Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I would like to let the community know, just because we vent doesn't necessarily make us democrats
I desperately need to be out of my current living situation but I have nowhere to go. Fuck me. Any prayers are appreciated
Not in danger it just sucks lol but thanks.
Of course, fren. Are you in danger? If so, perhaps speaking to police could lead you to some type of safe house situation. Praying for you.
Thanks fren not in physical danger.
Okay, good. Thanks for letting me know. I've prayed for your situation and will continue to pray.
Dear Lord, we pray for JB. We ask that you help to find a new location for them to move to. We ask that you give them patience as process pans out. Lord, we ask for this and even more! In Jesus name amen.
Thanks good fren
Please pray for me. I'm at the end of my rope. I'm trying to feel the holy spirit and it's really hard because I was atheist. I don't want to do life and I'm addicted to weed. And the state of the world is terrifying me.
Praying for you, fren. Don't let go of that rope. Let God tie a knot in it and help you. That fact that you were an atheist is meaningless to God. What counts is your relationship with Him now. If you are His now, you are His forever and He will see you through this dark time. Hang on. Praying for you now.
Thank you sweet person
Find a Bible believing church, something like a Calvary chapel. They teach the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Get involved in a men’s or women’s Bible study whatever your sex is, and read God’s word every day. Once you get into an alignment with the Lord, your life will change. I promise. Praying for you.
Praying for you.
Go for a nice, sober, nature walk ASAP. 🙏
An evening of Hope with Don Moen
Living Hope
Come Holy Spirit, my fave song
Psalm 43:5
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
An evening of Hope with Don Moen
Can one of you AP Style Bookfags tell me when to stop using X (formally known as Twitter)? And just start using X. Asking for a fren.
One of this generation's great challenges.
Referencing "X" - so impractical, it has to be a troll. Personally, not a fan of making information more difficult to find. But I'm not a billionaire white hat controlled asset.
Hey - Good News! I received my coffee mug today! I love it! Fond memories of of my dad, and a great cup for my coffee. Thanks for the recommendation I’m so pleased. 👏👏👏
Yeah, I got this new espresso machine from my brother for my birthday, and I’m finally home from pet sitting to enjoy it. I’m gonna have a big cup of espresso tomorrow. Not those tiny little shots. Oh no… I’m having a full 10 ounces of LOR Coffee! Zoom zoom.!
Only electric car in the bunch is the Tesla Model Y, and it isn't even in the top 3.
I have no idea how so many can drive what are pretty much agricultural vehicles when they do zero labor, only to drive em around wax and detailed, never getting dirty or hauling cargo once. Plus driving like jerks and causing accidents
Truck owning should require a form of CDL so less douches and retards drive them. Save them for people who actually need them.
Still way too high.
Become ungovernable https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1ueEWxMkJZ/
That is some serious flooding. 👀
I know huh! To be honest, it looks like it’s been a problem for a while, but when the deep state wants you to move out of your beautiful home, and other homes around that area, they just told them to all take a hike. I love it.
Join in a guided meditation led by Jake Angeli @americashaman live at the Arizona Capitol Ley lines via your own Capitol's Ley lines or X Space if interested. Every Saturday at 2 PM EST
Be careful with guided meditations fren.
Agreed! There are too many dark spirits in this world, and I’m not welcoming any of them into my life. ✋
Appreciate your concern, but no worries there fren, I’ve ventured into those realms extensively for a long time with bilocation and what not and this one is not at all related to any of that or any darkness, think of these more like group prayers with harnessing energy and directing it to places to change the quantum entanglement if that makes more sense
Can I ask you an honest question. As far as I can, tell Jake Angeli is a shaman, which I’m not so sure he is worshiping the Lord. As a Christian, should we be joining him in meditation? Is he only worshiping demons or praying to demons and why would I want to join him to do that. I’m not asking this question to be a jerk, I’m just wondering what this is about because I see it posted hear from time to time. Here is not a Christian, and I understand that… But from what I know about Jake Angeli, he’s not serving the Lord. He is a literal shaman.
