In Major Reversal, Speaker Johnson to Introduce Bill to Send $17.6 Billion to Israel Amid Border Security Fight | The Gateway Pu...
House Speaker Mike Johnson will introduce a bill to send $17.6 billion to Israel in emergency aid without corresponding spending cuts amid a fight over border security.
My gut says we’ll come to respect what Speaker Johnson did in the 12 months prior to President Trump’s return to the Presidency. All of these continuing resolutions and stand alone spending bills are like artillery shells spent in an effort to hold the line.
We get so focused on what we believe he should be advancing, we lose track of what he has stopped. If I was President Trump I would much rather inherit a patchwork of temporary and stopgap measures that will expire, than a slate of longer term bills that will be a complete pain in the ass to repeal and replace.
This is a very insightful comment.
Totally agree. He's definitely doing an incredible dance right now. What he stopped so far has been important. Plus, 17.6 billion could be a clue.
Do we have $17.6 billion dollars to give? What a shit show.
How much more movie is there to endure, one wonders...
If at the end of this movie we get rid of the Federal Reserve and the fiat dollar, tell them to shove their debt where the Sun doesn't shine, does it matter how much money we spend? We need to push this economic system past the brink of collapse to usher in a debt free currency anyway. I think the sooner the economy implodes, the sooner we come to the end of the movie.
Look at the secret window here:
I've been following the secret windows, but today's one is so secret that it's invisible. I agree with you on all of that. It was a rhetorical question.
The "Let's get on with it" vibe is strong among the frogs is all I'm sayin'.
The tab for the secret window is at the upper right of the screen, click it.
Nifty! Is that new, or has it always been there and escaped my attention?
It is a new feature, maybe 6 months or so.
We don’t have a pot to piss in at this point. It’s all borrowed money.
You suck Mike Johnson!
This is a very insightful comment.
oh my...
I warned you all about him.
How about no...and send cash to TX for pill boxes and more razor wire installation?
So much for "America first"
Must have increased the incentives for approval
Why does Israel need ANY money from us? Why can't it least be a loan they have to pay back? Have they maxed out all their credit cards?
They're all Zionists including the ones who lie to your face with "America first" slogans, but except the ones who are loyal to Hamas. So, there.
Challenge to Speaker Johnson - say you went to Epstein's Island without saying you went to it.