given their time in the sun, but ultimately as we see in the state of Israel, I believe they too will be found rebellious before God and will be disinherited on account of their actions.
The link above does a much better job than I have, but maybe that's enough to whet someone's interest.
You seem to have forgetten the part where Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a mere bowl of soup. I am no fan of today's Zionists at all, and I despise CI Scofield's perverted margin interpretations, whose version of the Bible was underwritten by Rothschids, but a transaction between Hebrews of old is a transaction.
Jacob deceived Isaac when it came to receiving the blessing delivered by Isaac as a father, but that blessing was not a ceremonial declaration birthright. It was a blessing for a first born, to whom the birthright was traditionally already granted by virtue of his first born birth position (if by only a few minutes), but it was not a ceremonial awarding of a birthright on that occasion. Esau had the birthright by virtue of being first born. Disinheriting a birthright was not at issue.
Transactional disavowal of the rights attendant to the birthright was Esau's choice. Esau had already disposed of that right to Jacob simply because he was hungry. Stupid move, but he did it just the same. He did not value his birthright more than he valued a bowl of soup. Let that sink in.
What is important is the bloodline of Jesus Christ from Adam came through Jacob through David through Mary (collapsing generations in the narrative of course), not through Esau. Edomites were always described in the Scriptures as enemies/adversaries to Biblical Israel.
A lot of what you say resonates with me but I’m curious why God can use the obstinate Hebrews for His purpose and the murderer Saul of Tarsus for His purpose but not evil Rothschild for His purpose of creating a Hebrew nation in a day?
Secondly, anything taken to the extreme becomes flawed and dangerous. The same applies to dispensationalism. However dispensationalism cannot be negated. It is an evident truth and it’s my understanding it was around long before Darby. You proved it yourself by acknowledging the purpose of the Hebrews and the purpose of the apostle Paul. These are representative of separate dispensations. The former brought the law the latter spread the gospel of grace.
Thinking a Hebrew nation was created is the problem. They called it Israel, used the Star of David, and Christians fell for it. They should have called it Rothistan, but then Christians wouldn't have bent themselves into a religious pretzel defending Rothistan.
Christians often use the verse in the Bible about God blessing those that bless Israel. Well, tell me, have you seen God's blessing bestowed on the United States since 1948? Constant wars. Constant moral decay. Most of which has been caused by banks, and the entertainment industry. No doubt you know who runs those. So, either God is not blessing those who bless Israel, or this isn't the Israel we were told to believe it is.
If someone tried to sell me a Rolls Royce, and I realized it was fake, I wouldn't buy it. Christians never bothered asking anything about this Israel. They didn't look under the hood. They just jumped up and down, clapping like trained seals because Israel was a country again. They even excused away the fact that Israel had an intelligence agency working inside the US, because "Muh God's chosen people." It's not the same Israel. It's just not. It's a scam, and has been a scam for decades.
Honestly that went right over my head. I feel stupid
It's OK you're not alone
For a general, providential purpose, sure. As in: the Lord causes nations to rise and fall throughout history, according to his preordained plans.
But for a special, biblically significant purpose? No. This would be based on the fallacy that God is a real estate agent. That physical land was NEVER an end unto itself. It was a temporal theocratic setting, set aside for holy use starting at the giving of the Law on Mt Sinai until the coming of Christ. It was in a sense heaven come down on earth in an imperfect picture form, but only in specific boundaries of time and space. The whole point of the nation of Israel was a demonstration that blessing and righteousness must go together, so that not just Jews but all of humanity could look and see what it means to dwell with a holy and just God. Heaven is not just given away for free, it must be earned by perfect and perpetual obedience. (Israel agreed at Sinai to Follow all the commandments given to them so that they would dwell peacefully in the land). But the problematic condition of sin prevented that situation from enduring. So as Israel turned away from their covenant God and followed their own desires and other gods, they were judged, conquered, exiled, scattered, etc.
When Jesus the true and faithful Israel personified came, he inaugurated the kingdom of heaven, and the NT prophets and apostles were clear that this kingdom from above supersedes and fulfills what the earthly kingdom of Israel was pointing to all along.
Think of the land of Israel as the small scale model of a city plan on display behind glass, so everyone can get a sense of what the real thing will be like. Jesus' kingdom ("My kingdom is not of this world") is the real thing described by that model, but his kingdom comes in two stages (first in humility, then at the end in glory). That little toy model no longer has value once the real thing was inaugurated. All that is left is the fullness of that kingdom of glory consummating the heavens and the earth. A strip of land along the eastern Mediterranean has no special place in this unfolding of redemptive history.
