WE are seeing the Past catching up to them, they see it too....
They own Congress, so they use them to cause Chaos here, and pretty much all around the planet, and WE get the main part of the Blame, and in the mean time, they are using the scum of all the other Nations to invade Western Civilizations, and cause even more undue Chaos....
The Backlash is going to be horrific, yet, I believe it may raise the Average IQ Level of the Whole Planet by about 30 Points overall....
That's a cold way to look at it, but it is what it is....
It all traces back to the Talmud, which is a much more recent creation than Christianity and has nothing whatsoever to do with the old or new testament.
It’s easier to consider it like church doctrine, writ very, very large.
The same way the Methodist church is currently promoting LGBTP wamen pastors of color, and the Episcopalian church is aiding and abetting an invasion, they’re both doing so based off doctrine, and not scripture.
Just like these church doctrines, there are parts of the Talmud that are not off-base - merely context and historic records, and there are other parts that are horrific.
All teachings must be weighed against scripture, which a lot of Talmudists, and increasingly, Christian denominations, do not do very regularly.
It's just frustrating because while many people, as you say, do weigh them against scripture, a significant portion also consider them equal to or higher than scripture. I just don't understand how a religion claiming to be the chosen people and god's light to the nations wouldn't read something like the "3 years old and a day" quote and immediately strike it from the book, instead choosing to actively pursue such beliefs as law for hundreds of years.
Something something stiff necked people something something yada yada.
Then again, aren’t we all?
Some Methodist churches were hiring sodomist pastors in the 80’s. The Catholic Church has its share of skeletons in the closet. Save for certain red lines, one might have been hard pressed to identify me as a believer in my 20s, and occasionally even now.
Past that, Satan is always looking to infiltrate. Wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is a spiritual war. Principalities and powers, not flesh and blood.
Reasonable take but the Talmud is worse that what you're saying. Jesus said the Pharisees were the children of the devil. Those pharisee and their students are responsible for the Talmud. The Talmud is the work of the children of Satan. It's full of lies and deception.
No, I noted that there are portions of the Talmud that are “horrifically” bad, and portions that are indeed reasonable commentary and historic notes, which is also true.
If you like, I’ll add that there are probably sections that are incorrect, but not as bad.
We have now covered all three cases.
I do not believe the books are generally worth knowing except as a means of showing errancy or perhaps occasionally looking up a historical context, and I have other things to do with my time. There’s too much to learn about the Bible itself. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try and be objective.
I don't understand how people are saying they can't help but notice. Are you suggesting there aren't an insane amount of pederasses out there all walks of life?
Yet only a couple months ago mods on here were temp banning people for noticing.
Yup, I received a couple Warnings telling me to leave the Jews and Israelis alone about a year ago....
I guess I was Noseticing things just a little too much....
Yup mods are either cowards or compromised
I love how you repeat yourself in that one question....
""Cowards or Compromised""....
As if there's a difference....
This time, we are fully aware of the khazarian corruption of Israel and Judaism in general
That's what scares them....
WE are seeing the Past catching up to them, they see it too....
They own Congress, so they use them to cause Chaos here, and pretty much all around the planet, and WE get the main part of the Blame, and in the mean time, they are using the scum of all the other Nations to invade Western Civilizations, and cause even more undue Chaos....
The Backlash is going to be horrific, yet, I believe it may raise the Average IQ Level of the Whole Planet by about 30 Points overall....
That's a cold way to look at it, but it is what it is....
😆 yeah, the "patterns" really manifested when the perp became peak-worried.
The hands, the excuses,......."Its not against the luaw!"
It all traces back to the Talmud, which is a much more recent creation than Christianity and has nothing whatsoever to do with the old or new testament.
It’s easier to consider it like church doctrine, writ very, very large.
The same way the Methodist church is currently promoting LGBTP wamen pastors of color, and the Episcopalian church is aiding and abetting an invasion, they’re both doing so based off doctrine, and not scripture.
Just like these church doctrines, there are parts of the Talmud that are not off-base - merely context and historic records, and there are other parts that are horrific.
All teachings must be weighed against scripture, which a lot of Talmudists, and increasingly, Christian denominations, do not do very regularly.
very reasonable take.
It's just frustrating because while many people, as you say, do weigh them against scripture, a significant portion also consider them equal to or higher than scripture. I just don't understand how a religion claiming to be the chosen people and god's light to the nations wouldn't read something like the "3 years old and a day" quote and immediately strike it from the book, instead choosing to actively pursue such beliefs as law for hundreds of years.
Something something stiff necked people something something yada yada.
Then again, aren’t we all?
Some Methodist churches were hiring sodomist pastors in the 80’s. The Catholic Church has its share of skeletons in the closet. Save for certain red lines, one might have been hard pressed to identify me as a believer in my 20s, and occasionally even now.
Past that, Satan is always looking to infiltrate. Wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is a spiritual war. Principalities and powers, not flesh and blood.
another good take. Thanks.
Reasonable take but the Talmud is worse that what you're saying. Jesus said the Pharisees were the children of the devil. Those pharisee and their students are responsible for the Talmud. The Talmud is the work of the children of Satan. It's full of lies and deception.
No, I noted that there are portions of the Talmud that are “horrifically” bad, and portions that are indeed reasonable commentary and historic notes, which is also true.
If you like, I’ll add that there are probably sections that are incorrect, but not as bad.
We have now covered all three cases.
I do not believe the books are generally worth knowing except as a means of showing errancy or perhaps occasionally looking up a historical context, and I have other things to do with my time. There’s too much to learn about the Bible itself. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try and be objective.
1 down, thousands to go.
Just a cohencidence
You racist "noticers" are just so....
n stuff.
Every. Single. Time.
I don't understand how people are saying they can't help but notice. Are you suggesting there aren't an insane amount of pederasses out there all walks of life?
We're experiencing Trading Places on a grand scale right now. Likely a bet made in a back room of a synagogue
Not gonna lie, I think Bradley and Vitaley were probably there for the same thing but pulled an Uno reverse
No, it is citizen journalism, and Elon Musk has been preaching about it for over an year.
Trading Places has 9/11 symbolism in it. The character is in front of the Twin Towers saying "Nothing can prepare you for the unbridled carnage you are about to witness." Then 2 minutes after this scene, the clock hands point to 9 and 11.