If you still believe in the Q plan give yourself a pat on the back! Through the extreme circumstances we are in, so many have given up due to fatigue. It takes a great amount of radical faith to hold onto hope for as long as you have.
We have been in the midst of great change and trial. Every human being on Earth is an observer of the current process of the fall of the Cabal. To the few who are aware of how serious this moment in time is - enjoy the process.
While the burden is strong, and often times it feels like it will never end, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. In this light is the truth that nothing will ever be the same. You won't come out of this journey the same person.
Of all the times in human history to be alive - God chose you for now. You are alive for one of the most consequential moments in the story of Good verses Evil. You could have been sound asleep and blissfully unaware. But instead you are activated and battle hardened. This is a true honor! WWG1WGA
Martin Geddes in the UK
God bless you Mary911. I always appreciate your posts.
It's either Q or NWO. There are no alternative outcomes. I followed Q from the first hours and spent years digesting it. As a former intel analyst I was skeptical at first. When HRC wasn't arrested I was still intrigued and didn't blow Q off. By that point it was becoming obvious that the MSM/DS machine was very threatened by Q and I knew it wasn't a black PSYOP. Then proofs started happening. Going back to my intel knowledge, I was able to better understand the purpose of Q despite naysayers. Now 7 years in, it's very obvious that Q is neither a LARP nor a pacification campaign or a counterintelligence operation (OP Trust). It didn't pacify anyone as some claim. It kept us calm and rational. And it built hundreds of thousands of researchers and analysts that have now made it impossible to pull the wool over the eyes of a sizable portion of the populace. NCSWIC.
I agree with you. I feel it in my gut, just like I felt it in my gut when Obama first walked on stage. Grifter! Here to take down America!
I trust my gut. It hasn’t failed me yet.
When your gut (action) is aligned with your heart (emotions) and your mind (beliefs)--- you will always succeed!
I swear I almost hear a rumbling at all times lately, making it difficult to focus on work. I don't know how much more anticipation I can take!
Very well said, and I agree. Nice to hear of your journey. It’s too easy to get distracted by the wide variety of posts and comments here. Being able to look at a bigger picture helps to be able to scan past the noise and flak. Thanks for your perspective.
watching the libs realize they can't protest a certain group is all the proof I need this thing is full steam ahead
I think that’s what will wake up a lot more people. THEY can verbally state they want me eradicated, but when I say I don’t want to be around them I’m anti-whatever and wishing their death? 🤔
"don't bomb hospitals"
anti Semitic!
What do you mean, cause I see them doing it all over the country.
really? you see BLM style marches, parades, city sponsored artwork, pussy hat marches?
Yeah even the occupation zones in colleges! Was that even a thing before, the youth is definitely protesting hard against Israel, all over the country. Hell even Biden is changing his tune on Israel, and he’s the slowest to grasp shit out the bunch by far!
I don’t have to believe in The Plan at all to stick around.
Q might be a complete LARP, but there is plenty of great information that will open your eyes to what is going on in the world. You will start to see the symbolism everywhere when once you were blind.
If there is no plan then get ready for war. I’d rather be an optimist. Surely Trump didn’t sit on his thumbs when in office and they wouldn’t be attacking him so fiercely if they weren’t terrified. Some claim this is all kayfabe and Trump’s in on it. Come on, you can tell when people are acting. There is no fucking way that they could get this many people to act convincingly for this long.
We are the creators of our life experience- the collective consciousness has been suppressed with lies for too long. Each awakening is another increase in the vibrational frequency in the quantum field.
The art of the psyop is when you can make your enemies behave exactly how you want them to, without them realizing it.
THANKYOU for posting this. Truther for decades, Q researcher since Jan 2018, prayer warrior for Trump after the escalator but I am tired and have a huge family to deal with tomorrow, many of whom still think I am crazy. ANOTHER day by the grace of GOD....
For me, the Q plan was all there is as far as saving the US. There is no Plan B. This is the ONLY chance we have of regaining the Republic. The only thing I can think of worse that losing this nation to the globalist is to find out we have wasted the last 7 years with memes and spreading the truth.
