I know several who are close, believe me (though none that are up to nine jabs for this BS). Most stopped after three or four due to efficacy concerns, though they're still not grasping the more important safety concerns.
I'm looking forward to the day that their tell-a-vision gods tell them that the jabs were a colossal mistake and that they may have actually harmed themselves by accepting that this was the right thing to do. First, of course, so that they can finally STOP taking these jabs which, in many cases are destroying their immune system and in some cases causing egregious harm or even death.
But beyond just stopping the madness, it's long past time for these gullible folks to do some serious soul searching. It was more important to them to follow people, strangers, who stroke their damaged little egos and tell them they're "doing the right thing", "are socially responsible", etc - than to listen to friends and family who tried repeatedly to caution them to potential dangers. I hope it was worth it for them to get their egos stroked, to feel so "proud" of themselves, so 'superior to' (sic) those who refused to get jabbed, so 'intelligent' (sic), so 'caring', etc. I hope it was worth it for them in the end because the price many of them will have to pay is going to be very, very high.
I'm sure there are outliers, but for many of them they chose willful ignorance. Are they so lacking in spirituality that they're trying to fill a void? Is reality too scary for them? Just having people on their TV coo sweet words of praise and BS lies between the constant diet of fear porn was all it took for them to reject people they know IRL and who care about them - to the point that they refused to listen to warnings?
After they take the first baby step, then they can be told that this was a hoax from the get-go THEN they can be told that this was deliberate, part of a planned genocide. They're going to have a hard enough time wrapping their minds around the fact that their choices were a mistake, that they were wrong about this. Will they ever be able to accept that the whole thing was a hoax designed to get them to jab themselves with experimental drugs? Will they then be able to grasp that they're potential victims of a planned genocide? If the guy in this tweet is sincere (not a parody), I can't see him as someone who will be able to accept the reality. Cypher crawling back into his cozy little matrix. SMH. Such a waste of life. All they had to do was listen with an open mind and they refused to do so.
I had some 150+ followers on FB, who would repost my warnings and such....
We all got Bans, and My Primary account got Deleted because of::
""RNA, complex compound of high molecular weight that functions in cellular protein synthesis and replaces DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) as a carrier of genetic codes""
Meaning it plays with DNA, by changing it....
IT is an Evil thing to do to People, it makes then into Chimera, and chimera do not have Human Rights....
Many listened, many didn't....
At this point, I cannot keep caring, it's just wearing me down....
Please tell me that's a parody account and he's not really THAT clueless.
After 9 boosters the poor fellow ought to be lucky to still be breathing air. Just don't go for a run, son, or do any strenuous activity.
It’s amazing, but there really are people who are that clueless.
I know several who are close, believe me (though none that are up to nine jabs for this BS). Most stopped after three or four due to efficacy concerns, though they're still not grasping the more important safety concerns.
I'm looking forward to the day that their tell-a-vision gods tell them that the jabs were a colossal mistake and that they may have actually harmed themselves by accepting that this was the right thing to do. First, of course, so that they can finally STOP taking these jabs which, in many cases are destroying their immune system and in some cases causing egregious harm or even death.
But beyond just stopping the madness, it's long past time for these gullible folks to do some serious soul searching. It was more important to them to follow people, strangers, who stroke their damaged little egos and tell them they're "doing the right thing", "are socially responsible", etc - than to listen to friends and family who tried repeatedly to caution them to potential dangers. I hope it was worth it for them to get their egos stroked, to feel so "proud" of themselves, so 'superior to' (sic) those who refused to get jabbed, so 'intelligent' (sic), so 'caring', etc. I hope it was worth it for them in the end because the price many of them will have to pay is going to be very, very high.
I'm sure there are outliers, but for many of them they chose willful ignorance. Are they so lacking in spirituality that they're trying to fill a void? Is reality too scary for them? Just having people on their TV coo sweet words of praise and BS lies between the constant diet of fear porn was all it took for them to reject people they know IRL and who care about them - to the point that they refused to listen to warnings?
After they take the first baby step, then they can be told that this was a hoax from the get-go THEN they can be told that this was deliberate, part of a planned genocide. They're going to have a hard enough time wrapping their minds around the fact that their choices were a mistake, that they were wrong about this. Will they ever be able to accept that the whole thing was a hoax designed to get them to jab themselves with experimental drugs? Will they then be able to grasp that they're potential victims of a planned genocide? If the guy in this tweet is sincere (not a parody), I can't see him as someone who will be able to accept the reality. Cypher crawling back into his cozy little matrix. SMH. Such a waste of life. All they had to do was listen with an open mind and they refused to do so.
I had some 150+ followers on FB, who would repost my warnings and such....
We all got Bans, and My Primary account got Deleted because of::
""RNA, complex compound of high molecular weight that functions in cellular protein synthesis and replaces DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) as a carrier of genetic codes""
Meaning it plays with DNA, by changing it....
IT is an Evil thing to do to People, it makes then into Chimera, and chimera do not have Human Rights....
Many listened, many didn't....
At this point, I cannot keep caring, it's just wearing me down....
Darwin was correct. Thankfully
Actually it is the survival of the sufficient. And with the modern world the sufficient bar has been significantly lowered. To many’s chagrin.
Stolen. (but)
"The Modern World" runs on fiat. When it collapses , REALITY will once again rein supreme.
Stupidest games give the greatest prizes.
😂 It has to be. This guy can't be for real. No way.
Is he a troll? He can’t really be that oblivious can he?
OMG... this one is totally lost. Waste no time on him. He'll find out on his own, soon enough. If FAFO had a face ^^^^^
Wait until his compromised immune system encounters Monkeypox, he is going to hate life then...
9 boosters and still hasn't suddenlied? Impressive.
Dipshit. This one will never wake up until he actually goes to bed and doesn't wake up the next day, or "suddenlies"...
This guy is one papercut away from fatal sepsis.
The end won't be for everyone.
Nothing but bassed comments on that thread.
thankfully, it will die soon
Who wants to tell him?
it's retarded
I am unvaxxed and never had COVID.
Unvaxxed, had Covid...ONCE. It helped me to stop smoking! Could you imagine if I had the vax? How much better I would have been?
In todays episode of “just baffling”
Americas Funniest Videos transed to Just Baffling....
What a mind!!!!
It would be a total 100% Viewer Prime Time Show....
I’m surprised that he’s still alive!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.i feel sorry for the guy, no wisdom from God.
He's lucky he is still alive
I don't know whether to laugh or cry!
He lost the last bit of his immune system 5 jabs ago.
After that many boosters, he won't be a 4-6er for long.
Bring out your dead! <clank>