Edit: I’m just saying… It at the end of this video, it doesn’t look like he’s worshiping the Lord. https://patriots.win/p/17s5ataEav/24-million-views/c/
No worries at all, and I can appreciate dialog like this and you’re not a jerk at all. I will not be one either, and understand this is a very sensitive subject. But Jake serves God and worships God, like DJT said at inauguration “in America we worship God”. You can chose and are free to believe whatever you want, that’s the great part of America, but if you dig deep enough and able to make peace and venture outside the doctrine and/or dogma you’ll find that Jesus himself was a “shaman”, the ultimate shaman at that. The Church is an institution in large part and so are all organized religions. It’s almost ironic here imo because most if not all are opposed to a one world “religion” but at the same time people think THEIR religion is king and everyone should follow it. I’ll put it this way, in the end, the less than 1% that control the world know something we don’t. Through things like food and fluoride etc they have successfully disconnected us from our true selves and taught us to live in fear. Fear lowers your frequency where evil inter dimensional entities strive. I understand the metaphysical part here is very very hard to grasp, understand and maybe even accept but it is there, and learning to manipulate the electro magnetic fields is key here. If you understand satanism and how they do their fucked up rituals and why and where it makes a bit more sense. Think of things like CERN and Bohemian Grove. This is why some people were recruited into a Super Soldier program as “psychic” soldiers so to speak, to take back control of what we can’t see but is all around us and controls us. This is why Tucker is starting to talk about inter dimensional entities. It’s scary, they are scary, but they aren’t shit when stood up to and can’t strive in high frequency, basically as the great awakening expands, our frequency raises which in turn raises the frequency of our planet where we can kick them off our planet FOREVER. I totally understand that it is “out there” but believe it or not is real and there. Now the point of these mediations is to help raise our frequencies and plug them in the electro magnetic ley lines when these sick fucks are not in office on Saturdays. All capitols are built on these lines, all sacred sites, all obelisks and all the place where these sick fucks perform their rituals and black magic. Could send you more information if it is something that is of interest and also if you want simply listen to the mediation (about 20-25 long) and from there see if it is something that may resonate with you and then start taking part in. God Bless Fren!
Jesus is the son of God. NOT a shaman.
Agreed! 💯
Yes, and...
Yes - we’ll… this is how it starts. 😂🤣👏👏
Well, you might be surprised to hear this, but I do understand that our bodies are made of energy, and frequency is the answer to just about all illnesses. I go to a natural path doctor, and he is fantastic. He’s helped me to heal a lot of things just through getting my body in alignment with my energy, and with my God. He is Christian, but he’s a natural path.
I do think sometimes some Christians are very dogmatic, and they don’t understand that yes, God is our creator, but he did make us out of energy. We have miles and miles of synapses made out of energy throughout our entire bodies. It’s amazing what frequency, and using that frequency to be in alignment with God, can do for your life. There is a lot of evidence of this, you can ask any neuroscientist, and they’ll tell you all about electrical synapses throughout your brain. So, of course, there’s the same synapses throughout your entire body frequency is a BIG deal.
I have a Royal Rife, and learned about this frequency healing through Hulda Clark. - at least 15 years ago. I totally understand what you’re saying about Leylines, and how they have built all these places like cern, etc.. the satanic pedophiles are doing everything they can to try to harness, ‘gods’ energy and creation, because they’re so jealous. They hate GOD - because he’s everything they want to be. 😂🤣🤪
However; I also don’t allow that belief system, to negate or to lesson what Christ did on the cross for me. Salvation is through His sacrifice, and I am so grateful for everything He’s done for me. Christ is king in my life, and I will never lessen His sacrifice - and start worshiping frequency. That’s the difference between me and a new ager. I worship the Creator, not creation. But I do recognize that His creation, can be used to benefit myself.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. Because I wanted to ask you before in the past, but I didn’t want to be rude. I think we have more in common than we both anticipated. I don’t have a Twitter account, so I’m not sure I can even watch this meditation. But I will not opposed to checking it out.
May the Lord bless your day!
Haha you had me at natural doctor and Dr Rife 😂🫶
I agree with literally everything besides the new age thing. On that I’ll say while some things are new age to us via suppression, religion is what ends being new age and this goes back much further. I 100% agree that in this age some people have a complete misunderstanding and are more egotistic towards it, like if conversing with someone if they they’ll you they are “shamans” they are most likely full of shit, one will say they are shamanic practitioners or practice shamanism. But regardless I am with you and appreciate and love and admire what Christ did and teaching us that he was able to go through this because he had the understanding that we are not our bodies.
