posted ago by Weneverleft ago by Weneverleft +117 / -0

My daughter received an award. I took off from work and went to the award show. The invite said she was being given an award in excellence. As parents were were proud of her. Let me tell you this whole award was a crap. It was purely for propaganda purposes. We start with the black national anthem. WTF, this made up divisive song does nothing but divide. ITS THE UNITED STATES, NOT THE UNITED STATES AND AFRICAN AMERICA. whats next the Brown national anthem, how about the Red national Anthem. Would these retards be ok with the White National Anthem. Outside the theater ( because I was not going to listen to BS) is a display. BERRY suweto, cammel Harris and Ocra were highlighted as the heroes. Their was no other people of other ethnicity none just one race labeled heroes. Last retarded thing, every locker had Haiti fkag on it. The kids don't know that Haiti is covered in gangs, with no law except the law of the jungle. What blind retarded shit is this school system. Berry is a Satanist, cammel is a DS pawn. OCRA, is an enabler and a DS handeler. Offering up young woman as a sacrifice. Jesus, these people are asleep and still in the cave watching shadows.