Fifteen years ago , November 4, 2008, the DOWNFALL of America officially began with the election of Marxist in Chief, Barrack Hussein Obama...
Cabal History

Your downfall started long before Obama.
Agree, under O it might have been a sharper desent but i would go back to jekyll island
Exactly, “long before Obama” - right around the time Bush Sr. Played his part in killing Kennedy... the agenda was already well underway. The world as a whole has been “played” for centuries. Thanks to technology we’re able to combat the Cabal’s evil ways more effectively.
"Who’d of thought that it would ONLY take 15 years to turn what was once a thriving, successful, beautiful nation into a nation on the verge of TOTAL COLLAPSE both societal and financially.
We are knocking on the door of Communism, and it seems our moral compass is VERY broken.
This was ALWAYS the plan. It was a “16 year plan to DESTROY America.” Donald Trump bought us some time when he was miraculously elected in 2016, that was NOT supposed to happen. It was supposed to be Hillary Clinton that would have finished this country off. It would have been LONG OVER by this point.
She was NEVER supposed to lose.
One STOLEN election, and Plandemic later and they are catching back up to the goal, using a dementia patient to accomplish it.
Now, we are hanging on by a thread.
ONLY God Himself can pull us out of this tailspin into the ground."
It is worse than just communism. Barrack also allowed his radical Muslim brothers a way into our country, and now, through Biden, he is realizing his dream of setting up active terrorist's cells within the United States borders.
Seriously, started with Barack? Barack was a puppet that somehow has been elevated past his puppet status. The downfall started much much earlier, some estimates say with the sinking of the Titanic, others go back farther.
I want to know the truth, I want to know what actually happened in so many of our major events that have occurred since the founding of our country. Will we ever have access to our true history or just the history presented to us by the winners of that time?
It started in 1776, when America’s ((founding fathers)) failed to constitutionally prohibit money printing. It isn’t as if they didn’t know better at the time.
Bingo. Follow the money. The fake money.
I could never believe our country fell so low as to elect him twice. Now I know he wasn't elected, he was selected and installed.
There was immense support for that marxist, because our country is filled with marxists, and those who don't know what marxism is but like what they're sold. Don't forget that - it's not always a steal. But fuckery was afoot for the 2008 and 2012 elections. Certain precincts ended up with a total of 0 Republican votes. An improbability for mathematicians to explain.
We were blinded at the time. Prob would still have been with Killary. But the reprieve and the light Trump brought for that brief moment showed us what they had slowly been damping out. But Biden, whew, they had to get back on the timeline do everything has been excellerated which tipped their hand and Ewoks a bunch of people up.
Fucking Black Jesus. I've never wished more to see the most corrupt politician ever wear orange P.J.s and walk with anklet chains to the fucking gallows. I surely hope I live to see it happen. And his fucking tranny spouse too.
Same Plan, different puppet... https://twitter.com/austerrewyatt1/status/1721251703394074754
Try December 21, 1913. Obama is a blip on the radar by comparison.
I'd put it at 9/11/2001 when they enacted the patriot act and kicked off the forever wars, but you can trace it even further back.
It started before Obama - Papa Bush
yeah but McCain would have been just as bad if not worse same team
Without the corrupt Media/propaganda, these traitors would never have been elected.
They made much more bold and potent moves after 1/20/2009. But prior to that, there were still issues. However 2009 and onwards was "operation warp speed" for the globalist marxists.
There will be many attempts to off-ramp the blame on each puppet/actor all the down the latter before it arrives at the real bosses.
Obama is surely a big player - but he's not the boss either.
How many of us really believe he was "elected"?
Was either him or No Name
Oh yeah? How about when HRC was openly campaigning for a no fly zone over Syria prior to the election. Everyone with 2 brain cells said that would start a war with Russia. She knew exactly what she was doing.
Name checks out.
Okay swampy.
What do you mean? What’s false about it?
I don’t think Q meant to say it started with Obongo. The 16 year plan was the coup de grace. At least it was supposed to be. The Ukraine war and covid were supposed to happen in 2017, the whole region went on a holding pattern til Trump was back out.
Prove it handshake.
You make about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.
my insurance tripled, and I lost my preferred doctor. There is Nothing good about Obummer care. It is just another way to skim money off the middle class to pay for people too lazy to support themselves.