The recent failed SpaceX Starship launch flushed out the "Flat Earth" retards in droves, making "FIRMAMENT" trend on Elon Musk's X.com. Is it a psyop targeting fuckwits? Yup. Check this graphic sowing the obvious #'d BOT ACCOUNTS. Each account tweeted random Flat Earth faggotry. INFORMATION WARFARE!
🧠 These people are stupid!

I saw a video a while back claiming the clowns injected the flat earth psyop into conspiracy YouTube during Obama admin in order to distract the people who were otherwise honing in on Obama's actual conspiracies, and to make them look retarded
It was 4chan actually.
No doubt they sprinkled it in every forum they could, as well as social media.
That’s possible but I do think there are some very large lies we have yet to uncover. The Q statement about over 90% of people not being able to handle it would have to be something that we truly all believe beyond a shadow of any doubt and are wrong about. I don’t think FE is that particular subject, but it has to be something we are all convinced of. Religion maybe?
The group that comprises Q is clearly protestant.
Far too many pro-God, pro-Jesus and anti-Catholic drops to mention (anti-Catholic hierarchy that is).
It's gotta be the covid jabs or just the pure fact that we've been lied to about absolutely everything. If you search "90%" in Q posts, it comes up a lot that 90% of media is owned by 6 corporations and with references to the human psyche and how sheep just follow whatever is being said over and over because they are basically brainwashed and key words being used over and over from "trusted sources". Sounds familiar huh? Q Post 4535
People are already on to COVID jabs. That being said, my 90 year old Grandpa got all the shots and he's still kicking. Not saying I would ever recommend someone to go get the shot, but I don't think if Q was in control that he would let vaccines that induce death or serious health damages exist. There may as well be no Q if the deepstate is allowed to create such weapons without being put in check.
Except, re: FE, I myself have flown "around" the world (YYC > LAX > MEL > HKG > DOH > LDN > YYC) literally circumnavigating the globe
Fine, but did you ever find the FiRmAmEnT??
I found a round Earth
Religion wouldn't work. Imagine Q coming out and saying: "all religions are false" or "this religion is true". There's no way to verify either message not being a psyop.
i was introduced to FE in elementary school, when we learned about Christopher Columbus,
and CC crew were FE and were aftaid to fall off the edge of the earth
we were shown paintings of 3 ships going off the edge of the earth, and we all had a good laugh.
Later we were taught about Magellan, who said,
“The Church says the earth is flat, but i know the earth is round, because i have seen the shadow of the earth, on the moon, and i have more faith in the shadow, than i have in the church”
So yes, we have all been introduced to FE theory in our schooling,
And its by design.
Its to introduce the concept to very young people, who dont have much life experience, to shape how they “see” the world forever.
They introduce FE, strickly so they can knock it down, make a mockery of FE, and to teach kids to laugh and point and mock any FE’er…
Now of all the reasons they send your kids to government re-education camps we call schools,
Why do you suppose FE ranks right up there in the most important part of everyones initiation and indoctornation.
FE and vaccines have several parallells.
People get oddly emotional, highly motivated, and ready to attack anyone who doesn’t “trust the science”
FE is like the duality of light.
If you look for evidence of light waves,
You will find it.
If you look for evidence of light particals,
You will find it.
If you look for evidence of round earth,
You will find it.
If you look for evidence of flat earth,
You will find it.
Seek, and ye shall find.
Meaning, whatever you look for, is what you’ll find
Yes, vaccines and Flat Earth have much in common as they are both junk science. The whole thing about "the Church says the Earth is flat and Columbus says that it's round" is a narrative cooked up by Washington Irving, and was eventually put into school curriculum as fact. That's your psy-op right there. The Vikings had already been to the Americas well before then. Columbus wanted to find a better route to India by sailing West. "The Church" had already known that the world was round for centuries before that as the 3rd century abbot Bede had already developed a rough working model for our solar system. Your flat earth nonsense cannot support any explanation for how the summer hemisphere can be heading to a warm summer these days if the sun travels a disc like a needle on a record player and how the sun can be seen without setting during the Antarctic summer. You've been deceived by junk science.
He never said the Earth was flat, but you certainly proved the point he was making. Ironic.
And yes, there is a model that explains the seasons in all hemispheres. Doesn't make it true, and I'm certainly no "flat Earth model expert", but it exists.
Also, if you're trying to convince anyone on the fence of what you are saying, you should try a new tactic. This highly emotional attack approach only serves to make me want to hear more about the "flat earth nonsense". The same way that Dr Fauci really makes me want to be an anti-vaxxer (and rightly so, I'd say, in that case).
These kinds of comments read like the MSM's "No! Look here not there!" shit.
A historical account of the concept is not what I am referring to. They injcted it smack-dab into the midst of the most bustling group of diggers on the internet. They revived it and poisoned us with it.
i see. so its used as a distraction, just like so many other things.
Distracting us from Jan 6 tapes?
We should google news search,
And then publish our findings
It isn't a distraction for the MSM, it's for us, to waste our time on
As always, words of wisdom from you fren. Keep up the good work. You are always informative and eloquent in your responses.
I recall something similar. Noticed the instant overabundance of FE videos during that time frame.
The Flat Earth Society was a tiny fringe esoteric and gnostic movement back in the 70s. Bad Religion wrote a song mocking it in the 80s.