That reminds me of that Stacy Abrams joke that went around during the pandemic. Word was, she was traveling around Georgia and got lost in a small town so she went into a convenience store to get directions. She asked the old guy inside how to get to 285 and he said - diet and exercise.
At the supermarket checkout today, one of ours had something about justice for Natalie Holloway. She was the 18yo who disappeared in Aruba a long time ago.
And the Enquirer had a story titled "Epstein Sex Slave Murdered"
Its the Sport. Its not meant to be read, its there to look at the pictures.
World War 2 bomber found on Moon.
Freddie Starr ate my hamster (not a euphemism)
Looking at huge breasts prolongs men's lives
And so on.
Looking at huge breasts does prolong something
Kek. Best one was WWII bomber found on the moon. You beat me to it.
This rag was always a favourite of the paperboys when marking up for delivery.
LOL! That's 420 lbs, about average weight for south Georgia (the one above Florida) area woman.
Thanks for reminding me of Paula Deen 🤢
Hey, Paula Deen was absolutely right about using butter instead of industrial lubricant--oops, I mean vegetable/seed oil.
Why would the weight suddenly matter to them anyway
Because if they need to work across state lines, they can't get through the scale shack.
because fat bad when russia man.
That reminds me of that Stacy Abrams joke that went around during the pandemic. Word was, she was traveling around Georgia and got lost in a small town so she went into a convenience store to get directions. She asked the old guy inside how to get to 285 and he said - diet and exercise.
The Sunday Sport has a history of ludicrous headlines based on nothing.
"B52 found on moon"
"Elvis found alive in Argentina"
some faggot downvoted you, that person can suck their rabbis penis
As a Brit, we welcome your help or some weapons at least, because our fathers thought giving them up was a good idea.
i know this is mean but it's also hilarious
And in the west people do not do the bonking, let alone 30 stone, and succomb suddenly of myocarditis and pericarditis.
But hush, now, that is only a conspiracy pushed by Putin.
I guess he's have to be rock hard to successfully bang a 30 stone woman.
Hot off the press from Kiev?
This is best they can do given the recent budget cuts. $425 mil only covers hambeast tier propaganda.
Go directly to horny jail Vlad!
I coulda swore there were 2 ‘i’s’ in boinking….? I boink, perhaps vlad bonks.
Tabloid? Kek!
At the supermarket checkout today, one of ours had something about justice for Natalie Holloway. She was the 18yo who disappeared in Aruba a long time ago.
And the Enquirer had a story titled "Epstein Sex Slave Murdered"
Still more believable than CNN
World exclusive!
Doesn't seem like his type. Just from looking up his gf Alina kabaeva, the man seems to like girls that can fold their legs over their own shoulders.
Kek! I remember seeing that National Enquirer front page image in the grocery store 20 years ago or more, that said Satan was released from the World Trade Center or whatnot.
So the meme of Putin riding a bear is a actually true then?
100% "Woke-Free"
Meanwhile ---
Advertises 30-Stone fattie on only fans.
Only fans