A TEXAS bishop! EAST TEXAS. Not wokeville Houston or Dallas…..Tyler. Protest being organized. They asked for his resignation, he told them to pound sand. So he was fired by the “Holy” “Father”. LOTS of people waking up over this.
A lot of us don't believe he's actually pope. As in, there were serious irregularities in Benedict's "resignation" and the election of Bergoglio. And since he usurped the chair, he's been spouting all manner of error. Like never before. So yeah, his rulings are pretty much discarded by many of us as just so much drivel. If he was duly elected, we might approach these things differently.
One. Of them will attend Saturday’s protest. One left the church last year and this has solidified her resolve. The third one is researching following a conversation we had about assets of the church-the way this pope came to power and what he called the “Catholic blanket” he’s slept under all his life. When you believe something so hard, your parents and grandparents did as well, it ain’t easy being the one that’s gonna break the glass, but it’s happening now. That’s what I call waking up.
The DEEP CHURCH is in control of the catholic church. This has been going on for a long time. The evil monuments and serpent building is evidence of this. The money and corruption runs to the bone. A serpent sits on the catholic church and it's levers of power.
not that the Catholic church was ever great to begin with.
The Vatican was established by a Pagan, Roman Emperor, who worshipped the Sun.
The Pope changed the day of rest from the 7th to the 1st day & changed the Ten Commandments to allow the worship of idols. The Pope has no power to modify divine law.
The Mystery School, is the original college run my Nimrod, in the city of Babylon. The college was full of priests who practiced the religion of the Sun. Seth, son of Noah, brought an army & defeated Nimrod. Seth chopped Nimrod into 14 pieces & spread him across the land. (Osirian Cycle Myth, the obelisks at the Vatican courtyard & Dealey Plaza represent this myth)
the Jesuits (Alumbrados/Illuminati) & Freemasons (KoM/AMORC) have been at war for some 700 years.
remember Freemason founding fathers Washington & Jefferson speaking of being worried that the Illuminati followed them to the New World?
they all despise true Christianity. they all despise Jesus Christ & the Lord God.
they are a mixture of humanist, deist (Jefferson), mystics, luciferians, etc. , but none are real Christians. None will profess Jesus Christ as the SON of the Living God, the Saviour & sole mediator between man & the Creator Father in Heaven. This is why New-Age Masonic literature preaches about "Christ Consciousness" & that anybody can reach Christs "level". They wish to remove any divinity from Him.
The Jesuit Order was founded by Ignatius Loyola. He was the head of the Alumbrados in Spain, which was the Order Of Illuminati, long before Adam Weishaupt created his faction known as the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit priest & professor at Ingolstadt University, which is a Jesuit university. this is what all the "fact-checkers" lie about. Weishaupt was a STUDENT of the Illuminati, which existed wayyyy before he came around & they STILL EXIST to this day. the Illuminati DID NOT DIE when Weishaupt was taken out.
There is easy proof of faith in a short summary of the truth. The Lord says to Peter: “I say to you,” he says, “that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it. And to you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven . . .” [Mt 16:18–19]. On him he builds the Church, and commands him to feed the sheep [Jn 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles, yet he founded a single chair [cathedra], and he established by his own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were also what Peter was [i.e., apostles], but a primacy is given to Peter, by which it is made clear that there is one Church and one chair. . . . If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he think that he holds the faith? If he deserts the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he be confident that he is in the Church?
Cyprian of Carthage, Unity of the Catholic Church (Treatise 1:4) (A.D. 251)
Ah, Matthew 16:18-19, one of the most misunderstood verses in the NT because people don't know the Greek.
Simon is called Petros in the Greek here. However, when Christ says "on this rock I will build my church", He uses petra, not petros; the feminine form instead of the masculine form for Peter's name. This change in grammatical gender reflects a difference in connotation. Petros referred to a small stone, whereas petra refers to a larger rock formation like a cliff or a boulder. If Christ meant to say that Peter was the rock upon which the church was built, then He would have continued to use petros instead of switching to petra. If Christ Himself switches to a different word with a different connotation, then it is self evident that He is speaking of two different things.
Further confirmation is found in 1 Corinthians 10:4, where Paul writes, "They drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ." Here Paul explicitly states that the rock is Christ, and he uses petra, not petros.
Putting these passages together, Christ designates Simon as Petros, the little rock, that points to Petra, the Rock, Christ Himself, who is the true foundation of the church.