That’s it right there! You unveiled real truth. There is no way we could have wasted our time with Q. Look at what he showed us. Everyday was a cacophony of serious information, describing the true nature of the Deep State. How could that be a bad thing on any level?
I believe in it because the alternative is NOT an option.
To me the plan is obvious. I'm sure it is to others who've paid attention.
It’s obvious to me there is a plan; what that entails IDK. While change is a constant; radical change is rare. A high price is being paid while the treason is exposed; COVID-19, the vaxx and God only knows about the children.
I believe this truly is the greatest time to be alive!!!
I don't see how anyone would give up now. The stolen election is what woke me up to Q.
Beyond fatigued and nearly lost hope not long ago. Being awakened at the time we were has been a blessing and a CURSE.
For anyone to say that nothing is happening, take a moment to realize what is actually going on in today’s everyday news cycle. Trump, a former president and Republican nominee, is under investigation by his political opponents DOJ. Say that once more to let that sink in. It’s unheard of especially in our country. Nothing like this has ever happened. There is a reason that this has been allowed to take place. It’s because the other side is corrupt and has been allowed to get away with their corruption for so long. Now we have seen with our own eyes the hypocrisy like never before. They claimed Russia stole the election in 2020, they rioted and protested, burned buildings and ruined businesses. They tried to overtake the White House in 2020 before the election. None of those that accused Russia are in jail, none of those rioters are in prison and none of those insurrectionists are in prison. But, the left has hypocrocised our government and made it seem normalized. We can’t let it stand. Covid was used to help steal our election and the corrupt government didn’t care the cost! Our border has been left open on purpose to help steal another election, while we pay for free healthcare, free housing free schooling and free food to come here illegally, while we help pay for another countries border in Ukraine. Time for everyone to see what is happening and realize this is all part of a plan laid out by Q. We needed to wake the masses and show them how bad it will be under corrupt government. The ending will be the grandest of all.
Believing and knowing are two different aspect of human conscience!
Love Martin Geddes! Haven’t seen his photos since I was kicked off Twitter with rightful president Donald J Trump;). Thanks for sharing …Q on.
What other choice do we have? It's either the Plan, or civil war, and I'm done playing army, hopefully.
One of the things that makes me wonder is how did I find Q? I don’t know and don’t remember. It was like a miracle and the same happened with this site. Someone did this for me and I am glad be part of it. I believe it is my Lord and his son Jesus. That’s the only way I can think of.
If you still believe in q, you’re retarded.
Delete me for my opinion, but YOU need to wake up.
Trusting “the plan” kept you quiet.
Trusting the plan spurred me to open my own education and counseling practice. I understand the plan as TRUST yourself to create a better life by learning and sharing truth, love, and gratitude 🙏
The plan that you trust is the plan that you co-create with God, Christ consciousness, angels, ancestors, galactics, Source Energy. It's just labels -- the power is in the feeling and TRUSTING YOU WILL MAKE RIGHT CHOICES and take real world action as divine inspiration taps into you.
I believe in God and I have faith in God. It doesn’t matter what Q is. It is what it is. Patience is a virtue and God knows who and what Q is all about.
What I was told about Q was the opposite of what I have discovered. The world hates God and the world hates Trump. The world hates Q. The world wants us all to be jealous and believe the grass is greener in the other side.
Jesus seems to prefer one to be good or evil and he does not like the lukewarm.
The MSM will shut off if one says Jesus on air. That is all I really need to see they are of the world. So many claim it has to be that way to keep the peace. What peace?
Doesn’t matter about Q—if the nwo takes over even more ground they will require we hangs pictures of Biden in our homes and if we do not we will be arrested.
So what choices do we have? The battlefield has been spiritual (invisible) for many centuries. This day and age we can communicate and these evil doers read these posts and they want to see hate and they are not.
The more that tell AI and these goons they are going to lose big time the better. There is zero chance they win against freedom. They will laugh and mock for a time, but even the demons tremble because of Jesus.
Maybe Q ---- is just the secret ingredient in the noodles....
I think Q had a plan that failed during the 2020 election. Everything from j6 onward is copium. The fact that he isn't posting anymore is basically proof Dems pulled the funding after they were sworn in, which means it was a legit govt program during the Trump admin. Doesn't make any of the facts Q brought to our attention untrue, and it doesn't mean Trump won't bring it back if he is ever in the white house again, but I think Patriots Are Now In Control is not necessarily the case anymore.
