You see everyone? This was a yuge misunderstanding. Kari Lake is the bad guy here (yep).
It's obvious. Why pretend not to see it? Everyone scrubs everyones back out there. Everyone knows it. DeWit meant it literally! LITERALLY scrubbing backs!! He probably has video proof. So stop being a bigot, bigots.
Yuge misunderstanding. See? Name your price. For FUN. giggle
Just my guess, but I think someone in the Trump circle had the recording stashed away to be released now. Shows the corruption of the Rep party. Same big money that funds Nikki and Ron. Again, just a guess, but the timing is always key
Yes. Timing. Check out James Okeefe's new video he released like an hour ago, it's about bribery as well. We're in the phase where we show the people that DC is all about bribery and leverage over people.
The timing of this shouts to me that Haley accepted what they offered to keep the primary rolling, keeping Our President from turning his full attention to the general election. Or worse, a place holder if they are able to accomplish their greatest wish.
Jeff DeWit Resigns as Arizona Republican Party Chair after Audio Tape of Him Attempting to Bribe Kari Lake Surfaces, Claims Tape Was “Selectively Edited” and Says There is an Even “More Damaging Recording”
I hate to be "that person", but did Lake's responses sound a lot like she had rehearsed them, and knew she'd be releasing it to the public? Something feels weird about this. Yeah, we know there are corrupt POS out there, but she sure seemed to be giving answers that show just how perfect of a candidate she is. It feels weird.
GEOTUS said during his 1/22/24 speech in NH something to the effect of ‘DeSantis was smart to leave the race before he got investigated, but that both Haley and DeSantis have things to worried about re: being investigated.’
Trump clearly signaled that Ron and Nikki both have skeletons in their closet of a criminal nature. So there’s probably more reveals coming. Can’t wait! =-D
Does anyone know the WHY he was bribing her? He said that after a couple years of her standing down she could then do whatever she wanted. So why though? I'm not really up on this story and hadn't read anything anywhere on the why part.
the why part would be because if Kari took the 2 year pause (timeframe really meaningless...if she proved go be capable of being bribed that'd be the end of her) than the swamp would install a RINO which could be our demise. as Trump has stated, it's all over if we dont win this next election. I think he's referring to all around not just him as president
Because if they're allowed to continue what they're doing for another 2 years, our country will be permanently lost and nothing she did would matter at that point. Obviously they know there is a LOT she can do right now to ruin their plans.
Their fear and this attempt to get her out of the way for 2 years should highlight that this election is our LAST CHANCE to save our country and keep our children and grandchildren from becoming slaves.
Anyone in the Social Security System and paying income taxes is already a slave, for all intents and purposes. That is why the system has to e destroyed and replaced with what the Founding Fathers intended when they established our Republic.
Exactly. My point was that right now it is not too late, there is still the possibility of changing things and saving our country and our freedoms. But 2 years from now, without action from enough patriots like Kari and Trump, it will be too late. The entire human race will be PERMANENTLY enslaved at that point.
The next 1-2 years will be the critical tipping point where this country (and the entire world) will either be saved, or enslaved, and the demonic bastards in the DS know that as well as we do. That's why they wanted Kari to just stay on the sidelines for a couple of years while they cement all of their evil laws in place. After that, it would be too late and there would be nothing she could do to mess up their plans. It's why they're pulling out all the stops right now to take Trump out in any way they can. Two years from now one side will have won, and one side will have lost.
The lefties on Twitter are saying it’s because she couldn’t win and they’re setting up for someone than can. I lost a good deal of coffee up my nose on that one…
You would think people in this guys position would just start naming names. Granted someone got leverage on him so he would try to bribe her. At this point his political career is over. Might as well start dropping names.
How many of you clicked on the tweet above & actually read the full 2-page letter?
It doesn't sound really unhinged, filled with seethe / cope, nor unrealistic. It sounds pretty reasonable & honest.
Further; it is only reasonable that we ask questions & give a hearing to the other party in this matter - Jeff DeWit.
He makes some very troubling allegations in his letter, chiefly that:
Kari Lake recorded this (private) conversation while she was employed by Jeff DeWit at his private company.
If true, then I agree with Jeff; this IS a "violation of the fiduciary responsibilities of an employee" as well as being a pretty major ethical breach.
I own a business & I would be over the moon with rage if an employee did anything remotely like this to me.
I think the truth deserves a fair hearing of both sides.
You see everyone? This was a yuge misunderstanding. Kari Lake is the bad guy here (yep). It's obvious. Why pretend not to see it? Everyone scrubs everyones back out there. Everyone knows it. DeWit meant it literally! LITERALLY scrubbing backs!! He probably has video proof. So stop being a bigot, bigots.
Yuge misunderstanding. See? Name your price. For FUN. giggle
One of the news people actually said this!
Ever wonder what the RNC spends the donations on?
That ‘victim card’ sure gets a lot of use from people who have been nailed as corrupt bastards. Eat a bag of dicks, swamp rat!
So Witless can simply resign and ride off into the AZ sunset? WTF?
Will he avoid prosecution? Maybe. But he's going to be looking over his shoulder. A lot.
We need to demand who the people back east are.
