JustDario 🏊♂️ (@DarioCpx)
#JustDarioDaily🚨WARNING: SOMETHING BROKE!🚨Yesterday, we were discussing the signs of "Panic behind closed doors" [https://x.com/dariocpx/status/1724583693833126127?s=46&t=Hz7-qku8ZNVPw6L9nBJOZA], today we have 100% certainty that something big enough to ...
At end of September BBBY ceased to exist in its current form. AST no longer their transfer agent.
So BBBY will be in different territory than Toys R Us or Blockbuster. They escaped DTCC. Shares have to be found and reconciled. Question is who gets what out of the bankruptcy.
Also from PPshow, we know this is unusual but it does happen. I don't have the timestamp handy but I think it was in one of the last two episodes a guest did a breakdown and delay of that magnitude has happened about ten times historically.
Adding some data to your info. My question is what are they hiding and will it be revealed when they do release the report?+
PPshow dd is 100% on point with the dd we do here.
Greatest time to be alive.
Some people speculate an investigation might block the release. I'm not aware how sound that reasoning is though but it's the most plausible thing I heard other than incompetence.
SEC was 2 weeks late posting data and then they don’t post the early October data - only the second half data. Why?
I’m convinced that they’re printing money to float the stock market until they get past the next election. The problem is that this causes increasingly rampant inflation. I don’t think they have enough runway, and the bottom will fall out from either inflation or a market collapse long before next November.
Might get s as lot more interest if you wrote this in English (not finance speak) and explain acronyms. 👍
Yeah, a pesky thing called work gets in the way of how much time I can spend on these posts… but yes.
There is a major collapse coming in financial. The tea leaves and data are screaming it. Stock up now if you havent already friends.
Stock up on lead, food, ciggs or condoms and party hats?
Lead is all you need. It can be traded peacefully or at high velocity for everything else you might need.
Lead is all you need (cue beetles outro)
This might be my favorite comment of all time. 😂😂😂
bro we gonna moon on the silver, gme stoinks, btc. you can have as many kids as you want. blackrock and vangaurd can eat my shorts
Last nights debt clock was about silver. I got great vibes about JP Morgan going bankrupt from their silver short positions. I got gme at 400 and I’m proud. I might as well hold. We’ll be in MOASS for me to break even so, I’ll HODL.
Aside from the whole rape part of the rape and pillaging. I’m a fan of Gengis Kahn and look forward to 0.17% of humanity carrying my DNA.
I will continue to stack my “FuckEms” (BTC/ Sats) until the halving. It’s interesting how the halving is timed right when these criminals were itching to push their CBDC. I also have a couple hundred in $FJB just in case.
Edit: it’s bad luck to misspell stonks. Check that typo. Kek
I don't know what this means................
Bbby is coming out of chapter 11, their are several hundred million fake shares out their. The shares are recalled by the court to preserve the value of the net operations loss, for tax reasons.
When the stock comes back, all the fail to delivers hit the market as buys, all at once.
As the stock go's up in value, more and more shorts, are underwater and forced to close ( buy). This is called the MOASS- MOTHER OF ALL SHORT SQUEEZE.
I get lots of tendies.
Hedgies are fuked.
Berkshire Hathaway gets to hide a transaction?
They are hiding their DWAC holdings. If word gets out that Buffett is all in on DWAC/TMTG then all the sheep will follow and it will explode to the moon and beyond! /s
That's my hopium for the day everyone!
Pass that pipe!
Maybe he was shorting it, before the merger came through. Then he FTDs in plural.
While I like DWAC this is about the BBBY / GME merger / acquisition.
Should be visibly exploding either tomorrow or Tues the 21st.
It's been a masterful financial game of 5D chess. They have them boxed in and three's no escape.
Not sure what this means, just tell me what calls/puts I need to put into which stocks.
I would buy long term calls on GME that are fairly close to the money 15-25 max.
Not financial advice, and I'm not buying them, as I'm all in with stonks.
Seriously. I have calls and puts on Phizer.
So my shares of BBBYQ went to zero and disappeared from my account. I didnt DRS, what happens if fuckery is found afoot?
They didn't go to zero, they were removed due to a resecuring and you will be re-issued new shares unless your broker is Robinhood or one of the other ones that never bought your shares in the 1st place.
Laughs in WeBull
Holding back news until the players save their money.
Nope, it's called not telegraphing your moves against the enemy.