Excellent Question. Especially since I was taught that the Qnly purpose of federal government was to protect the sovernty of the union states. Feds not supposed to be running things and the resident was only CIC. We are so far away from our founders ideals it's criminal
WELLLLLL NOW...that is an EYE OPENER!!!!!! Damn near fell out of my chair...
Damn Good Question...Time to sink the damn thang and start over...get rid of EVERY leech in government payroll and watch the La Cucarachas scramble out the door before fumigation begins...
We don't have a government, we have a coup d'etat.
Great answer, I'm not puzzled either. It seems a lot of folks are getting awakened.
It's worse, Banana Republic at best.
We have share holders and a board of directors.
Actually it's a movie of a government. We're in continuity.
The only thing that puzzles me is, since this is No secret why isn't The United States Military Crushing this liberal/communist COUP?
Look no further than the woke military leadership.
Our fouders were asking similar questions about King George.
And, is it a real government?
Ok, your meme question begs another question. Why do people seem surprised/upset about these guys (Manchineel) quitting?
In the current climate, I seriously think we’d be better off just replacing them all….
Excellent Question. Especially since I was taught that the Qnly purpose of federal government was to protect the sovernty of the union states. Feds not supposed to be running things and the resident was only CIC. We are so far away from our founders ideals it's criminal
Stop funding the endless
Exactly this
We have a mafia masquerading as a government
Correct. Demolish it, per the Constitution, and start over. With a fedgov 1% the size of the current one.
A 1% sales tax can fund it. No more IRS or income tax.
Actually we don’t have government instead we have criminals governing our country sad story.
Duh... to collect taxes to protect the vote, the border, and the consti...
...oh wait.
In today's world, we only have a government to enrich those that are at the top of it!
Puzzled? 🧩
We don't call anons autistic for nothing...
Some enjoy having their mente governed... others NEED their mente governed - because they're full of bad ideas.
I just want to be left alone. Get off my lawn.
So obvious when you put it that way…
To pay people millions of dollars that want to have sex with kids all the while destroying our country with their boots on our face
We have parasites.
WELLLLLL NOW...that is an EYE OPENER!!!!!! Damn near fell out of my chair...
Damn Good Question...Time to sink the damn thang and start over...get rid of EVERY leech in government payroll and watch the La Cucarachas scramble out the door before fumigation begins...
To keep us poor.
To shake the ant jar so we fight amongst each other and get distracted.
To enrich those at the top.
To sabotage our health and brains.
We have a Zionist, Marxist occupied government.
I apologize to you all, but I am told it is because of my face.
The government needs to violate your civil liberties, overextend its lawful boundaries and tax you into slavery to protect you from my face.
A third of a trillion freshly printed dollars a year is now being spent to protect you from my face.
My face apologizes to you, but my face will be the last thing certain enemies see before their judgement. I can assure you.
It's certainly looking that way.