Slow and Steady wins the LONG race. There can be no hooks for the bad guys to hang their hats on 100 years from now. They will then try to Delegitimize what we do today. We can't give them that.
One way to stop this evil is Radical Transparency. The people need to see the huge blackmail operation that was happening behind the scenes that held our leaders by the balls (mainly child sex related). Powerful people (billionaires, WEF) would use pedos to do their bidding on threat of being outed and killed by we the people. When people see how blackmail works in the political sphere they will then demand more transparency from their leaders. I'd argue they would demand total transparency. With that said, once the bad guys are outed as pedos, there's no turning back for them. 100 years from now they will still be considered the bad guys simply because they are pedos. But in order to get to that point, every step taken to take down the cabal must be precise and by the book. Sadly, not every pedo may be outed. Q said a lot of politicians retiring were put into submission for the good of the country. If a majority of congress were pedos, that would break people's morale of having a trustworthy republic (we would go to an emperor president in a heartbeat, at least IMO). In order to get around this, one would just have to arrest powerful key pedos (Podesta, etc.), out them formally as pedos through the courts (with undeniable evidence) and that should be enough to enact radical reforms. The normie public should be able to handle the revelation that powerful key leaders in our govt were pedos being controlled and blackmailed by billionaire interests. This is all just my opinion.
Edit: This could also be the way Trump and the Patriots out Israel as the one behind all the pedo blackmail too.
There are many ways to put people under control. They don’t all have to be pedos.
I suspect that those who are will be outed and not allowed to slink away. Those that were controlled by lesser crimes could be allowed to walk, but anyone participating in crimes against children or humanity will not. Thats the line I suspect is being drawn.
WHAT LAWS...the LAWS written by those who kill you? The people who wrote those laws are the people you're trying to defeat. THINK McFly!!!!
Ever wonder why all earthly judges currently wear black robes, but in the book of revelation they wear white robes? Who is going to judge them, the MILITARY who has been keeping you in constant wars? Supreme court, who are Pedophiles and leftists. Then end is different than you think.
The Military COMPLEX, but yes the MILITARY. Who do you think made the Virus? Who made the Bombs that wiped out large parts countries. It wasn't Santa Claus friend. When you speak of Law make sure you understand what backs up that as an's 100% MILITARY. Put 5000 men with AR-15's in DC and tell me all about. There won't be police coming in a large numbers. You will then see what the Bible said in Revelation was the cause.....the 4 horses represent MILITARY. The colors represent the destruction they bring, HUNGER< BLOOD SHED< SICKNESS< LIES.
Babylon is 3 cities, one of those cities handles the MILITARY. So yeah, I kind of believe what I am saying.
The military doesn't have jurisdiction over civilians, though.
The only way for civilians to be tried by the military is if we were under Martial Law.
The military can't just declare Martial Law. It's declared either by individual governors for their own states or via the President or Congress.
Since Biden is formally recognized as President, I doubt there is any chance of him doing it.
Congress is split, with the Republicans controlling the House and the Democrats controlling the Senate. I don't see much chance of it happening with them.
Now, individual states could do it for their state only. But only the most based Governors would declare Martial Law, so that rules out all of the blue states and the red states with RINOs. The States with the most based Governors probably aren't ones where there is a huge population of DS or pedos or whoever else needs to be prosecuted.
This is the issue I've been trying to work through on the "Military is the only way" stance.
Here, let me help...
We are currently under Martial Law and Continuity of Operation.
Some of your statement is true, but many laws are temporarily suspended at the present time.
Donald J. Trump is Commander in Cheif (CIC), believe it or not. For those that pay attention, this is not a revelation. Familiarize yourself with the Law of War Manual.
Things are seldom as they seem.
And who exactly declared Martial Law? As I said above, it can only be done by the President, Congress, or Governors (only for their own state).
I'm going to assume you'll say Trump declared it. Ok, so what evidence do you have of that? Where are the records for it? Or did he just wave his magic wand?
It's possible that the military role will never be fully disclosed, or at least not for awhile. Maybe it plays out by Trump getting re-elected and then more powerful officials and celebrities getting 'randomly' arrested, without Trump or the military taking credit, but the military is co-ordinating it behind the scenes.
How do you know the military is coordinating it behind the scenes?
I thought all the bad guys were supposed to get caught all at once. That's the reason I keep seeing be given for why it's taking so long for something to be done
So bad guys getting randomly arrested here and there doesn't fit that scenario.
