Could be anyone in the cabinet. Need to see what call sign was used, as plane in is only called Air Force one or two when the president or vice president is on it.
I recently left indialantic after 43 years. The beachside doesn't seem the same anymore. Too many liberals have moved in and taken over. We Built a farm in the middle of the state instead.
Indialantic used to be a quiet beach town, now, the whole area is building up like South Florida. Developers cramming people in everywhere. I can't stand it.
It's all the engineering companies that have come into the area. They brought all their workers from California, New York and New jersey. We took advantage of the covid area working remote and moved! Sold our house to a Californian who paid too much! It's nice to see a fellow patriot is still there. We felt alone in the area, all my friends and acquaintances had blinders are to the real world events.
Let me tell you all the crazies that are here now. I feel that I'm living in a matrix. Just last week, in Indian Harbor Beach, this guy was humping a telephone pole outside my office. Two months ago, two seperate times, two people came in to use the bathroom and they crapped all over the bathroom and the other in the waiting room. ✋️ truth
They'll use anything these days to ship illegals around.
Username checks out.
That's an E-4, one of the "doomsday" planes. Not AF1.
Dropping off some new dresses and a few pairs of sensible shoes for the tranny officers?
I thought space force was the good guys?
They tell you this so that you let you're guard down and have hopes that someone will swoop in at the last minute to save your ass.
I thought we were all waiting on 'Military is the only way'...
Because of drop 26? OK, but the only way to do what, exactly?
Military is the only way to ensure that 15 minute cities are implemented in your hometown.
Could be anyone in the cabinet. Need to see what call sign was used, as plane in is only called Air Force one or two when the president or vice president is on it.
I need to add that the plane was not shut down, there for just a short time. This was around 7:30 this morning
More tarmac meetings? lol
They leave the engines running so that it can be airborne in minutes.
Nightwatch just left there a little bit ago....
edit: that is a nightwatch 3676 tail number
Oops. Nice catch. ThanQ
That's it! I knew someone would find the flight. Thank you.
Space force, formally Patrick air force base, is located in Florida. Just south of cape Canaveral. Palm trees, Florida. Not colorado
Thank you. I couldn't respond earlier. Something about work getting in the way. Lol
Peterson Patrick Piper Picked a Peck of Peckers ,sry just had to :)
Lol 🤣
My bad. It's Patrick Air Force Base in Florida
There are many PAFBs in our nation. There's a Pope Air Force Base next to Ft. Bragg, NC.
I apologize, I should have posted the Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. I was heading to work and wanted to share this quickly.
Did you take the picture yourself? I am from that area, very familiar with the area.
Yes, I was heading to work and saw the plane, pulled over and snapped the picture.
I recently left indialantic after 43 years. The beachside doesn't seem the same anymore. Too many liberals have moved in and taken over. We Built a farm in the middle of the state instead.
Indialantic used to be a quiet beach town, now, the whole area is building up like South Florida. Developers cramming people in everywhere. I can't stand it.
It's all the engineering companies that have come into the area. They brought all their workers from California, New York and New jersey. We took advantage of the covid area working remote and moved! Sold our house to a Californian who paid too much! It's nice to see a fellow patriot is still there. We felt alone in the area, all my friends and acquaintances had blinders are to the real world events.
Let me tell you all the crazies that are here now. I feel that I'm living in a matrix. Just last week, in Indian Harbor Beach, this guy was humping a telephone pole outside my office. Two months ago, two seperate times, two people came in to use the bathroom and they crapped all over the bathroom and the other in the waiting room. ✋️ truth