Peter himself states that Christ is the Rock in Acts 4:10-11, where during his sermon he identifies Christ as the cornerstone that was rejected, a fulfillment of Psalm 118:22. This would have been the perfect opportunity for Peter to declare himself to be the cornerstone of the church, but he does not, pointing to Christ instead. Paul echoes the exact same sentiment in 1 Cor. 3:11.
If Christ unequivocally designated Peter as the head of His church, why then did the disciples repeatedly argue among themselves who was greatest? The fact that they held multiple debates on who was actually in charge demonstrates that Christ did not explicitly put one of them in charge of the whole church.
At no point in scripture is Peter ever cited as the head or pastor of any church. He was of course an influential evangelist and leader in the early church, but no one in scripture treats him the way catholics treat their pope. Even when the elders and apostles meet to discuss matters of doctrine, as in Acts 15, Peter is never depicted as issuing declarations that everyone else bows down to. Acts 15 records Peter, James, and others providing input as equals, with the apostles agreeing together to write and send the letter mentioned in verses 22-29.
In fact, Peter is corrected and rebuked by other apostles such as Paul, as recorded in Galatians 2:11-14. Peter evidently revered Paul as a fellow apostle and fellow author of scripture from his comments on Paul in 2 Peter 3:15-16. So much for papal infallibility or supremacy.
Furthermore, there is no historical evidence that Peter was the head of any church, much less the one in Rome. There isn't even any historical evidence that Peter ever visited Rome save for his alleged crucifixion there. Peter being a bishop in Rome is complete conjecture created by the RCC to grant themselves a false sense of legitimacy via apostolic succession. Which is itself another fabrication with no biblical support whatsoever. One of the qualifications for apostleship is witnessing the resurrected Christ in person (Acts 1:21-22, 1 Cor. 9:1). Paul was the last person to have done so; no one after him could ever even qualify for apostleship.
Lastly, even if Peter started and led a church in Rome, it is self evident that the RCC has completely invalidated itself from being his successor. Nearly every doctrine that is distinctive of the RCC is either complete fanfiction that has no biblical support, or outright contradicts the clear teaching of scripture. Such doctrines include but are not limited to transubstantion, purgatory, salvation by works, confession to priests, banning priests from marriage, making priests separate from the laity in the first place, the eternal virginity of Mary, the sinlessness of Mary, prayer to deceased saints, replacement theology, etc. The mere fact that the RCC both viciously persecuted Jews for over a millennium and also prohibited the laity from reading the scriptures for themselves for over a millennium puts them at odds with the apostles and Christ Himself.
Be it known to you, my lord, that Simon [Peter], who, for the sake of the true faith, and the sure foundation of his doctrine, was set apart to be the foundation of the Church, and for this end was, by Jesus himself, with his truthful mouth, named Peter [Letter of Clement to James 2 (c. A.D. 290)].
Here is my primary source, now you cite me a primary source within 300 years of Jesus.
I just cited the Bible. The fact that scripture is not a sufficient primary source for your illustrates the core problem with the Roman Catholic Church. The RCC puts the traditions of men above the plain teaching of scripture, which is precisely how it has accumulated all the false teachings that it currently possesses.
If the RCC believes that Peter is the foundation of the church, then they should show more respect by teaching what he and the other apostles actually taught, not their own fables.
Cyprian (200 years from Christ) > some random guy (2000 years away from Christ)
Early Christians are clear, Peter is the rock. It is you who are deceived.
Look at [Peter], the great foundation of the Church, that most solid of rocks, upon whom Christ built the Church - Origen of Alexandria, Homilies on Exodus 5:4 (c. A.D. 249)
What Christ said does matter, which is why early Christians like Cyprian and Origen take the exact same Scripture and give an interpretation completely contrary to some random guy on the internet.
Cyprian (200 years from Christ) & Origen (200 years from Christ) >>> some random guy (2000 years from Christ)
Citing Origen doesn't help your case nearly as much as you think it does.
He was a blatant heretic who fabricated a bunch of nonsense that has no biblical support whatsoever, such as the preexistence of souls and universal salvation. His entire life's work boiled down to trying to force Christian teachings into the mold of pagan Greek philosophy.
I don't trust Origen to interpret scripture for the same reason that I don't trust Arius or Mohamed. How far removed one is from the time of Christ has no bearing on the accuracy of one's reading of Christ's words.
the fact that origen was a heretic only strengthens the case because even a heretic understood that Peter is the Rock. there is no other interpretation of Mt.16. I could cite 40 other Church Fathers who were not heretics but legit saints.
