I think Trump is a very nice man. People ignore all the good stories about how he’s so generous and kind. He had a sense of humor that most people don’t get. I like to call him Daddy Trump, because he is is like your dad who will be brutally honest with you, even when you don’t want to hear the truth.
I don't buy that President Trump is a egomaniac.
An egomaniac would not allow himself to be humbled in the sight of the world. His ego will not allow it.
Another problem with President Trump being an egomaniac. An egomaniac thinks he is the most important/powerful person in the world. President Trump doesn't think that
So many men have been so emasculated over the years, that when a regular man has confidence in his abilities (and rightly so in Trump's case), he's perceived as being ego-maniacal, even though it's just him being confidently realistic.
I have no time for people dreamily enjoying the fanciful fantasy that a president (or candidate for the office) can be someone who is not the slightest bit egotistical, arrogant, or narcissistic... when the job literally DEMANDS someone who thinks they qualify to be in charge of everything, to make monumentally grave decisions quickly every day, and to lead skillfully the most important country in the world.
That's asinine bullshit that comes from the weak minds of people who have NEVER had a high opinion of themselves and can't imagine that anyone not timid and self-critical like them isn't just an arrogant jerk.
damn raccoons....we dont care what he is all we need to know is he loves this country and cares about we the people and will work for us......with all his supposed faults he is a good guy ...
I really can't cringe enough when normies talk about "Trump says mean things"
a) 99.99999%++ of what Trump speaks is the absolute, objective, verifiable TRUTH.
What does that say about both the people who whine about him + those who hate him, that they hate him for literally speaking the truth?
b) Look at your average democrat; how vulgar, vile, nasty, filthy they are in general.... you think we could send someone like what - mitch mcconnell - up against your average communist?!?
Fuck this shit, i am sick of hearing that Trump is a jerk and an egomaniac.
He is a bloody decent feller with a heart of gold and I hate this fucking appeasement to lefties and rinos shit.
Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
99% sure Steve Harvey didn't say it.
Although it is excellent.
Nope I'm pretty sure he didn't either. He knows to keep his mouth shut. His friend Bernie Mac did not and he saw what they did to him.
I don’t remember Bernie Mac saying anything good
he didn't and i fixed it here:
Literally my first thought 🤣
I think Trump is a very nice man. People ignore all the good stories about how he’s so generous and kind. He had a sense of humor that most people don’t get. I like to call him Daddy Trump, because he is is like your dad who will be brutally honest with you, even when you don’t want to hear the truth.
It's awesome that he promoted the Europa the last battle documentary. He was right that the Deep State didn't want anyone to see it.
I don't buy that President Trump is a egomaniac. An egomaniac would not allow himself to be humbled in the sight of the world. His ego will not allow it.
Another problem with President Trump being an egomaniac. An egomaniac thinks he is the most important/powerful person in the world. President Trump doesn't think that HE KNOWS IT!
So many men have been so emasculated over the years, that when a regular man has confidence in his abilities (and rightly so in Trump's case), he's perceived as being ego-maniacal, even though it's just him being confidently realistic.
I have no time for people dreamily enjoying the fanciful fantasy that a president (or candidate for the office) can be someone who is not the slightest bit egotistical, arrogant, or narcissistic... when the job literally DEMANDS someone who thinks they qualify to be in charge of everything, to make monumentally grave decisions quickly every day, and to lead skillfully the most important country in the world.
That's asinine bullshit that comes from the weak minds of people who have NEVER had a high opinion of themselves and can't imagine that anyone not timid and self-critical like them isn't just an arrogant jerk.
He's extremely confident going against a global cabal. I don't know anyone else on the planet who could be like him.
damn raccoons....we dont care what he is all we need to know is he loves this country and cares about we the people and will work for us......with all his supposed faults he is a good guy ...
I don't think Trump is a jerk...
The left will go positively apeshit bonkers over a black guy saying get rid of the coons
It’s a racist dog whistle from a black white supreme
I really can't cringe enough when normies talk about "Trump says mean things"
a) 99.99999%++ of what Trump speaks is the absolute, objective, verifiable TRUTH.
What does that say about both the people who whine about him + those who hate him, that they hate him for literally speaking the truth?
b) Look at your average democrat; how vulgar, vile, nasty, filthy they are in general.... you think we could send someone like what - mitch mcconnell - up against your average communist?!?
Mr. Rogers?
Come on.... We NEED a fighter.....
I mean...It would be hard for them to argue with fred rogers without shooting themselves in the foot, but I get your point, lol.
Survey says: Steve Didn’t Say This... ding, ding, ding!
No way this wife beater wrote this.
It probably was written by someone named Steve Harvey. Just not the Steve Harvey people are thinking of.
Fuck this shit, i am sick of hearing that Trump is a jerk and an egomaniac. He is a bloody decent feller with a heart of gold and I hate this fucking appeasement to lefties and rinos shit. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.