Side note (controversial I suppose) but what is your understanding of psychedelics like mushrooms? I’d be curious what your natural doctor or if you’ve ever had that conversation with him. I can tell you from experience that when done right, with the right intentions, in the right setting, in the right state of mind they have insane benefits in providing answers and understandings and “downloading” Information and really firing up those synapses and neuro pathways. Then tap into those dimensions and manipulate them for goodness. I’m not recommending them or anything as these sacred plants must be respected and only done with the understanding of what you are getting into
Btw the mediation today was a little different being J6 anniversary. We we used the energy and plugged them in the DC gulag to bring light and hope and courage to the prisoners followed by their families, then to the hearts and minds of the guards down to shining light into the DOJ building and capitol building and raise the frequency to also touch their hearts and minds.
Have a blessed weekend! Cheers
funny enough… We are on the same page about a lot of things. 👏👏👏
I did a lot of psychedelics when I was younger, although not in the best interest of mankind, myself, or the world. I would say, I was self-medicating, because I had severe depression and childhood trauma.
However; as a person who’s been depressed, pretty much my entire life, there’s a new treatment for - treatment resistant depression, and it’s ketamine infusions. It’s the only thing that helped me with my depression outside of Christ. It has worked miracles. My life is completely different now.
The Infusions, and at home treatments that I have done have definitely brought me closer to the Lord. It’s given me a safe environment to embrace the Lord, focus on others, and I’ve had some very interesting experiences during my treatment. But I think you have to be very intentional, and also as a Christian, I don’t recommended for people who are not saved. I fear for people who may be open to spiritual attack from demons. That’s my own personal opinion, based on God’s word.
But yes, I do believe that psychedelics, if used properly, can help heal people from severe depression, PTSD, and other mental disabilities. In a HUGE way! In addition to that healing, there is a spiritual wellness that comes from that as well. Maybe somebody wouldn’t agree with me, but I’m living it, and I’m living my best life now. But even with the ketamine, without being in alignment with God, I was still suffering a lot of misery. Once again, it’s the creator that I gave all glory to. If he can use that treatment for the betterment of my life, I’m all for it.
I am so intentional in 2024 being my best year ever. 👏👏👏
Oh I’m sorry to hear about your struggles you went through, but man that is AMAZING and congratulations, happy for you. Ketamine is awesome and has tons of benefits like you are mentioning. So cool.
Totally agree with you and definitely not recommended if one does not know how to ward off these attacks.
Fuck ya bro, 2024 is the year of humanity! LFG!!
The one thing that’s great about the ketamine, is that during an infusion they can back you out of a treatment, if things go wrong. I’m not sure how they do that with other psychedelics unless it’s in a clinical facility. Most people doing mushrooms are not in a clinical facility. To be honest, I did mushrooms once when I was young and it was a horrible trip. But I did all kinds of acid, and I really enjoyed that. But… it’s usually the opposite for most people. I think that has a lot to do with my mental illness, and how I was self-medicating.
Also, because I did psychedelics as a young person, I was less apprehensive on trying to ketamine for my depression, because I already knew what the experience would be like. If you know anybody who is suffering from treatment, resistant depression, I highly recommend finding a qualified, ketamine clinic, and get started. They’re just now starting to cover a portion of it with insurance, but that’s a whole Nother story.
Yeah 2024. Leeeeetttss Gooooo!
Greetings everyone. I just found this website after my nephew explained some rather interesting things over Christmas. Hopefully I can learn a few things from you frogs.
Welcome to the party pal! 👏👏👏
Welcome fren!
Thank you!
Hey welcome fren. Glad to have you. My name is Ryan feel free to reach out if you ever need prayer. God bless
What Interesting things did your nephew explain to you?
Thank you for the warm welcome and for the offer of prayer. My only prayers are that Christ touches the lives all mankind like he has mine.
As for my nephew, he very much in detail explained to me that President Trump has allowed a stolen election with the aid of some brilliant minds and did his best to explain Q posts as well. He referred this website to me in order to gain more insight on a particularly well thought out plan to thwart the globalist agenda and save the republic. He mentioned that 2024 may be allowed to be stolen as well in order to "wake" up more individuals to what is going on. I imagine that is why the site is titled the great awakening. His points were very interesting and he seemed rather convincing to say the least. I'm here to learn more about how Trump and his team are planning to overcome the globalists
Will definitely be praying that. Glad to hear Jesus has done work in you. Hallelujah. Awesome to hear. Sounds like your nephew explained some awesome things. The above 3 links are awesome to look at. First is a shorter video that might help understand things. Second is a longer video more about how and 3rd is the actual Q post, I would encourage you to read ASAP.