Honestly this sounds like a bunch of gobbly goop opinion. Salvation doesn’t come from works. If it was possible to earn your way to heaven Christ would not have had to sacrifice himself for us. Read Paul’s letters. They are very clear on this. Jesus’ sacrifice was necessary 1. Because only perfection can fulfill the perfect law. The law cannot save us, imperfect beings. The law is merely a mirror that shows us our sin when we look into it. Because God loves us and because He is just he had to fulfill the law as a man. Think of the idea of a family redeemer such as Boaz. God became a man, Jesus, to save mankind. It’s one of the reasons evil forces are trying to corrupt DNA. Beside being one of the last Godly people on earth Noah and his family still had pure DNA. Noah’s line had not been corrupted by the sons of heaven mixing with the daughters of Adam, the result was the Nephilim. So God chose to clean the slate and have Noah start over but I digress. It’s happening all over again with poisonous food full of chemicals and mRNA vax. Evil forces are again trying to corrupt God’s creation. I’m not saying if you got vaxxed you’re irredeemable but there will be a point at which which you will be irredeemable. Protect your DNA! The line in the sand will most likely be the mark. That will prolly be the final mail in the DNA coffin that separates you from God. I say all this to drive home the point that Jesus had to sacrifice himself for our salvation because we cannot do it. As Paul teaches we are saved by our faith through God’s grace. The message of works was “dispensed” to the Hebrews. They had to sacrifice animals, they had to keep the laws, they had to “work” for their salvation until Jesus showed up and saved everyone who passed before and all who believe now. I adddressed this first because it was the most wrong according to your obedience statement. All who truly believe will have no choice but to try to be obedient because of their love of Christ and the guidance of His Spirit. It is not you who gets credit for the “works”.
Now, God specifically told Abraham, what mountain to go up and what directions to look and used landmarks to describe what land he and the nation made from his offspring would inherit. Aside from you can go count how many times God Himself speaks of the LAND. It is not a metaphor. It is the Holy Land. It does belong to the Hebrews. God will establish His 1000 year Kingdom on Earth in the Holy Land before the final destruction of Satan and recreation of the new heavens and new earth.
These ideas your getting. You’re reading too much into it and applying your own notions. Stop. This is where dispensationalism will help you. You must only take from the scriptures what is said keeping into account when it was said, who it was said to, the grammar used, and the words used. Stop listening the kooky scholars and weird anons that add to what God’s word says.
If their are flaws from men in the Bible it is not with the original writing or the way men wrote it or the true meaning of it but rather some interpretation of it. Thankfully God is so wise that He spoke to us in a way where everything can be verified by comparison to other scriptures. This is called rightly dividing. Separating truth from truth because it is all true. It proves itself. It does not contradict itself. The application of your understanding is what contradicts. The contradiction is only in your own mind.
A nation was built in a day and it was fulfilled prophecy no matter who on earth it was that facilitated it. He tells us the end from the beginning so that we have comfort and assurance He is the one and only living God.
The word "dispensationalism" could be applied to what you are saying, but your argument is merely semantics and isn't how dispensationalist teaching is literally "woven into" the narrative of the Bible erroneously. Darbyists love to ignore all time stamps given in scripture to clarify when events prophesied would happen. Instead they ignore the time stamps and tell their flocks that it's in the future in order to take away from the finished work of Jesus on the Cross and the end of the Old Covenant. Two examples...In Matthew 24 Jesus give His disciples a list of events and circumstances that will occur in the future. Without exception each one of the bullet points Jesus gives is used by Dispensationalist Evangelicals to explain what will signs going on in our lifetime or in the future in Israel. The problem is pastors, professors at most Christian Colleges and Seminaries, Prophecy charlatans, etc. refuse to deal with verse 34 where Jesus plainly says, "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Seriously, why would Jesus try to comfort an early Church that was going to be in the midst of severe persecution by telling them a bunch of data points that were going to happen thousands of years into the future?
If you read Josephus account of the sacking of Jerusalem in 70AD, you see that Jesus was 100% correct. Everything He said would happen prior to that generation's passing did indeed happen...exactly!