Some rich men north of Richmond, I'm sure
Probably people we've never heard of. The uber rich.
Ronna is next RINO TO BE OUT I HOPE
The deadliest adversary isn't the enemy at the gates, but the enemy behind you you.
The GOPe side of the uniparty stabbing conservatives (MAGA) in the back is being made public.
Why did the recording come out now?
Just my guess, but I think someone in the Trump circle had the recording stashed away to be released now. Shows the corruption of the Rep party. Same big money that funds Nikki and Ron. Again, just a guess, but the timing is always key
Yes. Timing. Check out James Okeefe's new video he released like an hour ago, it's about bribery as well. We're in the phase where we show the people that DC is all about bribery and leverage over people.
Agreed. Trump won’t go into this without showing conclusive evidence of the fraud of past elections. NCSWIC
AND that is ONE LESS Corrupt IDIOT that McConnell and the DC Swamp Rats can't use...Think Locally, Act Nationally...
It would be fire watching her on any Senate subcommittee. She stirs the pot almost as good as Trump
McConnell is actually implicated now as the briber.
The timing of this shouts to me that Haley accepted what they offered to keep the primary rolling, keeping Our President from turning his full attention to the general election. Or worse, a place holder if they are able to accomplish their greatest wish.
Yup… when Trump wins the nomination Ronna can tell him “we’re all out of money unless you take Mike Pence as VP again”
And he says, "That's okay, I'll use mine."
Article -
I want to hear the other recording…..🍿🍿🍿🍿
I always want to hear the unedited tape. The first one feels a little too polished for my liking.
I hate to be "that person", but did Lake's responses sound a lot like she had rehearsed them, and knew she'd be releasing it to the public? Something feels weird about this. Yeah, we know there are corrupt POS out there, but she sure seemed to be giving answers that show just how perfect of a candidate she is. It feels weird.
GEOTUS said during his 1/22/24 speech in NH something to the effect of ‘DeSantis was smart to leave the race before he got investigated, but that both Haley and DeSantis have things to worried about re: being investigated.’
Trump clearly signaled that Ron and Nikki both have skeletons in their closet of a criminal nature. So there’s probably more reveals coming. Can’t wait! =-D
Does anyone know the WHY he was bribing her? He said that after a couple years of her standing down she could then do whatever she wanted. So why though? I'm not really up on this story and hadn't read anything anywhere on the why part.
the why part would be because if Kari took the 2 year pause (timeframe really meaningless...if she proved go be capable of being bribed that'd be the end of her) than the swamp would install a RINO which could be our demise. as Trump has stated, it's all over if we dont win this next election. I think he's referring to all around not just him as president
Because if they're allowed to continue what they're doing for another 2 years, our country will be permanently lost and nothing she did would matter at that point. Obviously they know there is a LOT she can do right now to ruin their plans.
Their fear and this attempt to get her out of the way for 2 years should highlight that this election is our LAST CHANCE to save our country and keep our children and grandchildren from becoming slaves.
Anyone in the Social Security System and paying income taxes is already a slave, for all intents and purposes. That is why the system has to e destroyed and replaced with what the Founding Fathers intended when they established our Republic.
Exactly. My point was that right now it is not too late, there is still the possibility of changing things and saving our country and our freedoms. But 2 years from now, without action from enough patriots like Kari and Trump, it will be too late. The entire human race will be PERMANENTLY enslaved at that point.
The next 1-2 years will be the critical tipping point where this country (and the entire world) will either be saved, or enslaved, and the demonic bastards in the DS know that as well as we do. That's why they wanted Kari to just stay on the sidelines for a couple of years while they cement all of their evil laws in place. After that, it would be too late and there would be nothing she could do to mess up their plans. It's why they're pulling out all the stops right now to take Trump out in any way they can. Two years from now one side will have won, and one side will have lost.
The lefties on Twitter are saying it’s because she couldn’t win and they’re setting up for someone than can. I lost a good deal of coffee up my nose on that one…
He was bribing her because they were bribing him.
Now lets shine a light on whomever picked him in the first place to ensure we don't end up another swamp creature as a replacement.
and find out where the funds were coming from IF Kari would have said yes.
You would think people in this guys position would just start naming names. Granted someone got leverage on him so he would try to bribe her. At this point his political career is over. Might as well start dropping names.
I wonder how many other helpful recordings are out there? Hmmm....
Do Democrats ever step down for their crap?
IDK guys..... Be brutally honest;
How many of you clicked on the tweet above & actually read the full 2-page letter?
It doesn't sound really unhinged, filled with seethe / cope, nor unrealistic. It sounds pretty reasonable & honest.
Further; it is only reasonable that we ask questions & give a hearing to the other party in this matter - Jeff DeWit.
He makes some very troubling allegations in his letter, chiefly that: Kari Lake recorded this (private) conversation while she was employed by Jeff DeWit at his private company.
If true, then I agree with Jeff; this IS a "violation of the fiduciary responsibilities of an employee" as well as being a pretty major ethical breach.
I own a business & I would be over the moon with rage if an employee did anything remotely like this to me.
I think the truth deserves a fair hearing of both sides.
Giggity, Giggity… Kari Lake for VP 2024