Intel agents and their lackeys are very good at fighting the battle of using manipulative word choice. When we start fighting back with honest word choice, like this, it is crushing to the opposition.
They will not be able to use lawfare or manipulative words when they’re sitting before the Father.
Their god Satan will also be there in the courts of Heaven, accusing them using the same lawfare techniques they used on
Earth, trying to damn them to hell.
Sounds good to me but think we are done letting them continue to damage us here on earth. They are preventing people from even being born and it has to stop. If that's not "playing God" i don't know what is.
I don't, he gives them an opportunity to waste his 5 minutes arguing definitions that he could instead use to make other points, which are far more damning. You can even make the same point in your question, but using both your term and theirs.
He's talking to an economist, so you argue against her with "did any of your analysis of the economic outcomes consider the opportunity cost of the lost income from the killed baby, fetus?"
There is a video on YouTube filmed the Mid-80s. An abortion Dr. Filmed an abortion via sonogram Imaging. Its Called Silent Scream it is from earlier than 21 weeks and the Dr. Uses the vacuum suction gadget to rip the baby to shreds except the skull which is crushed with pliers.
The Baby is clearly distressed as the amniotic sack is broken, cowering away from the horrible actions taking place, the baby is clearly suffering and in pain as they are ripped apart. The Dr. who is the host of this 30 min. documentary states that the Abortion Dr. after viewing his own film, never did an abortion again.
There is a 1 min. clip as well as the 30 min. full documentary. I challenge everyone, especially Christians to post the clip or the full documentary on every pro-abortion thread you see online. Jesus said he would rather you be hot or cold, lukewarm he will spit you out. Don't be lukewarm, you will be a lot warmer in Hell. Its time to fight back against Satan, Ba'al, Moloch, or whatever name you use for the evil one.
A child, in the womb or otherwise is precious to God, and that's why the evil comes against children the hardest. It has to end, it has to end right now.
The way they do mental gymnastics to feel better about such an act is disgusting. Just the very description of HOW they do an abortion should be extremely telling. It’s barbaric.
An utter slimebucket, I pray to Almighty God not only to keep these creatures far away from me and to judge them fairly when they crossover to stand in front of his reckoning table.
The continued pretending that a fetus is not a baby is laughable. These shrikes just won't admit what they clearly know (that it is a baby), because muh rights. It's true Satanism, in that it is them saying that their "rights" are more important even than the killing of another human.
To be blunt, we need to quit rewarding bad behavior. The left thinks killing and having sex with children is aok. They think you can steal and not be punished. That you can walk away to avoid being arrested, on and on...
There are condoms, female condoms, birth control pills and injections, IUDs, etc...
Many forms of birth control, many ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. A stiff cock has no conscience, and it really is up to the girl to say no. The reality is most younger guys aren't making the girl climax via vaginal sex, and if she is that desperate to keep him hanging around, just give him felatio and he will come back for more.
I really need to be a Senator. You're staring at a panel of experts that are all white women talking about a procedure that impacts black women more than any other group in our society. Expose them as hypocrites. Make them squirm with questions that show them violating their own values. Call them racists and expose the eugenic genocide behind policies they advocate for.
You know how every time a woman tells her hubby she's pregnant, the 1st thing they think about is 'can we afford a baby'. So I would ask the mom , once the kids were grown some, which one of her kids should she have aborted back then.
Any woman or man who believes in, assists in or is a participant in abortion is guilty of murder. That includes, physicians, mothers, nurses or any healthcare provider. For every action there are consequences. Would any adult not agree that having limbs and organs torn off or apart until one bleeds to death or goes into shock or cardiac arrest from the pain and trauma is not an act deservable of the death penalty if inflicted upon their mother, father, sister, brother, child or themself? If so, how can one argue that an innocent baby/fetus, having this act inflicted upon one who is unable to fight back and is defenseless, is not a victim of murder? A society, who deems this act legal, is a barbaric society and evil. Selling of body parts makes this even more horrific and should result in life in prison. This is not women’s reproductive health care. No matter how those who profit physically or financially try to glamorize it. It is a selfish act of financial profit and personal act of convenience. It is also not an act without danger to the mother: infection, hemorrhage, sterility, pain-physical and emotional, and death in some cases. I know there are some who will argue that it is a life saving procedure d/t rape, incest and rare life threatening issues to the mother. There are always alternatives such as adoption. Can one live with the emotional trauma of knowing you have killed a life, someone who shared your DNA? If one can live with the act itself, God should see that they suffer the remainder of their life by being sterile. Anyone who can inflict such pain on another helpless human does not deserve to be a mother or a father. This barbaric procedure must be outlawed.
They know how horrific it is but they want to pretend a fetus is so simple minded it won’t really matter. That is beyond evil.
Its beyond comprehension. You nailed it … beyond evil. These demons should have the abortion procedure demonstrates on themselves.
I like how he keeps saying baby
Intel agents and their lackeys are very good at fighting the battle of using manipulative word choice. When we start fighting back with honest word choice, like this, it is crushing to the opposition.
They will not be able to use lawfare or manipulative words when they’re sitting before the Father.
