42 “Estimated 4-6% we consider ‘hopeless' and forever brainwashed” They haven't got a clue...👇👇 (www.bitchute.com) posted 325 days ago by purkiss80 325 days ago by purkiss80 +42 / -0 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Funny.... but I don't see much diversity among those protesters. No Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders or Native Americans?
Where did they hire these all-white protesters?
Guaranteed all those people are being paid and/or FBI agents.
Probably out there so they don't go to jail when Trump is relected.
Hard to tell with the camera set to potato mode and all. First sign guy on the left looks like he could be black.
Even their signs aren't diverse.
Paid protestors.
Seems to me these astroturfing anti-Trump protesters for hire are dwindling in number.
I wonder if their handlers could be running out of cash reserves.
Perhaps, but these losers are getting paid. So you think they went and had these signs made?
So basically everyone that was at Biden rallies in 2020 are now doing this?
That is a pretty small protest.
Those three part color printed signs, with pictures, aren't cheap. Nice banner too. Gee, I wonder where the money come from?
Amazing. If they are still able to hate Trump after the last 3 years, their dedication to stupidity is just astounding.