Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I went to get a procedure today at an an outpatient facility. They are still having people fill out a form that asks if you’ve been in contact with anybody with Covid.
I mentioned to the the girl at the front desk…
You guys are still asking these questions?
She replied yes but kind of , like she knew it was stupid.
I told her… It’s because they’re getting money for it.
She just smiled.
Anyway at the bottom of the form it actually said this.
•If a mask is provided to you, it does not prevent spreading of the Coronavirus, but is effective against the spread of the flu.
When I handed the signed paper back to her, I told her thank you for proving me right all these years and I pointed to that statement about the mask.
I threw my arms up in the air, and I did a dance in the office. “I was right AGAIN”
She started laughing out loud. 😂 lol 😝 lol
Well played! 😸
I am not sure where to put this, so I am going to put this here. Snopes showing Meme that Accurately Shows Inflation by big Companies and who. Along with fact Checked.
Does anyone else think Roger Stone is cringe af attention seeker? Or just me?
I can't make up my mind about Stone. Is he the comic relief in this movie or a distraction...look here, don't look there?
him and Ivan Raiklin both
I’m on a cruise ship that is just about to go past Guantanamo Bay. We had an earlier discussion with my stepmother (when we first approached the island) where she said, “I hope that Hillary’s there. Preferably she isn’t alive but if she is, that she is there.”
What I would give to see what is really going on there!
Wow .. she's based!! Bravo to her!
I am so lucky that both she and my mother are open to hearing what I’ve been researching. Mother is 79 and stepmother is 80. My father has hearing difficulties (Vietnam veteran - hearing ruined by big guns on Swift Boat) so he can’t hear everything I’m saying when I’m talking about Q and Devolution. I think if he really knew all that I’ve said, he’d be in for the details also. But instead he is not hopeful about what his two granddaughters will have for a country.
I did show him a mystery Navy boat at Port Canaveral. I think it was a prison ship - in part because I had seen a tweet a few weeks earlier about either that ship or one very similar being in Mobile AL with planes with obvious judges flying to that area.
He knows his ships and he saw so many weird things on that ship. Not flagged properly, not typical Navy radars, communication systems. It looked like an old USMC amphibious ship? (I was Air Force so I’m guessing.) I think I planted a seed with that strange ship being at the Navy pier, but again it is just too hard to get him to hear enough to start to believe. And he can’t watch videos ☹️
Anyway, yes I am lucky. My husband, mother, stepmother are based and listen to my Q stuff, just not in huge doses. Daughters also but this Q plan drug out too long for them. They want to believe but are busy living their lives in their 20s.
You are very blessed to still have them! What a shame about your Dad's hearing. My Mom & Dad would have been all in with Q, my husband believes about half of what I tell him but he refuses to talk about 9/11, too much cognitive dissonance. However, my 90 year old Aunt is sharp and very aware of Soros, etc.
Have a relaxing cruise & enjoy! 🚢🌊🌞
My husband and I were arguing again about 9-11 today. He agrees now that it was an inside job but not that there was demolition of the buildings or that a missile struck the Pentagon instead of a plane. He is a stubborn one (as am I) but he also knows that I have a learned a ton from all the smart people here and on Twitter and that I have been right about a lot in these past almost 4 years.
My sister is a flight attendant who was flying that day and I dread the day that she finds out. I’ve tried to broach the subject a couple of times and she won’t hear of it. The airlines all lied (lie) to them in their annual training.
Thanks! It has been lovely so far. Jamaica tomorrow 😊 First time back since our honeymoon 33 years ago!
We'll pray for our husbands, your sister and all others about to awaken to this nightmare of Truth.
Enjoy Jamaica! Is it your anniversary? 🌊🏖️🐚👙🩴🌴
I see more lights (it’s dark) than I expected, even though I know it’s the airfield.
How exciting for you to see it in person!
My father has been there - but back in the 60s 😂
Wow...a very different world then...
Very different Navy also. Just heard this story tonight for the first time.He was just out of OCS, assigned to an oiler. They let him take his personal boat along. They kept it on the trailer, lifted it on board, and strapped it to the deck.
But it was in front of the Captain’s personal boat and every time the Captain wanted his boat, they had to offload Dad’s first. So they are in Guantanamo Bay in search of water for their boiler (another funny story), and the Captain wants to go on shore. So they put Dad’s personal boat in the water and tell him that he might as well enjoy it.
So he is zipping around the Bay and here comes a ship with guns aimed at him. They made him fly a 5’x8’ US flag (all they had) so he could be recognized. On a 15’ boat!
