We always grew red meat and yellow meat watermelons. When we got tired of eating, selling and giving them away we would turn the hogs out in the watermelon field and let them feed on what we left. When the hogs finished with them the doves would come for the seeds and we held our annual dove shoot on the field. By then the scattered pieces had dried up so the yellow jackets and honey bees had stopped swarming the field. Guess we should have sent them to Canada.
In Canada, the Co-op grocery stores are the most expensive places to buy food. Same with the Co-op gas stations. They are always the first ones to jack up the price. I have a Co-op membership but, hardly ever shop there anymore.
Watermelon breeders discovered that crossing a diploid plant (bearing the standard two sets of chromosomes) with a tetraploid plant (having four sets of chromosomes) results in a fruit that produces a triploid seed. (Yes, it has three sets of chromosomes.) This triploid seed is the seed that produces seedless watermelons!
Well I guess but To make female seeds in MaryJane take some silver water and spray the plant and you get all female plants from your seed just sayin' I wouldn't know anything about it though, someone said .
When I was first married, in 1972, my husband and I made about $15,000 a year between the two of us. A hershey candy bar was about 10 cents. I was going to buy one the other day at the gas station. It was $2.89. I laughed and decided not to buy it. If my math is correct, you would need to be making $433,5000 a year for that to be the same (expense) ratio.
Honestly, people see a whole watermelon and get knife anxiety. Part of the price is paying for the convenience of a quartered melon. High food prices can be driven by laziness and people are willing to pay for it. Four shucked ears of corn wrapped in a plastic package costs $4.25 at my local grocery store. At the same store, one ear of unshucked corn is $.35. Same with pre-cut vegetables -- they are three times as expensive. I will say, buying chopped onions is tempting because my eyes are so sensitive. I've tried all the tricks and even hold match sticks in my teeth. 🧅😭
I ended up getting a whole melon at Costco instead. However it was a "mini" melon that was smaller than a volleyball... and was still $8.99. Outrageous.
Crazy stuff. The Co-op is usually out to lunch on prices. But $44 for a watermelon is obscene. I think the only thing I buy from there now is the calaway park pass. I think the gas is the only thing keeping them in business.
LOL, no shit a precut, out of season product, at a farm to table co-op is expensive. Also, the fact people can afford to buy this is a sign there are some great paying jobs in the world.
We always grew red meat and yellow meat watermelons. When we got tired of eating, selling and giving them away we would turn the hogs out in the watermelon field and let them feed on what we left. When the hogs finished with them the doves would come for the seeds and we held our annual dove shoot on the field. By then the scattered pieces had dried up so the yellow jackets and honey bees had stopped swarming the field. Guess we should have sent them to Canada.
Sound system fren, circle of life!
Did you make poppers?
I have often but when we had the annual shoot we just bacon wrapped and grilled them that same evening for all the hunters and their families.
And nobody will buy it and it will go bad before anyone can eat it ensuring the store will stop selling it and tbe grower will stop growing it.
That’s in Canadian dollars so its $8.17 USD. Still have to be stupid to pay thhat much for so little. Letting it rot will send the proper message...
Check out the price for it in Hawaii.
In Canada, the Co-op grocery stores are the most expensive places to buy food. Same with the Co-op gas stations. They are always the first ones to jack up the price. I have a Co-op membership but, hardly ever shop there anymore.
And the quality is horrible. Rubber chicken, rotten produce. It's shocking.
For the record, watermelon = 92% of water
How much water are you ?
You're just a mobile water bag.
Just buy one seed and plant it!
Seedless....they discourage that
Hybrids with seeds the same. Coincidence ?
It's a seedless melon...
Nothing says GMO more than seedless....
If it’s a seedless melon - what melon has produced a seed to plant it?
Oh, wait! Was it made in a factory?
GMO success formula = expensive seeds that produce seedless stuff.
Well I guess but To make female seeds in MaryJane take some silver water and spray the plant and you get all female plants from your seed just sayin' I wouldn't know anything about it though, someone said .
Doesn't grow well everywhere.
Where do you think that watermelon came from? It's April! It could be Florida, but probably Mexico or further south.
This comment always comes up. And it's not entirely wrong. HOWEVER.
During the past 20-30 years or so of great prosperity food of all types was affordable, year round.
Do you really think $45 for a full watermelon would make sense?
that is why we have gardens
Had*. They don't want people to have backyards anymore. We don't.
Sorry to here that. They have control over your State then
When I was first married, in 1972, my husband and I made about $15,000 a year between the two of us. A hershey candy bar was about 10 cents. I was going to buy one the other day at the gas station. It was $2.89. I laughed and decided not to buy it. If my math is correct, you would need to be making $433,5000 a year for that to be the same (expense) ratio.
This is exactly the problem.
There's that #17 again.
stop it. get some help.
The plan is deep and wide.
And the #11.
and a 17 in the barcode!!!!! /s
Ten dollars for four medium-sized apples up the road here in Edmonton.
Re-visit this post in the autumn, and reminisce when a quarter watermelon was ONLY $11.
Sprayed with chemicals, covered in toxic plastic.
I stopped complaining and now I'm just focused on growing my own food on a homestead.
Honestly, people see a whole watermelon and get knife anxiety. Part of the price is paying for the convenience of a quartered melon. High food prices can be driven by laziness and people are willing to pay for it. Four shucked ears of corn wrapped in a plastic package costs $4.25 at my local grocery store. At the same store, one ear of unshucked corn is $.35. Same with pre-cut vegetables -- they are three times as expensive. I will say, buying chopped onions is tempting because my eyes are so sensitive. I've tried all the tricks and even hold match sticks in my teeth. 🧅😭
Yep, the watermelon was 2 bucks and the labor to cut it up was 9 bucks.
I ended up getting a whole melon at Costco instead. However it was a "mini" melon that was smaller than a volleyball... and was still $8.99. Outrageous.
Make sure your knife is very sharp.
Crazy stuff. The Co-op is usually out to lunch on prices. But $44 for a watermelon is obscene. I think the only thing I buy from there now is the calaway park pass. I think the gas is the only thing keeping them in business.
Well goollee I guess the 12 dollar watermelon I saw at the Amish market yesterday wasn't so bad, maybe I should have bought it?
Takes a lot of newcomers being paid high minimum wage to pick the seeds outta those melons…
LOL, no shit a precut, out of season product, at a farm to table co-op is expensive. Also, the fact people can afford to buy this is a sign there are some great paying jobs in the world.
...and some idiots filling them.