There is easy proof of faith in a short summary of the truth. The Lord says to Peter: “I say to you,” he says, “that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it. And to you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven . . .” [Mt 16:18–19]. On him he builds the Church, and commands him to feed the sheep [Jn 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles, yet he founded a single chair [cathedra], and he established by his own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were also what Peter was [i.e., apostles], but a primacy is given to Peter, by which it is made clear that there is one Church and one chair. . . . If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he think that he holds the faith? If he deserts the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he be confident that he is in the Church?
Cyprian of Carthage, Unity of the Catholic Church (Treatise 1:4) (A.D. 251)
I didn't even realize this was BB. Was about to commend OP for a super accurate headline.
A TEXAS bishop! EAST TEXAS. Not wokeville Houston or Dallas…..Tyler. Protest being organized. They asked for his resignation, he told them to pound sand. So he was fired by the “Holy” “Father”. LOTS of people waking up over this.
What does that mean, exactly?
What does the normie Catholic think is going on here?
Are they feeling a little anti-pope? Just confused?
A lot of us don't believe he's actually pope. As in, there were serious irregularities in Benedict's "resignation" and the election of Bergoglio. And since he usurped the chair, he's been spouting all manner of error. Like never before. So yeah, his rulings are pretty much discarded by many of us as just so much drivel. If he was duly elected, we might approach these things differently.
One. Of them will attend Saturday’s protest. One left the church last year and this has solidified her resolve. The third one is researching following a conversation we had about assets of the church-the way this pope came to power and what he called the “Catholic blanket” he’s slept under all his life. When you believe something so hard, your parents and grandparents did as well, it ain’t easy being the one that’s gonna break the glass, but it’s happening now. That’s what I call waking up.
The DEEP CHURCH is in control of the catholic church. This has been going on for a long time. The evil monuments and serpent building is evidence of this. The money and corruption runs to the bone. A serpent sits on the catholic church and it's levers of power.
You mean the Jesuits?
...it's a sad world we live in when I didn't realize this was satire until I noticed i was on the Bee...
"Moral" you mean.
not that the Catholic church was ever great to begin with.
The Vatican was established by a Pagan, Roman Emperor, who worshipped the Sun.
The Pope changed the day of rest from the 7th to the 1st day & changed the Ten Commandments to allow the worship of idols. The Pope has no power to modify divine law.
The Mystery School, is the original college run my Nimrod, in the city of Babylon. The college was full of priests who practiced the religion of the Sun. Seth, son of Noah, brought an army & defeated Nimrod. Seth chopped Nimrod into 14 pieces & spread him across the land. (Osirian Cycle Myth, the obelisks at the Vatican courtyard & Dealey Plaza represent this myth)
the Jesuits (Alumbrados/Illuminati) & Freemasons (KoM/AMORC) have been at war for some 700 years.
remember Freemason founding fathers Washington & Jefferson speaking of being worried that the Illuminati followed them to the New World?
they all despise true Christianity. they all despise Jesus Christ & the Lord God.
they are a mixture of humanist, deist (Jefferson), mystics, luciferians, etc. , but none are real Christians. None will profess Jesus Christ as the SON of the Living God, the Saviour & sole mediator between man & the Creator Father in Heaven. This is why New-Age Masonic literature preaches about "Christ Consciousness" & that anybody can reach Christs "level". They wish to remove any divinity from Him.
The Jesuit Order was founded by Ignatius Loyola. He was the head of the Alumbrados in Spain, which was the Order Of Illuminati, long before Adam Weishaupt created his faction known as the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit priest & professor at Ingolstadt University, which is a Jesuit university. this is what all the "fact-checkers" lie about. Weishaupt was a STUDENT of the Illuminati, which existed wayyyy before he came around & they STILL EXIST to this day. the Illuminati DID NOT DIE when Weishaupt was taken out.
The Roman Church has always been a corruption and perversion of the gospel. Only now are the eyes of the people being opened to it.
Ah, Matthew 16:18-19, one of the most misunderstood verses in the NT because people don't know the Greek.
Simon is called Petros in the Greek here. However, when Christ says "on this rock I will build my church", He uses petra, not petros; the feminine form instead of the masculine form for Peter's name. This change in grammatical gender reflects a difference in connotation. Petros referred to a small stone, whereas petra refers to a larger rock formation like a cliff or a boulder. If Christ meant to say that Peter was the rock upon which the church was built, then He would have continued to use petros instead of switching to petra. If Christ Himself switches to a different word with a different connotation, then it is self evident that He is speaking of two different things.
