Enormous Development: Colorado Prosecutors Caught in Major Lie in Court Case to Remove President Trump from Ballot – With Video Evidence
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
What are the consequences for this?
Strongly worded letters and more funding to Ukraine... or Israel.
Spit my water out... Funny but wet lap!
Upvote for truth AND consequences.
It hurts how true and routine that is.
Don't forget 50 million LEGAL immigrants.
Why do you bother coming here if you dont think we will see Justice? Talk about the definition of stupid.
Why do you bother responding to humor when it hurts your feelings so much?
That was humor?
Sarcasm. We put that shit on everything.
Indeed. LongTimeListener is just cranky.
Sarcasm is a full-contact sport that's not for the sub-130 IQ crowd...
e.g. facing … a promotion?
No doubt. Sadly.
These types of shenanigan are used for one thing only,--enticing the next generation. No one with a mature brain would see this and be OK with it..you would think
What is a million dollar book deal?
More yawning by skeptics and more hopium drips on GAW. Same as it ever was....
So tired of no accountability
Remember when they did this at the impeachment hearing?
We know it's a lie but the article headline implies the prosecutors who are lying are going to have consequences. Or maybe it's me being old fashioned in my thinking that when you get caught doing wrong, you get punished.
Don't be silly. That is true only for god fearing American Patriots.
That was the old John Wayne world. In the current world they either give them a raise or a promotion.
TGP always has clickbait worded headlines
What prevents voters from writing in Trump I wrote in Mickey Mouse once and we got Slick Willy instead of Steamboat Willy
How strange, the numbers are mirrors of each other 😉
Oh sorry your honor, we said 2:]24 instead we got it mixed up, it is 4:22. Honest mistake judge, please forgive us and please make sure the jury knows it was an honest mistake.
Judge: ohhhh no problem. It happens. We'll move on.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. Thomas Jefferson
Our only hope is that Santa Clause is: Making a list and checking it twice gonna find out who's naughty and nice.
If they remove Trumpbfrom the CO ballot, I'm leaving this state and never looking back. 😡
I think they just forgot that dc is 2 hours ahead of Mountain Time. Whoops.
Just a clerical error your honor.