Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Taxes are racist---I am trying to get ready to do my 2023 taxes and its too hard, I call racism, we should not have to file because they are too hard to figure out. I have 15 rentals and closed probate for 2 of them. ---Ahhhhhh!
I found this website: https://jabajabba.com/in-lies-we-trust-the-cia-hollywood-and-bioterrorism/
It is copyright 2019
But it gives a lot of good Red Pills.
“In Lies We Trust” weaves famous Hollywood film footage with critical commentaries to show how and why the CIA is conditioning Americans to accept new wars, deadly drugs, and poisonous vaccines, sickening and killing millions of trusting victims. Otherwise known as population reduction, or population control, the “War on Terror,” like the “War on Cancer” and the “War on AIDS,” affords policymakers the cover to administer profitable population manipulation under the guise of public health and national security. This shocking revelation is backed by compelling evidence from secreted documents.
The above summary is of the one that is tagged with the website above.
Still dealin with my health issues, but every day's a new one so just hoping tomorrow a better one and I can do my shift with no issues.
Been glad to be active again even though for me I best express myself through music that's mostly all i've done besides a few conversations in the comments lol
But - I was lurking for a long time and the more active we are the stronger we are because you never know when your contribution will be exactly what someone needs to see
in the end though this is more sandbox than linear and we don't really know where its going we just know thanks to this url - we aint going there alone. thank you for everyone who makes this place what it is....both post makers and the ones who comment on them. This is my newspaper but its also so much more.
Nothing is more volatile than a person who just wants to be left alone, and then finally… They hit their precipice, and - a storm is released.
That’s my husband. His boiling point used to be very bad. Occasionally someone at work might get that side of him. If that happens they deserve it. I’ve never met anyone else that’s so cool and calm. Having a child and getting older has mellowed him so much. That’s why I say if he blows up on you I know you deserved it. I’m not saying this because I love him. He’s the typical silent type.
There are so many… So many of us that have reached our precipice. I get so tired of hearing about Q, and Trump, and how it had to be this way. The problem with this plan, and it taking so long, is that many of us will finally explode one day. There are consequences for that. Unfortunately. So hurry up everybody get on with it. We want our country back.
What do you think - is this really william & kate? Tmz claims to have a video of them. https://twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1769822037193658705
I mean the only thing I ever trust from the "news" wether its respected (lol) outlets or the dumpsterfires that are paparazzi like TMZ....is that few minutes the tv tells me what the temperature will be that day. then that's all i need from any of them lol its all propaganda so i try to ignore it.
That said, anyone who doesn't see something fishy is going on with the "royal family".... well, they shouldnt ever be a fisherman lmao
Does look like her, but if she is healthy enough to be carrying groceries and walk on the streets why not actually put out a video?
Illuminati office conversations - one minute comedy skit.
Hey, what ever happened to pillow guy's supreme court thing?
He filed it. It looks fantastic there was a whole sticky on it. Now we have to see what the SC does.
Here is an interesting vidio from one of my favorite YouTube historians, on the forth Reich plot to take over Germany after the war. He hints at the end of another vidio on the topic.
To the new guy here who likes Christian rap music. I can’t remember your username.
Not a word anywhere about NATO hitting Russian refineries.
I hadn't heard that one of the Katespiracies was that she is on the masked singer. 😂
Just a reminder my fellow frogs. Don’t yell at the alligators in the pond!
I'm really sad for my mom. She called Trump a disgusting human being. She is so closed off. Thinks she listens to un-biased news sources. She's got it all wrong. Trump is so wonderful to me. This disagreement really hurts my heart. I'm craving some hopium
Same with my mil & sil. But they are blinded in so many ways. SIL & entire family lined up for the vax so they could travel outside of the country. MIL is retired nurse and believes the medical system is there to save you. The more prescriptions the better. They gave sil gag gift at Christmas, Trump cellphone case. I said, I’ll take it. She said I don’t know who I’m voting for but it’s not him. The entire family has been obsessed with church for decades. But it’s more about going and the status of being there. I do believe they are Christians in every sense of the word but they are just blind to the evil in the world all around them. I can’t say anything. I respect my husband to much to cause family issues. He knows they are wrong but in a way I think he’s smarter than me. There’s no need to get upset and talk to them. They have made up their minds. The mil I put up with. She’s always been opinionated and in laws are second class. The sister in law is a different story. She’s never done anything wrong towards me. I pray for her to wake up. She’s a very good person and a real Christian not fake. The other sil is just as blind. As far as we know she didn’t get vax. But her daughter’s had to get into community medical school. That pisses me off. One daughter already dropped out and didn’t want to do that as a career to begin with. There again it’s about status. What others think. My don’t give a damn what people think probably saved my life. My dad is finally slowly waking up. Bottom line all we can do is pray for the ones that won’t listen to us.
Surrounded by this for 7+ years. Yes, it's very hard fren. {{HUGS}}
If she’s like my mother Inlaw she’s watching Fox all day, every day. I told her to start watching Newsmax at least once a week. 84 years old - hard to break the matrix
It's a damn shame. Fox isn't isn't THAT bad, are they?