Further confirmation is found in 1 Corinthians 10:4, where Paul writes, "They drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ." Here Paul explicitly states that the rock is Christ, and he uses petra, not petros.
Putting these passages together, Christ designates Simon as Petros, the little rock, that points to Petra, the Rock, Christ Himself, who is the true foundation of the church.
Peter himself states that Christ is the Rock in Acts 4:10-11, where during his sermon he identifies Christ as the cornerstone that was rejected, a fulfillment of Psalm 118:22. This would have been the perfect opportunity for Peter to declare himself to be the cornerstone of the church, but he does not, pointing to Christ instead. Paul echoes the exact same sentiment in 1 Cor. 3:11.
If Christ unequivocally designated Peter as the head of His church, why then did the disciples repeatedly argue among themselves who was greatest? The fact that they held multiple debates on who was actually in charge demonstrates that Christ did not explicitly put one of them in charge of the whole church.
At no point in scripture is Peter ever cited as the head or pastor of any church. He was of course an influential evangelist and leader in the early church, but no one in scripture treats him the way catholics treat their pope. Even when the elders and apostles meet to discuss matters of doctrine, as in Acts 15, Peter is never depicted as issuing declarations that everyone else bows down to. Acts 15 records Peter, James, and others providing input as equals, with the apostles agreeing together to write and send the letter mentioned in verses 22-29.
In fact, Peter is corrected and rebuked by other apostles such as Paul, as recorded in Galatians 2:11-14. Peter evidently revered Paul as a fellow apostle and fellow author of scripture from his comments on Paul in 2 Peter 3:15-16. So much for papal infallibility or supremacy.
Furthermore, there is no historical evidence that Peter was the head of any church, much less the one in Rome. There isn't even any historical evidence that Peter ever visited Rome save for his alleged crucifixion there. Peter being a bishop in Rome is complete conjecture created by the RCC to grant themselves a false sense of legitimacy via apostolic succession. Which is itself another fabrication with no biblical support whatsoever. One of the qualifications for apostleship is witnessing the resurrected Christ in person (Acts 1:21-22, 1 Cor. 9:1). Paul was the last person to have done so; no one after him could ever even qualify for apostleship.
Lastly, even if Peter started and led a church in Rome, it is self evident that the RCC has completely invalidated itself from being his successor. Nearly every doctrine that is distinctive of the RCC is either complete fanfiction that has no biblical support, or outright contradicts the clear teaching of scripture. Such doctrines include but are not limited to transubstantion, purgatory, salvation by works, confession to priests, banning priests from marriage, making priests separate from the laity in the first place, the eternal virginity of Mary, the sinlessness of Mary, prayer to deceased saints, replacement theology, etc. The mere fact that the RCC both viciously persecuted Jews for over a millennium and also prohibited the laity from reading the scriptures for themselves for over a millennium puts them at odds with the apostles and Christ Himself.
Here is my primary source, now you cite me a primary source within 300 years of Jesus.
I just cited the Bible. The fact that scripture is not a sufficient primary source for your illustrates the core problem with the Roman Catholic Church. The RCC puts the traditions of men above the plain teaching of scripture, which is precisely how it has accumulated all the false teachings that it currently possesses.
If the RCC believes that Peter is the foundation of the church, then they should show more respect by teaching what he and the other apostles actually taught, not their own fables.
Cyprian (200 years from Christ) > some random guy (2000 years away from Christ)
Early Christians are clear, Peter is the rock. It is you who are deceived.
What Christ said does matter, which is why early Christians like Cyprian and Origen take the exact same Scripture and give an interpretation completely contrary to some random guy on the internet.
Cyprian (200 years from Christ) & Origen (200 years from Christ) >>> some random guy (2000 years from Christ)
Citing Origen doesn't help your case nearly as much as you think it does.
He was a blatant heretic who fabricated a bunch of nonsense that has no biblical support whatsoever, such as the preexistence of souls and universal salvation. His entire life's work boiled down to trying to force Christian teachings into the mold of pagan Greek philosophy.
I don't trust Origen to interpret scripture for the same reason that I don't trust Arius or Mohamed. How far removed one is from the time of Christ has no bearing on the accuracy of one's reading of Christ's words.
the fact that origen was a heretic only strengthens the case because even a heretic understood that Peter is the Rock. there is no other interpretation of Mt.16. I could cite 40 other Church Fathers who were not heretics but legit saints.
"anything but scripture".
early Christians reading bible >>> random guy 2000 years later reading bible