Hahaha....great story!! You are so lucky to have them! My parents and grandparents are all in Heaven and only have one Aunt and some cousins left.
You might want to video them telling these stories or speaking of family history...wish I'd done this...no one left to ask. Sometimes you just want to hear their voices....💔
I am treasuring the time with them. Yeah, I need to record his stories.
How's the cruise. Don't jump. ;)
It’s good. Great to escape work. They can’t bother you on a cruise ship when your work is export-controlled 😉
No worries on the jumping. But if you hear that I did, it is the husband, always 😂
Idk if I need to see a therapist or if I should embrace. Things are changing so hard in my head. Reality just doesn’t seem real anymore. Sooooo many things are just off, and new, and “weird.” But somehow comforting and at ease, so long as I don’t think too hard about the oddities.
It sounds weird and I promise I’m not on drugs or any substance, It’s just unexplainable. I’d elaborate but I’d be diagnosed as psychotic I think. Just too many things. No coindences or whatever.
All the lies. I hope the truth is revealed. Soon. Off to the psych ward I go!! Kek y’all have a blessed day.
I am right there with you. Some days I am good, some Great, some I just want to slap anyone who looks at me.
I think you both are just fine...and only feeling this way because it's surreal to watch the normies going about their lives in a normal fashion knowing what we know...
If you're comfortable tell us what you're experiencing. I guarantee I'm better than a therapist with a degree in psychology. I've studied psych for many years. I almost always know more than the doctors I visit (non psych). Feel free to DM me.
I don’t know that I can explain everytging. I’ll nutshell it. Hyper everything - senses wise. And I just feel like nothing is actually real. I can’t even think of the words to convey. I just don’t know. Maybe when I’m clearer in the head I’ll “PM” you. Worth a shot I guess. A little bit of guidance would be great. And if not guidance just an understanding fren…
Clif High calls this Hyper Novelty. Simply put, "welcome to the real world". He has been claiming that by June everyone will be in Hyper Novelty and it will drive the normies totally crazy.
More than just the veil of deceit being dropped, its also an increase in spiritual levels. The real "welcome to the real world" so to speak. Remember how Buddha (and many others) say that the world is a mirage? Its the same thing, and we are finally seeing beyond the mirage not just in material realm but also in spiritual realm.
However, Anons who knew and who have been expecting this will find this soothing, calming and even if they feel a bit stressed, can easily handle it.
Personally I have been experiencing so many "coincidences" in my life I am not even amazed by it. The number of times I think about some question and the next day I find the answer in some GAW comment (completely off topic) - I am not even keeping count of those. Same in other ways too.
Two weeks ago I was suddenly craving a specific crab dish that is very hard to make, very expensive and only my in-laws know how to make and haven't made it in 15 years. Last week we were invited for dinner, for guess what dish? That exact dish.
When we shared my experience with my mil, you know what she said? She said that when she bought the crabs in the market she was not planning this dish at all. She was just gonna steam it, but suddenly after she came home it just came into her mind to make this dish one last time. Others in the gathering actually used the word "manifesting" it and it was agreed by all that I indeed must have manifested it.
Like I said, I cant even keep track of things like this. Would love to hear your experiences and coincidences you are seeing, if you dont mind sharing.
PS: Stay away from therapists.
This exactly. This. And no I’m not gonna go to a therapist lol i know what that will do. That was more for just entertainment and my view. Tnx for the response
I can’t even describe it. I just can’t. It’s fkn weird and comforting all at the same time. And honestly I don’t wanna share cuz I’m very strong in the Christian/God thing and what I’m feeling would probably have ppl drag me. It’s not that I question my faith, I’m just questioning everything.
Something is up and the entire world is about to change. >for the better.
Interesting, because the same thing has been happening to me lately. With food, with something that I watched on Britbox, or just something that I read here. Everything is very kismet. Serendipitous.
Update from behind the enemy lines of New England:
The number of folks wearing masks is maybe 5%. That number goes a little higher near metro areas like Boston, Providence and Worcester.
All the old Ukraine flags have either blown away or were taken down. I haven't seen one in many months. Same goes for the few BLM flags.
Israeli flags are few and far between, BUT there is a coordinated billboard (brainwashing) campaign to "Stop the Hate" and references some historical hatred of Jews that's I've never witnessed in my 40 years living here. Classic "Divide and Conquer" tactics.
