I Feel Bad for My Mom
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
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This is your time to step up and let her know you support her...completely. It's the OTHER side that is stupid and don't realize it.
I totally agree.
Send her here or take her here!
And another thing... if you care at all for your mom, and it's apparent that you do, you need to tell the rest of the family, as politely as you can, to F*$K OFF and leave her alone. Stand for something... or you'll fall for anything.
Very true.
If my mother was supporting slow Joe, I wouldn't treat her badly or let anyone else do it.
My sister and her husband voted for Hillary in the before time. Then the scales fell from their eyes without any help from me. They voted for Trump in 2020 and will vote Trump again this year. I don't argue politics with family. Family trumps politics, always.
You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string.
Never compromise what's right, and uphold your family name!
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Someone should stand up for her, to be sure
Really. Where is your backbone?? Or do you have TDS too? If anyone did that to someone I loved, I'd fkg kick ass. Maybe it needs to be you and your mom stand alone. That's ok.
My family still kinda sees me as a kid and I don't really like being controversial. My mom doesn't talk about politics much either which is why they thought she agreed with them.
You could always tell your mom about this website.
I was wondering if they knew or were just ignorant to her beliefs. Not that it changes how she feels. If they knew and kept going that’s worse.
I’d let her know you have her back - and then have her back if it happens again.
Yup. Protect the momma. It MIGHT come at a cost.
Maybe you are just a kid if you're going to just let your mom be treated like that for stating what she believes in, especially if you agree with her.
Where's your Father?
Did you defend her and stand up for what you believe? If not, shame on you. I doubt she'd be crying if you did; as a mom, just saying.
wow how sad. Not that your family did that democrats are morons and thats what they do. But you sit there let them do that and what hide the fact you are a Trump supporter WTF is wrong with you. Must be pretty bad though to know your family is amoung the 4-6% of retarded people that can't see whats right in front of them. Most people are waking up including die hard Trump haters. Provided they still have brain cells left.
I hope she's not making the dinners for them....
I actually hope she IS...
She is not her politics. She is much more than that! Tell her that's why there is that saying about never talking about religion or politics in polite company - people get emotional and say ignorant things.
Remind her of her qualities that make people love and respect her. Your mom is her own person and thinks for herself - a very admirable quality!
Those family members sound like people who parrot thoughts vs formulating their own thoughts and opinions. She should feel sorry for them.
You're not a Trump supporter?
I don't talk about politics very much and when I do it's stuff that's too esoteric to come across as a one side thing.
Why? You have been on this site and see evidence that shows how messed up everything is, why not point those things out?
Put your foot down! This isn't for fence sitting anymore. I would have ripped that table apart if it was my mom. I just went out to dinner and not one of the leftards (almost all of the 12) would dare even bring up politics because they know it wouldn't go over well. Last time my moms boyfriend tried to be condescending and use that "Trump supporters are stupid" shit was J6 when I told my mom if she brang him around me I would destroy his ass. He's been a Saint since.
It must be hard for your mother to realise she's surrounded by retards.
Thanks Doc for bringing the fire!! 🔥👏
Yes it is! Great one Doc! 😸
Did the rest of family know your mother is a Trump supporter? If not, it sounds like a good time to let them know she(you) are one of those "Stupid and evil" Trump supporters. Let them try to squirm their way out of their insults...or show what they truly think of her(you).
Dear family,
Fuck off.
I've gone through that too. It really sucks. Last time it got really ugly was on Mother's Day a few years ago - all I wanted to do was grab the car keys and leave until our kids left, it was that bad. They've since come to understand that I'm protecting their future as best I can. But it was still very painful. Hugs for your dear mom 🩷
They sure do love her! Right now, they're suffering TDS. This too shall pass...
Instead she should just realize her family are morons.
Is this a glimpse into the hive mind of the left?? Perhaps they all didn't realize there was a thinking person in the room???
Yeah. Challenge every one of them. Right there at the table. Force them to explain their bullshit and show each of them how fucking stupid they are. Won't work but they'll remember to keep their stupid mouths shut a little better next time. Were YOU there? Did YOU take them to task?
Your mom is a better person than me. I would have told them to fuck off, get the hell out and forget about getting anything in the will.
I'm not sure that attitude makes her better these days (over the past 20 years actually)...
You give the indoctrinated drones an inch and they want a mile.
I'm with you 100%!
Logic is absent.
So they just woke her up that they will let her die, given the chance. Have her quietly fix her will and bolster her inner circle of friends.
Been there minus the crying. Tell your mom to stay strong and to stick to her guns. Eventually everyone will know she was right. Even if family is rude that doesn’t mean she’s not loved.