You sound new here.
The other option would have been to let the cabal run with their lock down plan killing exponentially more people. Think drugs/alchohol/suicide/more business forever closed/way more lost jobs/welfare state likes of which never seen in the US/ would have been a living hell on earth with considerably way more deaths. So yeah, it was OBVIOUSLY the WAY BETTER choice. You sound really obtuse or this is a pathetic shilling attempt.
I think you are the obtuse one.
Have you been programmed to think these were the "only 2 alternatives"?
ONE OTHER OPTION as you say, could have been to stop the cabal doing their lockdown plan, COMPLETELY. Do arrests and see how many deaths (including some amount of chaos) this brings.
I'm just willing to bet, "less than 17 million".
And whether or not I'm right on this issue, they should be discussed.
We are dealing with eradication of a 1000 year death cult dipshit…you obviously don’t understand the magnitude of the war that is being waged. Take your double quoted idiotic shit and kindly fuck off.
Merry Christmas!
If they "save" us before anything happens, what's gonna wake up the ones who refuse to see? Nothing. And then you have to worry about Civil War - which no one wants - that would kill/injure a whole lot more people. Plus ya know - free will. Could have chosen NOT to take the clot shot like many did.
I sure didn't! But I'm thinking of tha little guy, ya know?
Not everyone has the time and resources to get informed like we do.
In any case, trusting government and doctors shouldn't be a FATAL mistake, at least not while "white hats" are in control.
Arrests would have been GREAT RED PILLS for normies, and do create lots of "vaccine hesitancy".
Military arrests would not necessarily lead to civil war??
And another often forgotten point:
"The ones who refuse to see" are THE MINORITY, remember?
Trump won all states! Trump won by over 80%!
So what's the necessity at this point, to torture everyone further through this many more sickening psyops??
What's the logic in torturing heroes to wake up ingrate normies?
Because we the vast majority, fear their wrath? Come on people!
I see both sides tbh. All I can figure is Trump and Q have been very clear that it all must be done "by the law". So maybe there are obscure laws we don't necessarily know about? Idk but I also believe the jabs were swapped out once Obiden took over. The explanation - if ever forthcoming - should be informative and interesting lol.
"Patriots deemed it ""okay"" to let the plandemic unfold.
The plandemic unfolded. You saw how the people were stampeded. How could the patriots have stopped it? You don't just stop something with a hundred years of lies and inertia behind it.
The shots are still being pushed, and people are still getting them. The bulk of the world population doesn't even know that people are dying en masse. Who knew our health system was so corrupt, and our caregivers so unfeeling?
I hate this as much as you do. It took all my strength to realize that we are just livestock to evil people. I couldn't imagine why this was being done. I still can't believe it.
Have the military start by exposing the 2020 coup, reveal their own current control through COG, and be TRANSPARENT about what is happening, then use the plethora of evidence of bioweapon development, as a justification for crucial arrests. Having this exposed as a bioweapon would have created """MASSIVE VACCINE HESITANCY""".
No silent wars!
Now sure, this may not be to your exact taste and could be tweaked, but 17 million deaths from a plandemic ALSO seems far from perfect to me.
I just wish white hats did more to EXPOSE THE CRIMES that were already easy to expose. How about starting with 9/11? That would have been a relatively easy to prove and efficient "WARMUP" for the normies, to prepare for the "even worse" revelations that would follow.
Agree wholeheartedly! This perhaps, maybe, could have BS to justify the murder of civilians as “necessary casualties” needs to be seen for what it is—accessories to murder, period! Justice demands accountability from ALL who are or have been in government!
Slow and Steady wins the LONG race. There can be no hooks for the bad guys to hang their hats on 100 years from now. They will then try to Delegitimize what we do today. We can't give them that.
That is one of my biggest questions today. How do you stop this evil and corruption from happening again?
One way to stop this evil is Radical Transparency. The people need to see the huge blackmail operation that was happening behind the scenes that held our leaders by the balls (mainly child sex related). Powerful people (billionaires, WEF) would use pedos to do their bidding on threat of being outed and killed by we the people. When people see how blackmail works in the political sphere they will then demand more transparency from their leaders. I'd argue they would demand total transparency. With that said, once the bad guys are outed as pedos, there's no turning back for them. 100 years from now they will still be considered the bad guys simply because they are pedos. But in order to get to that point, every step taken to take down the cabal must be precise and by the book. Sadly, not every pedo may be outed. Q said a lot of politicians retiring were put into submission for the good of the country. If a majority of congress were pedos, that would break people's morale of having a trustworthy republic (we would go to an emperor president in a heartbeat, at least IMO). In order to get around this, one would just have to arrest powerful key pedos (Podesta, etc.), out them formally as pedos through the courts (with undeniable evidence) and that should be enough to enact radical reforms. The normie public should be able to handle the revelation that powerful key leaders in our govt were pedos being controlled and blackmailed by billionaire interests. This is all just my opinion.
