It's worse now than it used to be. Normally I am at least aware of the trends and shit because gaming communities/Discords/even shitreddit sort of bypass the age gap, it's like every week there is new slang that everyone acts like it has been used forever.
I was a kid during the age of the internet too (I'm only 31, dammit!) and we never generated new slang this fast.
I don't feel safe around bearded men in dresses, makeup and nails
Since they are delusional psychotics, it's impossible to anticipate what behavior might come next—especially since they are being radicalized to believe they are the ones in danger from the 99.9997% of normal society, whom they call radical terrorists
They are in the .0003% minority - let THEM be the only ones inconvenienced and uncomfortable and on edge, not the great majority.
There is no dislike button on X(formerly Twitter). So when people refer to the ratio, they are referring to the likes vs. replies. A popular post may have many more likes than replies. An unpopular post may have very few likes, but a lot of replies. This indicates that many people replied to voice their disagreement.
Ratio'd means it was an unpopular post and many more people replied to it than the number of people who simply liked the post. I know, it's stupid. Kidz these dayz.
“It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
Honestly.... they can have the day. Easter is not biblical. The Symbolisms of the Bunny and the Egg are proof its a festival of Fertility. Ishtar + Easter. or Esther which was never found in the dead sea scrolls and never mentions our gods name once either. Esther askes her servants to Fast for her which is selfish and then the whole story gives glory to Esther for her quick tactics and never gives glory to god.
The true celebration of Messiah rising from the dead would happen right after Passover correct? Yahshua's last supper is a passover meal. Passover isn't until the end of April.
Sorry I’m old. Explain what “getting ratioed” means please.
2900 comments talking shit vs 317 likes
I also needed that explanation. Thank you and also KEK
Some of old differs don't get all that new fangled lingo.
It's worse now than it used to be. Normally I am at least aware of the trends and shit because gaming communities/Discords/even shitreddit sort of bypass the age gap, it's like every week there is new slang that everyone acts like it has been used forever.
I was a kid during the age of the internet too (I'm only 31, dammit!) and we never generated new slang this fast.
Differs, duffers and just plain ol' old farts.
Also Likes to Views looks pretty bad.
His life isn't even his own.
He's continuing his dad's bs.
He's pathetic.
He’s a turd burglar.
Satans spawn
I was at the point where I didn’t care, now they can fuck off🤷🏼♂️
If they want to be celebrated they should start by not desecrating Easter with this trash "day".
What about ME
I don't feel safe around bearded men in dresses, makeup and nails
Since they are delusional psychotics, it's impossible to anticipate what behavior might come next—especially since they are being radicalized to believe they are the ones in danger from the 99.9997% of normal society, whom they call radical terrorists
They are in the .0003% minority - let THEM be the only ones inconvenienced and uncomfortable and on edge, not the great majority.
What is ratioed
There is no dislike button on X(formerly Twitter). So when people refer to the ratio, they are referring to the likes vs. replies. A popular post may have many more likes than replies. An unpopular post may have very few likes, but a lot of replies. This indicates that many people replied to voice their disagreement.
Ratio'd means it was an unpopular post and many more people replied to it than the number of people who simply liked the post. I know, it's stupid. Kidz these dayz.
2000 talking 💩 vs 300 likes
"trans rights" are elevated privileges fuck off with that shit.
Remember this is a guy sired by someone who Bravely helped Nazis hunt down and gas Jews so they could take their gold fillings and wedding rings*
He should never have been born.
And who bragged about it on 60 Minutes!
“It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
Yet no jab, no job. Acceptable 🥴🥱🤦
Asks everyone to stand in solidarity (communism/collectivism) while speaking out other side of mouth supposedly fighting for rights of individuals.
LOLZ even some Trannys don't support that shit!
Honestly.... they can have the day. Easter is not biblical. The Symbolisms of the Bunny and the Egg are proof its a festival of Fertility. Ishtar + Easter. or Esther which was never found in the dead sea scrolls and never mentions our gods name once either. Esther askes her servants to Fast for her which is selfish and then the whole story gives glory to Esther for her quick tactics and never gives glory to god.
The true celebration of Messiah rising from the dead would happen right after Passover correct? Yahshua's last supper is a passover meal. Passover isn't until the end of April.