Pro Trump flags and signs are easy to spot in every community or on major roads. I haven't seen any 2024 Biden / Harris flags or bumper stickers yet.
But what IS interesting is I've seen about 5-7 Robert Kennedy yard signs in my city and surrounding towns. I assume that's because the dems know oBiden really sucks, but they are still convinced that Trump is the bigger criminal.
Radio stations are occasionally pushing Covid & RSV shots but not nearly as often as a year or more ago.
Even my recently retired coworker who never bothered to vote says he likes Trump more and can't believe how stupid oBiden is. Unfortunately he's burning through his retirement a lot faster than he was planning on and now has some weird bowel problem. He got one shot two+ years ago only because the nearby hospital was hounding him to get it. But he does say that he's all done with shots now.
My mother lives in Central VT and in forays into a city there now sees Trump signs flying. There were none last year. Not many, but it’s a big deal where everyone bought into Covid, the vaccines and Biden.
Wow, That's saying a lot for Vermont. Bernie had a huge following there. Thanks for the local report.
Well praise the Lord the sheeple are beginning to see the light. It’s been a long road for those of us that are wide awake, but timing is everything. I sure hope your ex coworker has learned his lesson and will never allow them to shoot more poison in his body. It’s sad that so many people have into the fear.
Yeah, he admits that he's terrified of needles and dentists due to a traumatic experience as a child. I nearly fell out of my chair when he told me he gave into the nurses at the hospital near our office. I thought for sure he'd never get it, but he watches local news and Faux Snooze.
It’s the FEAR. It really infuriated me that these people play on peoples vulnerable emotions. I had them in my family give in as well. And it’s the ones I never thought would do it. I guess it’s true that if you preach enough fear, the sheeple will give in. I want every single one of these liars to be held accountable for this. Accountability is the only way we can move forward.
Prayers for the missing and dead in Barnsdall Oklahoma.
Someone shot Drake's security guard.
Diddy Drake?! Who'da thunk it! Walls collapsing all over the industry and panic panic panic!
Kendrick Lamar's diss track calling him a pederist is pure fire
yes from a man who was really raised in poverty and chaos to a man who was a child actor, probably family ties to cabal members, had his whole persona crafted for him... I knew this shit would be epic but was NOT expecting the Diddystein angle. Can't wait for the sauce to drop, til then just monitoring and enjoying the bars! It's been forever since there was a decent mainstream rap battle haha
Yep, I tried listening to Drake's diss track but it's just boring. I liked some of drake's older rap songs though. Kendrick's "They not like us" is awesome. Katt Williams wasn't wrong that all the truth is coming out this year. Popcorn season!
Stormy Daniels is apparently making scripted jokes in the courtroom to win over the jury and nobody is laughing
She's hurting the prosecution's case by showing the jury how much of an attention seeker she is. This is hilarious
TDS sufferers in shambles. KEK. They were so excited for her to be on the stand today.
there are some who believe "Stormy" (kek) is secretly a white hat plant.. this makes that more plausable 😂
I've thought that before. I mean her name is Stormy lol.
Calling on my frens for help. My friend of 35 years just texted me he has prostate cancer. Waiting for a call to see what stage. Remember seeing a post regarding cancer and either vet pharma or holistic therapy. Thank you in advance
Check my post hsitory. I posted a complete list of all alternate therapies with sauce.
Yes, Everything u/ThisIsHowItStarts posted is TREMENDOUS advice!
BUT, if your friend is skeptical and thinks you're off your rocker, tell them to join the Facebook Group "Beating Cancer Today".
This way they can dip their toe in and hear hundreds of success stories from ordinary folks and be welcomed into a loving group that will provide all sorts of tips on IVM, FenBen etc.
My fren said Thank You!
This is fantastic advice. There are a lot of people who just don’t want to see the truth. Having a Normie type platform, that would help to break down the walls, so people would even accept the idea that they could be helped any other way then besides big Pharma and science.
A person on my social media just posted this yesterday. So I feel like this is the Lord. Here are the links to some information regarding fenbendazole.
There are two different dosages for the fenbendazole - I believe it’s by body weight, and the 222 is supposed to be for animals I guess, and the 444 is for adult humans.
Here’s a Treatment story about an animal who was cured from cancer.
Skip to content Get Busy Living THE PROTOCOL
Update from October 28, 2021
Fenbendazole 222 mg (1 gm of PanacurTM or SafeguardTM) per day every day.
Note if you are using liquid - most liquids are 100 mg/ml. You would take 2.2 ml of the liquid.
