Those who crafted this message have the gift of perfect wording. It reads very much Jeffersonian, and is refreshing to see that there are those who still can successfully make the effort.
Caution. I remember having this same feeling years ago. But then I had a worry. What if this joining of patriots was actually a way of finding out who would be the enemy of the globalists. Be it's founding and control.
This is awesome! I’m sure however that the top military leaders he calls out will feel personally threatened by this letter, so I pray for the writer/signers safety. Also wish this was addressed to all of our current leaders, on both sides, who participated in Covid crimes against humanity. Would have a much bigger impact…
I would love to see accountability for the past few years, but don’t have much hope. I believe I saw a statement recently that said 45 out of 60,000 troops decided to return to active duty for not accepting the clot shot. What a colossal waste of money. Can you imagine clothing and training 60,000 troops just to send them home for such bullshit? Thing about the military, is that you have one corrupt individual near the top of the ladder, and everyone below him has to follow orders. Same for police officers - following the orders of the corrupt ones up the chain of command. Very sad state of affairs.
I won't hold my breath in regards to holding those called out to any form of justice. That being said, I want to thank all those who signed this notification and pray for a hedge of protection about all of them.
YES YES YES!!!!!! Now for the similarly worded letters to each and every branch of our government and the three letter agencies and others complicit and cooperative including media, education and sciences, to be FOLLOWED BY ACTIONS
Not sure why I got the downvote. The letter states that some will run for election and once in a position of power will hold them accountable. That’s not an instantaneous action.
Those who crafted this message have the gift of perfect wording. It reads very much Jeffersonian, and is refreshing to see that there are those who still can successfully make the effort.
Caution. I remember having this same feeling years ago. But then I had a worry. What if this joining of patriots was actually a way of finding out who would be the enemy of the globalists. Be it's founding and control.
I speak of Oath Keepers back in 2009.
Everything is a litmus test for them
Yep. Especially with Biden in power.
they all now have a target on their back.....
Yup. They should expect a no knock FBI raid at 4am sometime in their near future. Speech is now criminalized in this country.
Lord Jesus, Cover and PROTECT THEM-SURROUND THEM WITH YOUR angel army
We are surely reaching the precipice
I would not count on the FBI, with the two tiered justice system we now have, along with the corruption at the top.
He's talking about the signatories
Lord Jesus, surround, uplift and protect ALL FIGHTING FOR TRUTH and JUSTICE. In Your Almighty name, AMEN
Yes. They most likely are infiltrated by the feds.
🔥 Over 200 Vets, Active Duty Forces Vow to Hold Military Leaders Accountable for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Here is another tweet
Consider me one of those you represent. I'll back any guy that pledged that letter.
think its time to buy another gun............
Whoa! This is interesting.
This chick reads it out loud ~
“For those who have said that the military is the only way, here comes the cavalry.”
Listen here. Robot voice version.
This is awesome! I’m sure however that the top military leaders he calls out will feel personally threatened by this letter, so I pray for the writer/signers safety. Also wish this was addressed to all of our current leaders, on both sides, who participated in Covid crimes against humanity. Would have a much bigger impact…
I would love to see accountability for the past few years, but don’t have much hope. I believe I saw a statement recently that said 45 out of 60,000 troops decided to return to active duty for not accepting the clot shot. What a colossal waste of money. Can you imagine clothing and training 60,000 troops just to send them home for such bullshit? Thing about the military, is that you have one corrupt individual near the top of the ladder, and everyone below him has to follow orders. Same for police officers - following the orders of the corrupt ones up the chain of command. Very sad state of affairs.
I won't hold my breath in regards to holding those called out to any form of justice. That being said, I want to thank all those who signed this notification and pray for a hedge of protection about all of them.
Well stated. God speed. Many feel as you all do.
Great letter, I hope they have the teeth eventually (soon) to bite the criminals involved in all this associated with the military.
YES YES YES!!!!!! Now for the similarly worded letters to each and every branch of our government and the three letter agencies and others complicit and cooperative including media, education and sciences, to be FOLLOWED BY ACTIONS
God Speed Soldier.
Well, this will take 5-10 years to come to fruition. It’s either that or a honey pot.
Not sure why I got the downvote. The letter states that some will run for election and once in a position of power will hold them accountable. That’s not an instantaneous action.
There should be pressure on our current congress to start addressing it.
Write your Congressman. That's what he is there for.
What time does the shooting start? 4am EST?