Edit: This could also be the way Trump and the Patriots out Israel as the one behind all the pedo blackmail too.
There are many ways to put people under control. They don’t all have to be pedos.
I suspect that those who are will be outed and not allowed to slink away. Those that were controlled by lesser crimes could be allowed to walk, but anyone participating in crimes against children or humanity will not. Thats the line I suspect is being drawn.
cant wait till this tree bears fruit
WHAT LAWS...the LAWS written by those who kill you? The people who wrote those laws are the people you're trying to defeat. THINK McFly!!!! Ever wonder why all earthly judges currently wear black robes, but in the book of revelation they wear white robes? Who is going to judge them, the MILITARY who has been keeping you in constant wars? Supreme court, who are Pedophiles and leftists. Then end is different than you think.
That's who you think does it?
The Military COMPLEX, but yes the MILITARY. Who do you think made the Virus? Who made the Bombs that wiped out large parts countries. It wasn't Santa Claus friend. When you speak of Law make sure you understand what backs up that as an's 100% MILITARY. Put 5000 men with AR-15's in DC and tell me all about. There won't be police coming in a large numbers. You will then see what the Bible said in Revelation was the cause.....the 4 horses represent MILITARY. The colors represent the destruction they bring, HUNGER< BLOOD SHED< SICKNESS< LIES.
Babylon is 3 cities, one of those cities handles the MILITARY. So yeah, I kind of believe what I am saying.
The law of the land: It’s called the Constitution.
We, the people, are the CURE. Hmmm
Where We Go One We Go All, together with God. Sticky!
Q is obviously prescient, a seer of the future, a time traveler
How could he EVER have predicted this in 2019?!?!?!?!? ;p
Project: Looking glass,
please explain and compare this to “Military is the Only Way”. It can’t be both..
"The military" is not monolithic.
Much compartmentalization exists, with good reason.
The military is making sure it happens by the laws. Military justice.
The military doesn't have jurisdiction over civilians, though.
The only way for civilians to be tried by the military is if we were under Martial Law.
The military can't just declare Martial Law. It's declared either by individual governors for their own states or via the President or Congress.
Since Biden is formally recognized as President, I doubt there is any chance of him doing it.
Congress is split, with the Republicans controlling the House and the Democrats controlling the Senate. I don't see much chance of it happening with them.
Now, individual states could do it for their state only. But only the most based Governors would declare Martial Law, so that rules out all of the blue states and the red states with RINOs. The States with the most based Governors probably aren't ones where there is a huge population of DS or pedos or whoever else needs to be prosecuted.
This is the issue I've been trying to work through on the "Military is the only way" stance.
I just don't see how that will happen.
Here, let me help... We are currently under Martial Law and Continuity of Operation. Some of your statement is true, but many laws are temporarily suspended at the present time. Donald J. Trump is Commander in Cheif (CIC), believe it or not. For those that pay attention, this is not a revelation. Familiarize yourself with the Law of War Manual. Things are seldom as they seem.
Evidence we're under Martial Law?
And who exactly declared Martial Law? As I said above, it can only be done by the President, Congress, or Governors (only for their own state).
I'm going to assume you'll say Trump declared it. Ok, so what evidence do you have of that? Where are the records for it? Or did he just wave his magic wand?
It's possible that the military role will never be fully disclosed, or at least not for awhile. Maybe it plays out by Trump getting re-elected and then more powerful officials and celebrities getting 'randomly' arrested, without Trump or the military taking credit, but the military is co-ordinating it behind the scenes.
How do you know the military is coordinating it behind the scenes?
I thought all the bad guys were supposed to get caught all at once. That's the reason I keep seeing be given for why it's taking so long for something to be done So bad guys getting randomly arrested here and there doesn't fit that scenario.
Weinstein, Epstein and Maxwell were all arrested during Trump. I don't think that's a coincidence
Amen. The rule of law and merciful justice is the foundation from which we build the new city four square. America becomes the New Jerusalem.