Onco AdjunctTM Pathway 1TM - 2-4ml 2 times a day depending on your weight.
Onco AdjunctTM Pathway 2TM - 3 capsules 2 times a day only when you are off chemo.
Onco AdjunctTM Pathway 3TM- With each meal - 1 (one) capsule with a light meal and 2 (two) capsules with a heavy meal capsules 2 times a day if you are trying to starve your cancer of sugars.
NEW - Onco AdjunctTM Pathway 4TM- 2 Capsules twice a day. Onco AdjunctTM Pathway
Announcement IMPORTANT: I will not receive any financial remuneration from this company for the sale of these products and I do not own any stock of the company.
I have a significant announcement to make. Several months ago, I was introduced to a researcher who collaborates with other PHD’s, MD’s and researchers globally in the pharma and nutraceutical space.
They have developed some patented technologies that they apply to specific classes of plant extracts and botanicals that dramatically enhance delivery of those ingredients into the bloodstream at exponential levels.
Over the months we have met together, and I have performed extensive due diligence on what they can offer. We’ve discussed a 3-pathway approach and philosophy for cellular support through supplementation that I believe will complement fenbendazole greatly.
Pathway 1: CBD Tincture: CBD has always been part of my protocol, but the new product incorporates some important changes. As we have learned more about the potential benefits of hemp extracts we have discovered that the species of hemp, the methods of its extraction, the ratios of acidic forms of cannabinoids to non-acidic forms of cannabinoids all play a critical role in how well Hemp extracts can have on cancer outcomes.
In my research of Hemp extracts – Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 – product hits all of the important qualities for a hemp extract. First the product is cryoextracted, this preserves the terpenes and the non-decarboxylated cannabinoids. Second, this product uses a proprietary strain of cannabinoid that has actually been tested on cancer cell lines. And Third, they supplement the CBGa cannabinoid to standardize it up to 7mg per dose, something that I believe could be significant. Finally, they add in two other important ingredients, the first being Frankincense, an iconic material dating back to the biblical times and recently the topic of a ton of cancer research. The company’s work on Frankincense focused on a collaboration with Dr HK Lin, the iconic researcher who studied Frankincense as a supplement for cancer for more than a decade. Together they developed an approach that uses specific fractions of Frankincense that are the most beneficial, according to his research. Finally, a Nano molecule carrier, C60 has evidence to show that it could help significantly with low dose chemotherapy, reducing the rtoxicity of chemo to healthy cells and increasing the toxicity to unhealthy cells.
The Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 is a unique combination of Cryo Extracted Hemp, with Middle Eastern frankincense essential oils and the Nano C60 carrier, all in one tincture.
Some people may wish to stay with the previously recommended Forgotten Trails CBD from Pharmacy Plus at [email protected] and they will continue to supply that as well.
Pathway 2: Curcumin: Curcumin has always been part of my protocol, but even the product that I have previously recommended, Theracurmin HP, simply does not tackle the problem of absorption into the blood stream. You all know I have recommended Theracurmin for some time as being the best, most highly bioabsorbable Curcumin I had found. What I didn’t know about was Ultra Botanica’s LPS technology UltraCur (UltraCurcumin). Data shows better absorption above Theracurmin by at least 6X and their consumer experience proves this out. Their product by itself is a game changer in curcumin and I would have left it at that except the science behind Quercetin, an equally important polyphenolic compound as Curcumin also using their LPS technology to make it absorb into the body. Previously I had been reluctant to recommend Quercetin (also recommended by Jane McClelland and many others) as it had the same problem as Frankincense and Curcumin in absorption into the blood stream. Why take something that simply isn’t being utilized in the bloodstream? UB’s LPS technology solves that problem and they have added the convenience of taking them together with one product.
Specifically, Onco Adjunct Pathway 2 is a combination of 300 mg of Clinical Grade UltraCurcumin, 200 mg of Clinical grade UltraQuercetin and 100 mg of Frankincense powder.There is a lot I could share about the cellular pathways that Curcumin, Quercetin and Frankincense affect, I will leave that to another time.
