Jean must of taken her play book from Christine Beasley Ford. The way I see it Jean owes Christine Beasley Ford royalties. How to lie, lie, lie and get laid while doing so.
Good one. Didn't someone suggest a while back about etching Trump into the moon? Wouldn't it be great to look up at night and see Trump's face on the moon? Plus it would drive the people with TDS crazy.
I had commented on another thread about whether Trump and his team knew about the conflict of interest in this case before it started and didn't say anything until after it ended. Maybe they want the fake news to parade these people around like heros before they expose them as charlatans. Like the fake news did with Michael Avenatti.
He should get at least a Trillion dollars once they start seizing the assets of the cabal he should get some of it. Also so Trump can tell people he is now a Trillionaire :)
John 7:7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you as its own. But I chose you from this world, and you do not belong to it; that is why the world hates you.
Now think of Obama...the WORLD SYSTEM LOVED HIM.....a world Messiah
Just wait... the proverbial other shoe will be dropping soon.
She will be exposed as an extravagant fraud, and Trump can us her phrase "the system works" against her.
Yes, I know she has already been exposed as such... but I believe that there will be some sort of smoking bazooka.
Don't shoot back until you see the Whites of their eyes.
She is the one that needs to pay damages...
Jean must of taken her play book from Christine Beasley Ford. The way I see it Jean owes Christine Beasley Ford royalties. How to lie, lie, lie and get laid while doing so.
Good one. Didn't someone suggest a while back about etching Trump into the moon? Wouldn't it be great to look up at night and see Trump's face on the moon? Plus it would drive the people with TDS crazy.
Trump deserves his own mountain. Mt. Rushmore isn't big enough; plus it's a completed work of art.
I had commented on another thread about whether Trump and his team knew about the conflict of interest in this case before it started and didn't say anything until after it ended. Maybe they want the fake news to parade these people around like heros before they expose them as charlatans. Like the fake news did with Michael Avenatti.
Correct Anon! Well said. Slings and Arrows.
A jury of her peers.? That's not how it works.
So they found 12 attention seeking insane whores?
Well, it is NY.
Trump gets his own Mountain!
Been saying this for years.
There will be and should be no adding to Mt. Rushmore, any more than someone would add to the Mona Lisa.
Imagine they using the “system” on normal people
I can't believe it worked! <We actually conned the entire jury!>
A coven right there...
He should get at least a Trillion dollars once they start seizing the assets of the cabal he should get some of it. Also so Trump can tell people he is now a Trillionaire :)
No one should doubt that he already is a quadrillionaire.
John 7:7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you as its own. But I chose you from this world, and you do not belong to it; that is why the world hates you.
Now think of Obama...the WORLD SYSTEM LOVED HIM.....a world Messiah
If anyone hasn’t read Tom Woods’ book, Nullification, they should.
Free copy (but it’s worth buying):
Either Gen. Flynn or Gregg Phillips has endorsed this book as a must-read (can’t remember which, was in a video).