Covid 19 scamdemic was a double edge sword. The amount of people would sell you out for a donut, gleefully then load you into the modern train cars to send you to "camp" blew me away. Neighbor after neighbor were willing to do just that around me. At the same time of them talking how the unvaxxed didnt have rights, they were touting "My body my choice" for abortion. I pointed that hypocrisy out to several of them, but according to them, it's "different". Notes taken. Fast forward to the last year or so and reality is slowing dripping out. I am toying back with those neighbors. "Because of science, you wanted to "shield" everyone who complied with getting that experimental injection that had zero track record. Now that it's been proven that the vaccinated shed spikes that are harmful to non vaccinated AND that your body will continue to provide these spikes at infinium, since you reprogrammed your body, shouldn't you be put away in a camp? Have your ability to shop in public removed? take away your kids? denied health insurance coverage? "
Needless to say, I need to move. Too many willing brownshirts around us. Now, the fed and local government knows who was compliant and who pushed back against the vax, that is easily correlated with conservatism. Now it's clear who they can and have discriminated against. Still trying to understand why the politicians exempted themselves and the postal union from having to take the vaccine. They forced this on all military, local government, medical, police, etc. It's almost like they had a plan and it had nothing to do with helping us health wise......
I'm not, stateside at the moment. But, I can see how you would think that considering the actions and the physical camps. I do have neighbors that really enjoyed exerting controller and an maximum virtue signaling points for being a card carrying member of the vaxxed club.
Indeed. No holocaust denier, but the official story is bullshit as usual. Then the set-up..."HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE SUFFERING OF MILLIONS!?!" Sounds a lot like the Gramma killer narrative a few years ago... create an unquestionable platform so that ANY utterance of questioning it makes the individual a POS tinfoil hat wearing Gramma killer that scoffs at lives taken...fuqouttahere with that garbage.
Bullshit. This requires swift military tribunals and execution not a bunch of globalist fucks from foreign nations mucking up the proceedings. We have already seen where International Nuremburg type trials lead. Let them Nuremburg their own criminals and we will take care of the traitors here. Treason isnt an international concern.
If the j6 committee is any indication. All they did was destroy evidence and lock away wrongdoing behind classification. So these " COMMITTEES" are a problem not an answer. We need transparency not backroom deals. I'm sick of this shit. Punishment must be punitive and deep enough to dissuade wrongdoing. Otherwise it's a waste of time.
The world might have been affected but I don’t see the UN or any other global body as a solution. Rather, I do think a GOP/MAGA and Military inquiry that leads to both Federal criminal or military criminal charges, trials and convictions would work. It should be coupled with compensation for victims and their families including those forced to take the jab and those who lost their jobs for refusing it. This should also include charges against those in the military that perpetuated the scam and compensation for those punished for refusing it.
Once details are revealed in the trials, Trump should use the findings to restructure healthcare from the bottom up and top down to eliminate the stranglehold Big Pharma, the health insurance companies and goverment agencies have on the public and medical profession. Included in this should be a restructuring of medical education and research focusing on cures not profits from maintenance drugs. Also the elevation of naturopathic research to find less toxic alternatives to combat disease. This should include more research into food as medicine, the organics industry and a push to improve nutritional standards of foods.
Rand Paul and Ron Johnson should be in charge of making sure those responsible in government for this fauxdemic are outed and charged for their crimes.
I agree with most of this. But how do we separate the forced to take the jab from those who couldn't get in line fast enough for their boosters?
I gotta say, maybe it's not right for me to feel this way, but.... It will not sit well with me if the co-workers and family member who shamed us for not getting the jab end up being compensated for their stupidity.
I share your concern but whether people lined up willingly or were forced to take it, a criminal scam instigated everything. Those who can show proof of harm should be compensated in greater measure but a base compensation should be awarded for weakening the immune system and increasing the potential for future harm. Perhaps those that stood their ground and refused the jab should be given a special tax break and debt forgiveness only they can receive? That and maybe an official letter of apology signed by those convicted admitting to their role in the scam. Something they can wave in the faces of all the Karens in their life?
While there is a big difference in those two groups, from a legal standpoint those that willingly took it are just as much of a victim as those that were coerced. There was no informed consent… anywhere. The truth and data were hidden and the risks were deliberately hidden to all.
I have plenty of names in my local area to submit for investigation/prosecution. I kept the receipts.
Covid 19 scamdemic was a double edge sword. The amount of people would sell you out for a donut, gleefully then load you into the modern train cars to send you to "camp" blew me away. Neighbor after neighbor were willing to do just that around me. At the same time of them talking how the unvaxxed didnt have rights, they were touting "My body my choice" for abortion. I pointed that hypocrisy out to several of them, but according to them, it's "different". Notes taken. Fast forward to the last year or so and reality is slowing dripping out. I am toying back with those neighbors. "Because of science, you wanted to "shield" everyone who complied with getting that experimental injection that had zero track record. Now that it's been proven that the vaccinated shed spikes that are harmful to non vaccinated AND that your body will continue to provide these spikes at infinium, since you reprogrammed your body, shouldn't you be put away in a camp? Have your ability to shop in public removed? take away your kids? denied health insurance coverage? "
Needless to say, I need to move. Too many willing brownshirts around us. Now, the fed and local government knows who was compliant and who pushed back against the vax, that is easily correlated with conservatism. Now it's clear who they can and have discriminated against. Still trying to understand why the politicians exempted themselves and the postal union from having to take the vaccine. They forced this on all military, local government, medical, police, etc. It's almost like they had a plan and it had nothing to do with helping us health wise......