Pathway 3: Berberine: None of you have heard me recommend Berberine up to this point, even though many researchers have recommended it. Much like Frankincense, Curcumin and Quercetin, Berberine also is not bio-available into the blood stream Something this company’s LPS technology solves. In evaluating the new curcumin and new hemp options I had the opportunity to take a fresh look at Berberine. As most people know, cancer cells are devourers of sugars / glucose in the body. In fact, cancer cells are glucose monsters. Jane McClelland and many cancer coaches strongly recommend starving your cancer cells by ketogenic diets, and Care Oncology recommends Metformin in its protocol for the same reason. For those of you that are serious about starving your cancer cells from glucose, adding in Pathway 3 to your regime could help. Berberine in its soluble LPS form modifies glucose metabolism in much the same way that Metformin modifies glucose metabolism. The scientists in India proved that Fenbendazole is effective in interrupting cancer cells' ability to metabolize sugars and I believe by adding in UltraBerberine as Onco-Adjunct Pathway 3 you further diminish the ability of cancer cells to devour glucose, weakening them and putting their survival at risk.
Pathway 4: This is a new product that has been recently launched. It combines EGCG (Green Tea polyphenols), Resveratrol and Fisetin each of these ingredients is enabled with the company's LPSTM technology. They also added a very important ingredient which is a highly purified Beta gluicans that has the benefit of autophagy/apoptosis on senescent immune cells. This is especially important for the long haul when our immune system can become overtaxed and worn out.
You can learn more about ONCO Adjunct and order the products at the following Onco-AdjunctTM Product Page. The reason I am not linking the direct products here, but rather giving you a link to their page is due to FDA regulations. I need to make it clear that the information you’ll find on their site is fully compliant with the FDA regulations which prohibit them from saying specifically what the products can do that is cancer specific. Their manufacturing facility is an FDA cGMP facility held to the highest quality standards possible.
Please understand the company is not withholding information from you, but they’re saying what they can to stay in a safe haven with the FDA. The last thing we want is for these products to go away because of a violation. Subscribe
Contraband Cures Florida shark man parasite protocol
Here’s more information about curing cancer with anti-parasite, medication’s, and other supplements
GAW - link - cancer fighting treatments
Instagram Additional cancer fighting treatments
NEW ARTICLE: FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER Part 2 - Treating Turbo Cancer - 10 new studies released in 2023-2024 (also Mebendazole) - suggested PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers
Last year, in October, I wrote one of the most popular articles on FENBENDAZOLE and Cancer Treatment ever published, which went viral Internationally, with millions of views.
Joe Rogan @joerogan read my article on his podcast!
After the article, I was flooded with 1000s of questions, not about mechanisms of Fenbendazole action against cancer, but about protocols, doses, formulations.
How do you use Fenbendazole for Cancer?
What is Mebendazole? (the expensive, FDA Approved version of Fenbendazole)
This article is the practical approach that addresses all of those questions.
First, I give you 10 peer reviewed studies published since my last article (2023-2024) that look at repurposing Fenbendazole, Mebendazole, Albendazole and Parbendazole for cancer.
We get it. This family of anti-parasitic drugs called "Benzimidazoles" are fantastic for cancer and big pharma is rushing to repurpose these drugs for particularly aggressive cancers like colon cancers or brain cancers.
But they're focusing not on Fenbendazole but on the others. WHY? Follow the money.
Fenbendazole is dirt cheap. Mebendazole (Enverm) has skyrocketed to over $400 per dose Albendazole (Albenza) has skyrocketed to over $190 per dose
I want to highlight one of these 10 new peer reviewed studies that prove Fenbendazole (and its more expensive variants) works against cancer, because there is an additional KEY element there.
(2023 Jun, Mukherjee et al) - Ketogenic diet as a metabolic vehicle for enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of mebendazole and devimistat in preclinical pediatric glioma
“This study investigated the influence of nutritional ketosis on the therapeutic action of mebendazole (MBZ) and devimistat (CPI-613) against the highly invasive VM-M3 glioblastoma cells in juvenile syngeneic p20-p25 mice”
“maximum therapeutic benefit of mebendazole and CPI-613 on tumour invasion and mouse survival occurred only when the drugs were administered together with a ketogenic diet (KD)
Let me repeat that once again:
"Maximum benefit of mebendazole against cancer occurred only when it was administered with a KETOGENIC DIET".
You must starve cancer cells of glucose.
Now let's get to DOSING:
I propose the following FENBENDAZOLE DOSING:
LOW DOSE (222mg/day) (3 days on, 4 days off)
MEDIUM DOSE (222mg/day, 6 days a week)
HIGH DOSE (444mg/day, 6 days a week)
VERY HIGH DOSE (888mg/day or 1000mg/day, 6 days a week)
Thank you so much fren…much love
🙏🙏🙏 I know it’s a lot, but I keep adding to it. I hope you find something useful for your friend.