You're correct, God can indeed use the Rothschilds to create a new Hebrew nation...BUT, that's not what happened. A new Hebrew nation...bloodline...wasn't created. A very worldly, satanic, sick and highly corrupt nation was created and it's ambition is being fueled by the sick teachings of Zionism. God, using the Rothschilds to create a wicked state on the backs of slaughtered Palestinians is not at all something the God of Scripture would do!
I don't think the dangers of Dispensational teaching can be overstated. In fact, I think it's safe to say one of the main reasons we are losing our country and way of life is directly because of the teachings of Darby and the Scofield NWO bible. Most Evangelical 501c3 Tax Exempt NWO churches are teaching their flocks that Israel is the key to prophesy and that the Jews are still God's favored people. The Zionist feed off this belief and is the main reason they cling to their world domination ideology. To them all other people are just Goyim and Scofield Christians perpetuate this wicked racism.
Darby also taught that there would be world government but that Christians would be "Raptured" out before the really bad stuff of God's judgement of mankind began. With this frame of mind firmly established in the spirit of well meaning Christian men and women, is it any wonder most of them would choose to sit back and just wait to be raptured out of harms way? Why fight against something that apparently God has foreordained to occur? This is why there has been minimal push back from the Christians in America against the evil and wickedness that's overrun our nation! This sad state can be laid directly on the lap of the inept 501c3 Scofield Churches! If our Founding Fathers had been taught by Dispensationalist Pastors, we would all be under the rule of Britain and the greatest missionary nation in the history of the world never would have existed most likely.
Clearly world government is not in our future...it's like herding cats. Nationalism is stronger than ever and to think that God is going to allow this when He explicitly gave His Son the Keys to the Kingdom after His resurrection and destroyed the plans of the devil is just not Biblical and it goes completely against God's Sovereign character. Jesus will never relinquish His control and ownership ever again. Adam had it once and gave it to satan. Jesus received it back when he defeated satan once and forever on the Cross. Now it's just a matter of time (how long I don't know...could take another thousand, two thousand years or longer) for the beautiful, simple message of Christ's Gospel to win the world over in love. As Jesus told Peter, "And I say also unto thee, That thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Doesn't sound like world government was in Jesus' idea for the future either?
First off, I want to make it clear I am not a "dispensationalist" like you are describing. Other than knowing his name I haven't clue who Darby is. I think you should open your mind up a bit and realize, as I stated before extremes are always dangerous but not all who agree that there a clear dispensations in the bible, some even called dispensations by the authors themselves (Paul), are "dispensationalists" associated with Darby or his teachings.
For instance, you are completely right about about Matthew 24 and how verse 34 is overlooked. What you don't realize is that all four gospels were dispensed to the Hebrews. Jesus even told them Himself that his gospel was for the Hebrews and not to spread it to the gentiles. I learned that from a dispensationalist. It in no way means the wisdom or the knowledge in Jesus' gospel is not for us to learn from as well it just wasn't directed to us gentiles. Assuming I'm speaking to one. The problem is not differentiating between prophecy and mystery. Jesus' gospel was born out of prophecy. His coming and suffering was long foretold. However, the mystery of Paul's gospel was mystery until Jesus revealed to Paul from heaven in the desert. The mystery of salvation by faith through grace. That bit of info was held close to God's chest until the time he determined was right to release it. If you read Paul's letters you will come across 8 mysteries in total. The rapture is one of them.
Matthew24 is not used to argue for a Pre-Trib rapture. It can't be because it is delivered to the Hebrews specifically. It is Jerusalem specific. Not to mention the fact that Paul speaks of the rapture as a mystery. Is Paul a liar? He would have to be to call it a mystery knowing that Jesus spoke of end times to the others. Paul is not speaking of the same events. This is just one instance of how you agree with dispensationalism. From the flow of our conversation you agree a lot more than you think. My sister was the same way until I held her hand through a few topics until the light came on. You have to ignore Darby and his supporters but recognize while they are wrong the tool they use is not evil or a detriment but quite the opposite.
So we agree on that. I want to encourage you to not throw the baby out with the bath water. Just like OJ gives a bad name to defense lawyers so does this Darby character to dispensationalism, an excellent tool used to rightly divide when wielded properly.