Feel free to ask questions or share thoughts about whatever you want. It's an awesome group here with some amazing minds and hearts. God WINS
A Song: https://youtu.be/jBwL3y-Wlms
And another: https://greatawakening.win/p/17s5atZOum/today-is-the-epiphany-i-post-thi/c/
Have a blessed day.
We three Kings is one of my favorite Christmas songs
join the fight frens.
Had to sign in to view.... Do not have an account.
Me too 🙃
How can anyone on this board explain this Dr. Shiva video? Dr. Shiva puts Trump as part of the elites control group (of us) and to me he, Dr. Shiva, makes a pretty good point. I am wondering now if we are ever going to get out of the elites control, even with Trump when he takes over??? The video is below it is 15 minutes 11 seconds of your time-maybe worth watching:
The "inventor of email" ?
Mind you, I do not AGREE with Shiva. He showed his colors months ago. He is a near genius who is filled with jealousy..and wants power without having a vision
but technically, there will always be "elites". in the new Kingdom, Jesus will rule but right beside Him will be His disciples, the prophets, the saints, and the good virtuous kings of the world. Men like the forefathers and Trump will also be there. They kneel and praise Him without hesitation and Christ will reward them for how many mere peasants arrogantly refuse Him yet KINGS humbly kneel before Him
Of course, the tyrants, the devils, the ones who wore the crown of "king" only to take, steal, and destroy will rightly be by the side of THE false king in the lake of fire for eternally. You can probably think of a lot of names on that list quickly
In the Gospel Jesus Christ proclaims the first will be last and the last will be first in his Kingdom. I have always read that as the one who lives an un Godly life, but who repents and accepts the Christ as the one true God, will be held higher than the ones who assume that their place with HIM will be higher than a repenting sinner. So I tend to disagree that Kings and Queens, even though they bow to him, will be higher than a meek and humble man who assumes nothing and feels he does not deserve the crumbs from the table.
"The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it."
I understand what you are saying but God has a plan for our leaders who are good and just. At least I personally do not mind Abraham or Washington or Trump having a better seat at the table
Interesting. But its a moot point. Jan 6th was not an insurrection and SCOTUS wont hold this up. Even the lefty libtards on TV know this.
HCQ Has Killed 17,000 People!
That is likely over 100 years or so. The vax has the ability to kill 17,000 an hour.
2nd verse: The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. 2 Thessalonians 1:3
I've been trying to get a message for you Slechta. I really need some guidance
PMing you now
Thank you. We met before on discord when the garden was founded. I'm Jessica and you're Ryan :) I'm struggling to believe in God. I can't always feel his presence like I should. Can't remember to pray. Feel selfish praying for myself. I'm going through a hard living situation that will resolve itself in the spring but I til then I'm afraid of losing my shit and end up in a psych ward again. I'm praying for patience. Praying for a sign. Praying not to buy a fifth of vodka. I've watched a bit of Greg Laurie and enjoy him. I'm on the verge of suicide most days. I can't do that to my family and they are THE only reason I'm alive. Tell me about God and help me to believe whole heartedly? I will do anything
Find yourself a Bible believing church. Something like a Calvary Chapel that teaches the Bible, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. As you immerse yourself in God’s word, you will begin to see his will for your life. Get yourself into a women’s Bible study. These are the women that will pray for you, and lift you up, and help you to learn God’s word. Read one proverb and one psalm each day, and seek the lord is the beginning of your day.
I’m sorry that you’re suffering with depression, because I’ve suffered with that my whole life. God has done miraculous things in my life this year, and I’m hoping and praying for that for you for 2024. Praying for you that the Lord will take away your depression, and that you will get into alignment with him and his will for your life.
It’s not over with yet friend, the best is yet to come! God bless you! Smile because Jesus loves you so much! Today and forever!
God bless you in your struggle.
There is nothing wrong with praying for oneself and, to your concerns, I often pray for help remembering to pray!
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray you guide Jessica through the Holy Spirit and give her peace. Let her know that You are in charge of all things, and gently remind her to seek You when she is in need. In Jesus's name, Amen. 🙏
I stand in agreement with your prayer.
Thank you for the encouragement fren
In light of the recent abdication by Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, King Charles faces calls from British news outlets to hand crown to Prince William