He got vaccinated too. Blows my mind that the Turbo Cancer is exploding
On this episode we speak with my friend Joseph (somesouthkoreanguy on Prayer Garden). Joseph and I met on the Prayer Garden Server and have been engaging in regular conversations over the past year. Joseph developed an early relationship with Christ by growing up in a Christian home and being active in their church, especially with Awana. We then listen to Joseph’s testimony about falling away from Christ as he battled family issues, depression, and a friend group that left him broken. However, the love his father showed him at his lowest moment turned Joseph back to Jesus. He now uses that same action of love to give back to his community and church through his passions of cooking and photography. We finally wrap up with a discussion about the end times, the solar eclipse that happened on 4/8/24, and through it all we must choose hope and faith over fear.
Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.
0:01 - Introduction
1:30 - Opening Prayer
2:25 - Bible Verse (Philippians 4:13)
5:36 - Announcements
6:36 - Beginning of Testimony
11:45 - Early Relationship with Christ
13:12 - Trials and Tribulations
20:33 - Returning to Jesus
26:39 - Andrew's Passions
34:22 - Applying Passions to Ministry
38:45 - End Times Discussion
53:50 - Closing Prayer/Remarks
Some would categorize this movie as horror, or a drama, or a documentary. I say it is a dark comedy. You cannot help but laugh at some of the circus acts going on. You have a choice to either laugh or cry at the Biden antics. I can't help but laugh. He's a train wreck on purpose.
LOL, the new “variant” of covid is called flirt. I swear, the movie is getting a parody section too.
they're flirting with We The People's patience
Want to watch a masterpiece of cinema ?
Try Ascension - A Soviet WW2 war thriller that almost did not get permission to be released. There is rumour that she wanted to depict Jesus on the Soviet big screen, and Belarusians intervened to make the movie happen. The director died in a car crash 3 years later during thee filming of her next Movie along with the cameraman of this movie. Makes you think that KGB and CIA have the same methods.
Anyway, this movie really makes you think, happy viewing!
Funny of the Day
if food labels were honest
1 minute video https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6P5XRVu-mD/
So I started watching this Fallout show on Amazon everything be is watching. I was thinking it was going to be a Cabal predictive programming hunk of garbage and it looked like that until the last few episodes. I have been watching some movies for decode purposes, haven’t watched “Civil War” yet. Holy crap I think it’s a red pill, a big one! A whale of one! A white hat show I’m absolutely convinced. It’s definitely a sick made for the gamers, can be hard to watch at times and the main thing is vault “33”, but despite that, the last two or three episodes describe the thinking of the Cabal’s plans perfectly. Has anyone else watched this show, it’s a little hard to watch but it’s based on the video game so it’s graphic and gore laden so it may freak out some.
i quit after a couple but just went back for the last 3. yeah that's a big ol redpill. we're the carbon they want to reduce.
Let's just hope it's not the "They have to tell us beforehand" scenario.
Just looking at Vault Boy pisses me off. Never played Fallout precisely because the Vault Boys everywhere. I wish normie TV was not so dystopian
I got rid of cable, best thing I ever did. I remember playing Fallout in its first incarnation, man the was a long time ago. I was really disappointed until the last three episodes though. The “elite” killing off humanity for the “better good” only to realize we are just their plaything’s. I really think it works on the subconscious level. I just asked myself tonight a question…. Are the Free Mason’s rebelling against the Cabal or am I just not thinking three moves ahead? There is definitely some messaging going on in this series, I just can’t be positive which side, but I think it’s the good guys. I know my previous post was pretty definitive on my opinion but I also know these folks are very cunning. I know their magic isn’t working like it used to so maybe I’m right.
1 Peter 2:22-25
He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. 23 When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
This is what I think. They say the number 33 is important in the occult because 33% of the angels rebelled and Yehoshua was 33 years old when he was crucified. It is my belief Jesus, Yehoshua was crucified because he was 33 in a satanic ritual murder. This my friend is where it gets good! Praise the lord!! Our Lord fooled Satan. This ritual murder is meant to send the victim to hell, our Lord was without sin and could not go because it doesn’t exist to those that are without sin, he was the only one in history that didn’t because he was the son of God. Now on the cross he took our sin and wore it like a sheep in wolves clothing. He then descended into hell and left iour sin with no souls attached. When he was done, he did what Satan could only dream of, he kicked the gates of hell open and rose on the third day. Could you imagine how Satan must have RAGED! when he realized he had been played by Christ and beat him that day. Glory be to God all mighty!