What would you say should have happened on J6? If Trump had taken direct action that day to hold onto power, it would have only confirmed what the Dems had been saying all along, that he would seize power and become a tyrant. It would have sparked a civil war and Trump would end up being deposed and smeared in history as Hitler 2.0. They would have us celebrating another defeat of fascism meanwhile ushering in actual fascism/communism with no one the wiser.
Let's get one thing straight: heads need to roll in this country. Communists are at the gates. They stole an election blatantly. I think the Q people genuinely thought they had secured the elections and they had not. I think the Q people genuinely thought Mike Pence was loyal, but he was not. The idea that we can now go back to the way things were without real consequences for the Communists who pulled off a coup is for naive babies who aren't yet able to accept reality. It might as well have happened during Trump's first term, it'll need to happen during his second term (if he gets one) but as my grandpappy used to say about the card game Hearts, "you can't duck forever". This country needs a reckoning and it should have come during Trump's first term. Personally, I think they will never let him take office again. They will kill him or cancel the elections before they give away the levers of power to an outsider. Why is everyone here so afraid of civil war? If Trump had the loyalty of the military, as is claimed, who would the other side even be? Sexual degenerates, college students, and women wearing pussy hats to cover up their blue hair? Real scary guys. Real scary.
I think we all agree heads need to roll, but that needs to happen by the rule of law, not by doing the same thing as the enemy which incriminates us as well so neither side can claim the moral high ground. That is what keeps us in the endless political back and forth between two parties slinging half-true mud at each other. With all the chaos of a civil war, the deep state would be able to easily bury all the evidence of their crimes while people are too busy struggling to survive to pay attention or care. Instead we have relative peace while evidence is coming out in court everywhere, corrupt judges and other rats are being exposed left and right, everything is on full display for even the most hardcore liberals to see that something is amiss. How much information has come to the surface in the last 4 years that we would not even know about if Trump had not done what he did? We had no idea how deep the corruption really went, even in 2020. You have to cut out the cancer at its root, otherwise we would just find ourselves in the same situation again and again for generations.
You don't think Trump & team are prepared for this? You don't think they've already tried that many times? If they could get to him, he would have been dead a long time ago.
Because it would be massively destructive to morale and lead to societal collapse for many generations. It would give the deep state all the opportunity they need to reshape things as they see fit with full control and no sovereign nation powerful enough to stop them.
An actual war on American soil, sure. If Trump actually has/had control of the military, and conservatives own all the guns (which we do, fyi) any type of Rubicon crossing on Trump's part was both warranted and not likely to cause national collapse. The people who would fight such a thing DONT CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING to the day to day functionality of this nation. The insurgency would have been brief and inconsequential. Especially with EBS broadcasting the crimes of the arrested to every home in America, like we were told would happen. In a civil war situation where the military sides w MAGA there would be no other side.
I get how you feel but that's an emotional reaction to violence that would have played right into the enemy's hand. Do you see why Q had us/the enemy believing that Trump would make such a move? The deep state was counting on it. They didn't expect to inaugurate Biden while the streets were quiet and Trump walked away.
Not true. The enemy is deeply entrenched and many traitors in the military deliberately worked against Trump. There would have been a breakdown in the chain of command and no comms for anyone. Game over.
It's going to have to happen at some point. Anything that could be done to mitigate casualties in the future could also have been done during Trump's first term. I don't mean to doom but I think we missed our opportunity. Hope not, but you know what they say. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
I am curious to know if you think Trump is an active part of the psyop, or if he co-opted it due to his marketing savvy and is unknowingly helping the psyop?
Or is there a different explanation for Trump?
Well, I guess time will tell. I'll be honest, I am prepped either way. But if I were to be forced to choose or bet, I a believe that the Plan is real due to the fact that so much change for the good has happened (although the day to day life is still painful for many). I also don't think the Cabal would be so stupid as to create such high levels of solidarity among the American public (although there are still too many who are not awake).
this plan was too complex for newest generation of the kabal , old, greatest generation is dead now, with them, their world of wonders is dead.