Fox News called Arizona on the night of the 2020 election before it was even time. It was because they did that, that it lead the way for the 2020 election to be stolen. Fact! Fox News is an abomination in a cesspool to America like every other MSM outlet. They committed treason. Yes they’re horrible.
Thanks for this
Why don't we help finance a Co-op for all the meat Producers as well as a new fast food chain that sells MAGA burgers? CoOperatives are what will help rebuild American and make it Great Again..
Thanks MAGAKitty for your positivity and forward vision.
Prayer Garden is slowly building this. It's not an easy task though.
An added idea for Those 10 new Cities that President Trump is going to build. Id have some healthy competition built into them. Such as a Christian only City. Show the World how well things can grow and run themselves if there are no predators or parasites allowed through the Gates.
The problem with that idea, is there is still many predators, and evil people that identify as Christians. Many of them are running. Church is right now. 🤷♀️. Also, how are we supposed to reach out to people who are not saved? I mean… Isn’t that why we’re all in this mess right now? Gods waiting for a specific number of people I guess to get saved. I wish that last one would accept him, so we could get on with a better future in the millennial, and in heaven, with the Lord.
There would be a filter system. There would also only be Churches..
Random big picture thought that combines 3 huge things: What if the whole aliens thing is real, where there are 100K alien races discovered thus far and our govs have made contactand have been working with them; and, the 12K year cycle is real and that a micronova from our sun will occur in about 20 years; and the vax was/is a way to try to prepare humans to leave the planet and survive with the help of aliens (but it was attempted via a pandemic guise because telling the people that the earth will end in 20 years is not conducive to civil living, and the vax is experimental)?
If this happens in 20 years, I hope this post is stickied at that time : )
You spell demons wrong
I enjoy the theory that aliens engineered us. They are GOOD and they've been protecting earth for a very long time. The reason they are spotted in areas of nuclear weapons facilities. They don't want us to ruin the planet or face extinction. This is what I think about when I'm stoned.
LOL... only when you're stoned?
I'm always stoned my dude/dudette
I'm jealous
Hate to burst your sci-fi fantasy bubble, but Yruth be told...aliens are only demonic hybrids or 'Rosemary's babys' like the ones produced in the days of Genesis, chap. 6. Human babies are kidnapped or made by breeder females in devil cults, then put in big vats full of purple or green liquid that mixes with their DNA to make a serpentine hybrid. When matured, these hybrids are put in cabal engineered flying craft, telepathic surveillance of patriot churches, and many other nefarious purposes. Good news is, when they die the infants spirit returns to God and is saved by the blood of Jesus. Wake up America, stand watch with Christ over your babies and families. Cheat the devil out of all flesh and blood vessels and pray over all living creatures that they be covered by the divine blood of Jesus. Godbless.
if you're going out to play, don't forget to bring your discernment kids.
And, don't forget your imagination, too, that leads to new questions
I’ll have what he’s smoking
Duuuuuuuuude. Pass it on, man
It's so awesome to see NPC's reporting in on Twitter with their misrepresentation of PDJT's bloodbath comment... and getting completely roasted in the comments. It's a beautiful thing.
"Trump will be president. Trump is the de facto world leader - and they know it. He's America's president and all the phony people (the Left, the RINOs, the establishment career bureaucrats) cannot stand it."
You’re right, he IS the President. We all know that Biden, or whoever is playing the part these days, is being used to wake up the sheeple. This is a great movie we are watching, but it’s a shame that so many have to get hurt in the process. It’s amazing to me that so many are still sound asleep.
God Knows His Own And Calls Them To Serve. My Morning Bible Read Was Acts 16:1-5, "Timothy Joins Paul and Silas". Verse 1 Says, "1 Paul came to Derbe and then to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy lived, whose mother was Jewish and a believer but whose father was a Greek."
The Song: https://youtu.be/-fDKdtZGCJM
The Bonus Song: https://youtu.be/yPB9ENSd1Xc
Have a blessed day.
Posting it here because it is gossip and really doesn't belong on the main page.
Apparently Prince William is having an affair.
This is the way.
We think we're seeing awakenings and sometimes we think it's a lost cause, but here's a bit of happy news. There's an aerospace biz newsletter that goes out weekly, capturing pertinent headlines and providing space for comments in the newsletter, apart from the linked articles.
Heading the latest one was the Boeing whistleblower found dead story. Top comment (not mine!): "And Jeffery Epstein hung himself." followed by, "after he disabled the cameras". Further down, "Is Hillary on the board of Boeing?"
You might not believe it, but there are then mentions of Comet Ping Pong and the Clintons, Jan 6, Seth Rich, and a whole bunch of suspicious suicides including doorknob-neckties (and one old one that I have to look up, 'Forrestal falling from 16tg floor of the NMMC'). Considering the board was afraid to even indirectly question injections just a couple of years ago, I'm amazed at the open calling out of media misinformation and cover ups. Warms the heart, pedes!
I just want to wish y'all a good week! Love y'all!
Philippians 2:9-11 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
I second that Amen!