Are you by any chance in Australia?
I'm not, stateside at the moment. But, I can see how you would think that considering the actions and the physical camps. I do have neighbors that really enjoyed exerting controller and an maximum virtue signaling points for being a card carrying member of the vaxxed club.
I thought I was the only one.
We better do a far superior job than Nuremberg did.
Nuremberg was a bad joke.
Indeed. No holocaust denier, but the official story is bullshit as usual. Then the set-up..."HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE SUFFERING OF MILLIONS!?!" Sounds a lot like the Gramma killer narrative a few years ago... create an unquestionable platform so that ANY utterance of questioning it makes the individual a POS tinfoil hat wearing Gramma killer that scoffs at lives taken...fuqouttahere with that garbage.
Trump being a LOT of a dictator would be the most fantastic blessing upon the nation and planet imaginable
Geotus PDJT
When you simply apply the law as codified you don't need to be a dictator. Enforce the law and the penalties and we will be fine.
If only it were that easy
Reality is different
"Trump being a LOT of a dictator would be the most fantastic blessing upon the nation and planet imaginable"
Bullshit. This requires swift military tribunals and execution not a bunch of globalist fucks from foreign nations mucking up the proceedings. We have already seen where International Nuremburg type trials lead. Let them Nuremburg their own criminals and we will take care of the traitors here. Treason isnt an international concern.
They put the man that’s capable to do that in jail. Reiner fulmich.
This HAS to be part of the Crimes Against Humanity Q was talking about. I will settle for no less.
can daddy Ron send the central bankers to the gulags?
If the j6 committee is any indication. All they did was destroy evidence and lock away wrongdoing behind classification. So these " COMMITTEES" are a problem not an answer. We need transparency not backroom deals. I'm sick of this shit. Punishment must be punitive and deep enough to dissuade wrongdoing. Otherwise it's a waste of time.
The world might have been affected but I don’t see the UN or any other global body as a solution. Rather, I do think a GOP/MAGA and Military inquiry that leads to both Federal criminal or military criminal charges, trials and convictions would work. It should be coupled with compensation for victims and their families including those forced to take the jab and those who lost their jobs for refusing it. This should also include charges against those in the military that perpetuated the scam and compensation for those punished for refusing it.
Once details are revealed in the trials, Trump should use the findings to restructure healthcare from the bottom up and top down to eliminate the stranglehold Big Pharma, the health insurance companies and goverment agencies have on the public and medical profession. Included in this should be a restructuring of medical education and research focusing on cures not profits from maintenance drugs. Also the elevation of naturopathic research to find less toxic alternatives to combat disease. This should include more research into food as medicine, the organics industry and a push to improve nutritional standards of foods.
Rand Paul and Ron Johnson should be in charge of making sure those responsible in government for this fauxdemic are outed and charged for their crimes.
I agree with most of this. But how do we separate the forced to take the jab from those who couldn't get in line fast enough for their boosters?
I gotta say, maybe it's not right for me to feel this way, but.... It will not sit well with me if the co-workers and family member who shamed us for not getting the jab end up being compensated for their stupidity.
I share your concern but whether people lined up willingly or were forced to take it, a criminal scam instigated everything. Those who can show proof of harm should be compensated in greater measure but a base compensation should be awarded for weakening the immune system and increasing the potential for future harm. Perhaps those that stood their ground and refused the jab should be given a special tax break and debt forgiveness only they can receive? That and maybe an official letter of apology signed by those convicted admitting to their role in the scam. Something they can wave in the faces of all the Karens in their life?
While there is a big difference in those two groups, from a legal standpoint those that willingly took it are just as much of a victim as those that were coerced. There was no informed consent… anywhere. The truth and data were hidden and the risks were deliberately hidden to all.
There would be the added layer of bringing justice on the employers/venues who required it.
Ordinarily, it would be a job for the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute the Covid crimes.
These days, the DOJ were probably fully involved in the crime.
For the most part congress people are not trained investigators most of what they do is political posturing
"Trump to be a dictator"
I think Military is going to have to handle the massive amounts of crimes, not the DOJ and civilian courts
Politicians have proven to be so unreliable and self serving we need a way to clean house sooner rather than later.
sounds like someone needs a Plan. one that already has almost half a million indictments just waiting to be unsealed.
Well, Nuremberg wasn't exactly air tight... testimony by way of torture doesn't sound very judicial.
Captain obvious strikes once again.
Then follows it up by saying "Trump to be a bit of a dictator".
As if a "little" bit of a dictator wouldn't be an actual dictator or less of one.
No. That's what we're fighting my 'tarded friend.
No time for bureaucracy.
Trump needs to do what needs to be done.
Plenty of laws, both civil and military, to be able to do what needs to be done.
I guess dictators are ok so long as it's our dictator?