Ahead of solar eclipse, NASA seeks public's help in recording strange animal behaviors
NASA's Eclipse Soundscapes Project attempts to replicate a similar study from 1935, proving the impact of solar eclipses on animal behavior. Here's how the public can help.
Medieval superstition is making a huge comeback, hadn't you heard?
By next January we'll be back to burning witches.
You spelled "cankles" wrong...
It just so happens that Bill O'Reilly has a new book out that talks about the Salem witch trials.
This is more proof Faux News is Chinese propaganda. It's fear porn.
Well, they'll all be demonrats and RINOS, so okay.
Some say it also causes sudden deaths among young athletes.
Birds. A full eclipse can make some birds believe it's bedtime. However, things instantly go back to normal as the eclipse passes. I've never, in all my life, seen such a long string of bullshit when it comes to an eclipse. I even saw one on FB yesterday to keep your pets inside as looking at the sun will hurt their eyes...... Ever caught your dog just standing outside and staring at the sun?? Stupidiest shit I've ever seen.
The ancient Chinese were accurately predicting both solar and lunar eclipses hundreds of years ago - an eclipse is no big deal, never has been.
A dog is more interested in the grass, trees, and fire hydrants than the sun.
Probably like how animals react prior to an earthquake. Tho how often do the powers that be make a big deal about it?
How so?
They last an incredibly short time, and nothing is really happening.
I guess I'd understand insects perhaps, where lives are lived on such a small scale that the slightest change to sunlight could affect them.
I've never seen dogs or cats behave oddly though, and I have a sneaking suspicion that anything pointing to it is sheer bullshit that had an intended goal.
It gets dark. Birds go it's dark now. I stop singing. Crickets go It's dark now. I start chirping.
edit: it's not the high level of weirdness that animals exhibit when an earthquake is incoming.
Flowers close too.
Actually, people are freaking out still. These people have still to come to the realization that solar eclipses happen all the time, that it is a function of circular movement.
The electromeganetic influence however, can have an influence on many things. Especially, when taking into consideration that the sun is the biggest influencer we known:
The size and eminence of that influence needs further scrutiny.
Yet, despite all the logic that has been brought forward, people lose their shit. So much for modern times.
Between two and five every year.
The eclipse in 2017 flew right over the parking lot of the place I worked, so I didn't even need to change plans to see it. Literally just took lunch. Don't remember anyone declaring a state of emergency over it. Something is different this time
Fake News is hard up nowadays for fear-mongering topics.
It's a test to see if people are stupid enough to belive it.
It simply amazes me how they are pushing this eclipse in every way, shape and form. So much nonsense!
Lol, I have dogs, a cat, chickens, and bees. I'll report back. 👍 As far declaring public emergencies, I think states have done that before, especially when they're in a location where people will travel to see.
From 2017: https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230425/fema-provides-tips-how-plan-ahead-aug-21-solar-eclipse
Keep in mind that this eclipse will pass and it will be just like all the fear mongering before this event and all the fear mongering after this event, nothing will happen. This is like the Y2K hype and fear mongering. All we got out of that was a small power outage in New Zealand. That was only notable because it happened slightly after the beginning of 2000 there.
You mean that the eclipse isn't Evil Hitler Trump attacking the sun?
But CNN told me...
I’ll check to see if my chickens go into the coop. Other than that NASA will have to provide me with night vision goggles. Good ones. Not those 29 dollar Chinese things.
I will say my dog has been acting strange since one this morning. She is in a weird mood. Clingy and following me everywhere. In the middle of the night she was standing up every 30 seconds and circled clockwise once then lie back down. She is off and not normal.
Eclipses are pretty boring.