I.E. you guys must endure plandemics with 17+M dead and endless psyops for 10+ years (haha!)
So you want the Easy button? Please tell us how that would work and what it would look like.
White hats intervening on the cabal circa 2020, could have saved perhaps 17 million "plandemic deaths".
Explain instead, how "letting the plandemic unfold" was A BETTER choice.
You sound new here.
The other option would have been to let the cabal run with their lock down plan killing exponentially more people. Think drugs/alchohol/suicide/more business forever closed/way more lost jobs/welfare state likes of which never seen in the US/ would have been a living hell on earth with considerably way more deaths. So yeah, it was OBVIOUSLY the WAY BETTER choice. You sound really obtuse or this is a pathetic shilling attempt.
I think you are the obtuse one.
Have you been programmed to think these were the "only 2 alternatives"?
ONE OTHER OPTION as you say, could have been to stop the cabal doing their lockdown plan, COMPLETELY. Do arrests and see how many deaths (including some amount of chaos) this brings.
I'm just willing to bet, "less than 17 million".
And whether or not I'm right on this issue, they should be discussed.
We are dealing with eradication of a 1000 year death cult dipshit…you obviously don’t understand the magnitude of the war that is being waged. Take your double quoted idiotic shit and kindly fuck off.
Merry Christmas!
great points!
such common sense!
If they "save" us before anything happens, what's gonna wake up the ones who refuse to see? Nothing. And then you have to worry about Civil War - which no one wants - that would kill/injure a whole lot more people. Plus ya know - free will. Could have chosen NOT to take the clot shot like many did.
I sure didn't! But I'm thinking of tha little guy, ya know?
Not everyone has the time and resources to get informed like we do.
In any case, trusting government and doctors shouldn't be a FATAL mistake, at least not while "white hats" are in control.
Arrests would have been GREAT RED PILLS for normies, and do create lots of "vaccine hesitancy".
Military arrests would not necessarily lead to civil war??
And another often forgotten point: "The ones who refuse to see" are THE MINORITY, remember? Trump won all states! Trump won by over 80%!
So what's the necessity at this point, to torture everyone further through this many more sickening psyops??
What's the logic in torturing heroes to wake up ingrate normies?
Because we the vast majority, fear their wrath? Come on people!
I see both sides tbh. All I can figure is Trump and Q have been very clear that it all must be done "by the law". So maybe there are obscure laws we don't necessarily know about? Idk but I also believe the jabs were swapped out once Obiden took over. The explanation - if ever forthcoming - should be informative and interesting lol.
Did you mean enjoy? Yeah cause even one dead is hilarious right? You're a 🤡
I used to be "ALL IN"... until the hostages (that's the population) started dying en masse... you should wake up at least to this fact, too.
Otherwise, you are not being sincere in your evaluation of what's going on.
Fact is, patriots deemed it ""okay"" to let the plandemic unfold.
Did this "option" save "even more" than 17 million lives?
We should at least be able to discuss this.
Who has enough intellectual integrity to do so?
"Patriots deemed it ""okay"" to let the plandemic unfold.
The plandemic unfolded. You saw how the people were stampeded. How could the patriots have stopped it? You don't just stop something with a hundred years of lies and inertia behind it.
The shots are still being pushed, and people are still getting them. The bulk of the world population doesn't even know that people are dying en masse. Who knew our health system was so corrupt, and our caregivers so unfeeling?
I hate this as much as you do. It took all my strength to realize that we are just livestock to evil people. I couldn't imagine why this was being done. I still can't believe it.
Have the military start by exposing the 2020 coup, reveal their own current control through COG, and be TRANSPARENT about what is happening, then use the plethora of evidence of bioweapon development, as a justification for crucial arrests. Having this exposed as a bioweapon would have created """MASSIVE VACCINE HESITANCY""".
No silent wars!
Now sure, this may not be to your exact taste and could be tweaked, but 17 million deaths from a plandemic ALSO seems far from perfect to me.
I just wish white hats did more to EXPOSE THE CRIMES that were already easy to expose. How about starting with 9/11? That would have been a relatively easy to prove and efficient "WARMUP" for the normies, to prepare for the "even worse" revelations that would follow.
Agree wholeheartedly! This perhaps, maybe, could have BS to justify the murder of civilians as “necessary casualties” needs to be seen for what it is—accessories to murder, period! Justice demands accountability from ALL who are or have been in government!
Yes, I see your point, and agree.