Their god Satan will also be there in the courts of Heaven, accusing them using the same lawfare techniques they used on Earth, trying to damn them to hell.
Sounds good to me but think we are done letting them continue to damage us here on earth. They are preventing people from even being born and it has to stop. If that's not "playing God" i don't know what is.
You misspelled Demons
Was that the "inflammatory language" he was accused of?
I don't, he gives them an opportunity to waste his 5 minutes arguing definitions that he could instead use to make other points, which are far more damning. You can even make the same point in your question, but using both your term and theirs.
He's talking to an economist, so you argue against her with "did any of your analysis of the economic outcomes consider the opportunity cost of the lost income from the killed baby, fetus?"
He was talking to a Mother first, an Economist second.
There is a video on YouTube filmed the Mid-80s. An abortion Dr. Filmed an abortion via sonogram Imaging. Its Called Silent Scream it is from earlier than 21 weeks and the Dr. Uses the vacuum suction gadget to rip the baby to shreds except the skull which is crushed with pliers.
The Baby is clearly distressed as the amniotic sack is broken, cowering away from the horrible actions taking place, the baby is clearly suffering and in pain as they are ripped apart. The Dr. who is the host of this 30 min. documentary states that the Abortion Dr. after viewing his own film, never did an abortion again.
There is a 1 min. clip as well as the 30 min. full documentary. I challenge everyone, especially Christians to post the clip or the full documentary on every pro-abortion thread you see online. Jesus said he would rather you be hot or cold, lukewarm he will spit you out. Don't be lukewarm, you will be a lot warmer in Hell. Its time to fight back against Satan, Ba'al, Moloch, or whatever name you use for the evil one.
A child, in the womb or otherwise is precious to God, and that's why the evil comes against children the hardest. It has to end, it has to end right now.
The way they do mental gymnastics to feel better about such an act is disgusting. Just the very description of HOW they do an abortion should be extremely telling. It’s barbaric.
Liberal women are cancer.
21 weeks of gestation and the baby feels pain. It’s so sickening this is allowed
Funded by the taxpayers.
So calling a fetus a baby is inflamatory language?
Related video:
This was a very brutal description. I saw it once about 10 years ago and never forgot it.
An utter slimebucket, I pray to Almighty God not only to keep these creatures far away from me and to judge them fairly when they crossover to stand in front of his reckoning table.
Utterly barbaric. They will do more than squirm come Judgement Day.
The continued pretending that a fetus is not a baby is laughable. These shrikes just won't admit what they clearly know (that it is a baby), because muh rights. It's true Satanism, in that it is them saying that their "rights" are more important even than the killing of another human.
Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
To be blunt, we need to quit rewarding bad behavior. The left thinks killing and having sex with children is aok. They think you can steal and not be punished. That you can walk away to avoid being arrested, on and on...
There are condoms, female condoms, birth control pills and injections, IUDs, etc...
Many forms of birth control, many ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. A stiff cock has no conscience, and it really is up to the girl to say no. The reality is most younger guys aren't making the girl climax via vaginal sex, and if she is that desperate to keep him hanging around, just give him felatio and he will come back for more.
Bobby Kennedy is a national treasure.
He so plainly points out their evil. And the can’t stand it.
I really need to be a Senator. You're staring at a panel of experts that are all white women talking about a procedure that impacts black women more than any other group in our society. Expose them as hypocrites. Make them squirm with questions that show them violating their own values. Call them racists and expose the eugenic genocide behind policies they advocate for.
It's like when they shut down parents who read their kid's school books at the PT meetings
Dogs have more protections than human beings.
You know how every time a woman tells her hubby she's pregnant, the 1st thing they think about is 'can we afford a baby'. So I would ask the mom , once the kids were grown some, which one of her kids should she have aborted back then.
Hindsight is 20/20.
Any woman or man who believes in, assists in or is a participant in abortion is guilty of murder. That includes, physicians, mothers, nurses or any healthcare provider. For every action there are consequences. Would any adult not agree that having limbs and organs torn off or apart until one bleeds to death or goes into shock or cardiac arrest from the pain and trauma is not an act deservable of the death penalty if inflicted upon their mother, father, sister, brother, child or themself? If so, how can one argue that an innocent baby/fetus, having this act inflicted upon one who is unable to fight back and is defenseless, is not a victim of murder? A society, who deems this act legal, is a barbaric society and evil. Selling of body parts makes this even more horrific and should result in life in prison. This is not women’s reproductive health care. No matter how those who profit physically or financially try to glamorize it. It is a selfish act of financial profit and personal act of convenience. It is also not an act without danger to the mother: infection, hemorrhage, sterility, pain-physical and emotional, and death in some cases. I know there are some who will argue that it is a life saving procedure d/t rape, incest and rare life threatening issues to the mother. There are always alternatives such as adoption. Can one live with the emotional trauma of knowing you have killed a life, someone who shared your DNA? If one can live with the act itself, God should see that they suffer the remainder of their life by being sterile. Anyone who can inflict such pain on another helpless human does not deserve to be a mother or a father. This barbaric procedure must be outlawed.