You lost me on your world gov opinions. Revelation is all prophecy. It will come to pass. It is nearly all Hebrew centric. Jacob's trouble, the great tribulation, and the 144,000. It is a time where the Hebrews along with all other non-believers up to that point. I say up to that point because Jacob's Trouble will be a public event for all the world to see. All will see the second advent of Christ. It has to be public because the only way Hebrews will wake up is through signs and wonders. It's funny because Jesus showed up with all the signs and wonders but because they were expecting a warrior to overthrow Rome they completely disregarded Him. He was all about faith, love and spirit. Hebrews were who were all about the law and the physical world could not comprehend.
This is another reason why the Pre-Trib rapture is a mystery as Paul says. It is a private event. Only Christians who believe will be raptured. Jesus will only appear in the clouds and gather the members of His body (The Church is the Body of Christ, another mystery). The world will not see this even other than a lot of the population disappearing or dying. Another mystery Paul speaks of is the transformation of our bodies. The dead will rise first and be renewed in their resurrections and the living believers will be transformed as well. Its not clear what condition our earthly bodies will be left in.
This is is all spoken of very clearly by Paul. No mixing words or their meanings. No spells in the spelling. 1600 KJV. Its all there. I wouldn't trust other translations for details. They will still guide you to Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life but other translations will get fuzzy in detailed studies.
BTW, thanks for the Josephus reference. I am looking forward to checking that out. I always knew Matt24 had nothing to do with PreTrib but I hadn't heard how it correlates to the sacking of Jerusalem.
I'll leave you with a couple videos from the Pastors that opened my eyes to the usefulness of Dispensationalism and rightly dividing God's word. They are not "Hyper Dispensationalists". They are not "Darbyists". They use the tool of dispensationalism only to rightly divide God's word. Separating truth from truth to better understand the literal meaning of God's word.
What is a Dispensation? https://youtu.be/zqLhxo6F-Gs?si=tW4ytiEe8qD-OvPZ
The Basics of Rightly Dividing https://youtu.be/nboxWhqQd-8?si=7ExZJ3kSwaIMbmnk
Top #1 PreTribulation Video https://youtu.be/GbeuBHQD_HA?si=iJe2oe4WDQK5X5xW
Rightly Dividing Prophecy and Mystery https://youtu.be/mFedBSAHHpg?si=zLy7Gv8Z8pBQZXZA
God Bless brother!
Others have commented on the Rothschild aka Khazarian/Ashkenazi connection in relation to Israel, but there is another aspect of this which is extremely relevant today. Much of modern Israel is in fact Edom, which is the descendants of Esau.
Much deeper discussion of this here: https://godskingdom.org/studies/ffi-newsletter/2023/identifying-nations-in-prophecy-part-2/
In very short though, Esau had a legitimate claim to the rights of the firstborn which was stolen by Jacob at the suggestion of his mother, and made possible because Isaac was blind.
According to Biblical law the only way to disinherit the firstborn is if they screw up (ie Reuben dishonored his father's bed). Esau had not done so as yet, so he had a valid legal claim still.
Fast forward to modern times and you have Esau/Edom taking the birthright/name of Israel/Jacob and taking the land back by deception, empowered by the blinded prophets of the church. They've been given their time in the sun, but ultimately as we see in the state of Israel, I believe they too will be found rebellious before God and will be disinherited on account of their actions.
The link above does a much better job than I have, but maybe that's enough to whet someone's interest.
You seem to have forgetten the part where Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a mere bowl of soup. I am no fan of today's Zionists at all, and I despise CI Scofield's perverted margin interpretations, whose version of the Bible was underwritten by Rothschids, but a transaction between Hebrews of old is a transaction.
Jacob deceived Isaac when it came to receiving the blessing delivered by Isaac as a father, but that blessing was not a ceremonial declaration birthright. It was a blessing for a first born, to whom the birthright was traditionally already granted by virtue of his first born birth position (if by only a few minutes), but it was not a ceremonial awarding of a birthright on that occasion. Esau had the birthright by virtue of being first born. Disinheriting a birthright was not at issue.
Transactional disavowal of the rights attendant to the birthright was Esau's choice. Esau had already disposed of that right to Jacob simply because he was hungry. Stupid move, but he did it just the same. He did not value his birthright more than he valued a bowl of soup. Let that sink in.
What is important is the bloodline of Jesus Christ from Adam came through Jacob through David through Mary (collapsing generations in the narrative of course), not through Esau. Edomites were always described in the Scriptures as enemies/adversaries to Biblical Israel.